
A True Prince

A boy from our world drops into the Magical universe of Harry Potter as Severus Snape after his fight with Lily Evans. Will he continue to be a cowardly love struck fool or rise to be something greater.......... ...... A Prince

Raul_vaz · Película
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6 Chs

Well shit


'what the hell kinda dream was that like who has that sad of a life ' these were the first thoughts that came to the mind of Desmond grey

now in the body of 15-year-old Severus Snape, a loved yet hated character from a fantasy book series called harry potter.

'Huh, where the hell am i' thought Desmond now Severus ' this sure as hell ain't my bed way too fancy for my taste'.

I then got up from the bed and took a look in the mirror and saw a familiar face one of the actor Benedict Clarke not quite as handsome as him but close enough,

then I looked to the right and saw a Slytherin symbol on a robe hung on the edge of the table.

Then in a moment of sudden clarity, everything clicked and my mind when into hyperdrive (cue star wars theme😂)

thinking of whose body this was and where I was

and came to the conclusion that I was in fact in the body of a young Severus Snape

and was in the Slytherin dorms in his room.

The impossibility of the situation had just begun to settle in when the father of all headaches hit me slowly pulling me into the sweet lull of trial death called sleep. unconsciousness and well in my last thoughts before unconsciousness were two simple words 'well shit'