
A Taste of Chaos

Meet Ji Hoon, our 23-year-old protagonist grappling with the weight of his past and struggling to provide for his brother Min Jae, a beacon of hope in his sombre world. Little does he know that his live is about to take a turn and the world as he knows it is about to experience a cascade of events that could very well shatter the delicate balance of reality. Now faced with challenges greater than he could have ever imagined, will he be able to overcome all odds and uncover the secrets of the universe?? and the mysterious system he suddenly discovers?? .... The system doesn't appear for while into the story so if you're here for that, please be patient. Also I'm a new author so the story might be a little rough at the start, please bear with it, it gets better. That's all, I hope you enjoy the read.

David_F365 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Chapter 4: Whispers of Uncertainty

The air held a sense of foreboding, and Ji-hoon couldn't escape the feeling that the calm before the storm was just an illusion. The city, bathed in the twilight glow, betrayed no overt signs of chaos, yet the silent tension whispered of uncertainties yet to unfold.

With each step, Ji-hoon grappled with the unsettling contrast between the ordinary world and the extraordinary events he had witnessed. The echoes of screams and the images of the reanimated lingered in his mind, creating a dissonance with the serene surroundings.

As he walked further into the evening, the shadows deepened, casting an eerie ambiance over the cityscape. People moved about, unaware of the impending turmoil that Ji-hoon sensed. The streetlights flickered to life, adding an otherworldly glow to the atmosphere.

The cool breeze played with Ji-hoon's hair, offering a moment of solace. In the midst of the gentle wind, he began to question if his initial paranoia had painted a darker picture than reality. The events that unfolded had undoubtedly left a mark on him, but with time to reflect, he considered the possibility that the situation might not be as dire as his initial fears suggested.

Yet, despite his attempts to convince himself otherwise, the memories of the horrific events clawed their way back into Ji-hoon's thoughts. The unsettling scenes replayed in his mind, shattering the fragile reassurance he had built, and casting a lingering shadow over his attempt to dismiss the gravity of the situation.

Haunted by the vivid recollection of the unsettling events, his steps became more uncertain as he navigated the streets.

His mind continuously wrestled with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, he yearned to believe that it was a one-time anomaly, an isolated incident that wouldn't spiral into something catastrophic. On the other hand, the indelible images of the reanimated corpse and the ensuing chaos resisted the notion of a return to normalcy.

The evening air grew colder, mirroring the chill that settled within him. It was in this moment of internal conflict that he stumbled upon a scene that heightened his unease. At the end of the street, a group of people gathered, their expressions a blend of curiosity and anxiety.

Approaching cautiously, Ji-hoon strained to hear snippets of their conversations. Words like "zombies," "attacks," and "infection" floated in the air, weaving a narrative that echoed the events he had witnessed earlier.

This seemed to be proof that the earlier event wasn't an isolated incident confined to his apartment complex; it was a phenomenon that seemed to be spreading, a contagion reaching far beyond his immediate surroundings.

His inquiry eventually led him to a middle-aged man who shared a startling narrative of an incident that sounded eerily familiar.

According to the man, the chaos had erupted when a person, initially struck by a car and presumed dead, abruptly rose from the ground with an unnatural vigour. A shocking turn of events unfolded swiftly, as the revived individual launched a sudden and violent attack on those nearest to him.

Through the joint effort of various people they had been able to hold it down but not without being completely exposed to the horrors of an adversary that felt no pain and was driven by nothing but an innate hatred for anything living.

It had broken its bones trying to escape and even that hadn't caused it to flinch, only struggling more desperately as it tried to attack everything in sight. Every part of its body that could be used to attack was used from its nails to its teeth, it had tried everything to draw blood from them.

Eventually, the police arrived after the reanimated person had been fully restrained with the help of some ropes, and they took the individual away. However, the haunting images of the gruesome events lingered in the minds of everyone who had witnessed the disturbing incident.

Ji-hoon's realization struck a chord within him – a confirmation that the situation was indeed grave. The recounting of the unsettling events validated his earlier concerns, eliminating any lingering doubts. Now, with a sense of urgency, he understood the need to prepare for the potential deterioration of circumstances.

The gravity of the situation demanded decisive action, and Ji-hoon resolved to take the necessary steps to protect Min-jae from anything they might face.

Ji-hoon, driven by a sense of urgency, swiftly turned on his phone and, without hesitation, ordered a supply of food and water that would last for five months for two people. The gravity of the situation compelled him to act decisively, realizing that there was no time to hesitate.

After carefully acquiring food and water, Ji-hoon turned his attention to finding a safe haven. He recognized the importance of staying safe in the face of an infection with unknown causes. Therefore, he evaluated several potential locations and concluded that, for the time being, a place with fewer people would be the most secure option.

After careful consideration, he came to the realization that areas with low population density were far away from where he and Min-jae currently lived. This would require a longer travel time and an increased risk of encountering more people, which in turn would increase their chances of getting infected. Furthermore, this also meant a higher likelihood of getting involved in a situation similar to the one he had just witnessed.

He eventually came to the conclusion that they would have to make do with their current apartment. Although they weren't as few as he would have preferred, it only had around 17 residents, including him and Min-jae.

Feeling a sense of urgency, he quickened his pace and decided he needed to return home immediately to begin making some plans.

Upon returning to his apartment, he realized that the dead bodies he had seen earlier were missing. He also noticed that there were indications of a struggle.

He quickened his pace as he approached his unit, sensing that something wasn't right.

As he finally arrived at the door of his apartment, he raised his hand and knocked on it, hoping for a response. He waited patiently, listening intently to any sounds from inside, but the only thing he could hear was the sound of his own breathing. He knocked again, this time with a bit more force, but still, there was no answer. His heart started to race as he began to worry about his brother's safety. He hesitated for a moment, considering his options, before finally deciding to use his key to open the door.

His hand shook as he inserted the key into the lock and turned it, the metal latch clicking as it released. He pushed the door open quickly, unsure of what he would find inside.

As he stepped inside, he was hit by a wave of silence, broken only by the sound of his own breathing. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the scene in front of him.