
A Taste of Chaos

Meet Ji Hoon, our 23-year-old protagonist grappling with the weight of his past and struggling to provide for his brother Min Jae, a beacon of hope in his sombre world. Little does he know that his live is about to take a turn and the world as he knows it is about to experience a cascade of events that could very well shatter the delicate balance of reality. Now faced with challenges greater than he could have ever imagined, will he be able to overcome all odds and uncover the secrets of the universe?? and the mysterious system he suddenly discovers?? .... The system doesn't appear for while into the story so if you're here for that, please be patient. Also I'm a new author so the story might be a little rough at the start, please bear with it, it gets better. That's all, I hope you enjoy the read.

David_F365 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Chapter 31: Plans

"We can change our plans now," Mr. Park suggested, his voice brimming with newfound optimism. The discovery of the system had opened up a world of possibilities, and he was eager to explore the potential it offered.

"What do you mean?" Miss Kim asked.

Mr. Park's statement sparked a wave of confusion among the group. "We can change our plans now," he suggested, his tone filled with newfound optimism. "Our former goal was to find somewhere with a small population and survive. But now, with this revelation of the system, we have a way to fight back and thrive."

Understanding dawned on the faces of the others as they realized the significance of Mr. Park's words.

Min-ji spoke up, her voice echoing their collective sentiment. "He's right. Instead of just surviving, we have the opportunity to unlock the system too and will no longer to fear for our lives every time."

The group exchanged determined looks, the weight of their newfound purpose settling upon them. It was a chance to reclaim control in a world overrun by chaos, and they were ready to seize it.

"We'll have to come up with a new plan then," Mr. Park suggested, his tone resolute. "Our first course of action should be increasing our understanding of the system and unlocking it for everyone in our group. We're not sure of the requirements for now, but we can try encountering another special infected to see what happens. With Ji-hoon's abilities, it will be much easier for us to defeat it."

Addressing the entire group, Mr. Park's words carried a sense of determination and purpose, sparking a renewed sense of hope among them. They understood the importance of their mission and were ready to embark on this new path together.

So Mi interjected though with a sobering reminder. "Special infected are rare," she pointed out. "We might not come across another one anytime soon and we are lucky enough to find one, there are 5 of us and we don't know if we all unlock the system from killing a single special infected or we all have to kill one each."

Her words gave the group pause, highlighting the uncertainty of their situation. They realized that their plan hinged on them being lucky enough to find special infected.

Mr. Park responded with a glimmer of hope. "We might encounter the one that separated us earlier," he suggested. "And there's also the possibility that the special infected at our apartment is still there, if it hasn't moved on after killing everyone else."

"A special infected at our apartment?" Miss Kim asked, unsure of what he meant.

"Yes," Mr. Park clarified. "Based on everything we now know about infected, there's no way a normal infected could have unlocked the building gate and dragged a corpse out of the building to scare us. Unless we were living with a murderer before all this began, it's most likely the same special infected that attacked So Mi and Soo Won. So we have two sightings already, we just have to decide which of us gets to be integrated first, and I'm sure from there it won't take long before we all meet the requirements."

"We should leave deciding who gets integrated first for now," Ji-hoon interjected, "we can decide that after we figure out if you all need a special infected each or if one is enough as long as you participate."

"Yeah, you're right," So Mi agreed with Ji-hoon "we should leave that for now. How do we get the information we need though?"

"I'm sure I'll find something after going through the archives in the system. We can decide after that." Ji-hoon said.

"That sounds like a plan," Mr. Park agreed. "Let's focus on gathering information first, then we can make decisions based on what we learn. We'll leave that to you then."

"Yeah, I'll go through it and get back to everyone later." Ji-hoon concluded and stood up.

With a nod from everyone, Ji-hoon walked back to the room ready to be delve into the intricacies of the system.

As he sat on the bed, Ji-hoon called up the system and the interface appeared in front of him. Using his mind to select the archive option, a screen appeared in front of him with a lot of options.









Staring at the screen, Ji-hoon noticed that there were only three options he had access to at the moment "System", "Skills", "Tiers". The remaining were locked for some reason, he wasn't sure how to unlock them so he just decided to ignore them for now. At the moment he needed any information he could get on the system so that was his priority.

He used his mind to select the option and just like before a screen with different options appeared in front of him, but this time he only had access to the first option, which was "Basic Information". He chose it with his mind and a new screen appeared.

**Basic Information**

"In the vast expanse of existence, beyond the comprehension of mortal minds, there exists a system—an intricate network that governs the very fabric of reality. It is a force unseen yet ever-present, shaping the destinies of worlds and civilizations with its hand. From the tiniest atom to the grandest cosmic phenomenon, the system holds sway, orchestrating the dance of existence with meticulous precision.

Within this boundless cosmos, there are pockets of life—planets teeming with beings who tread the paths of destiny, many unaware of the greater tapestry that surrounds them. Among these worlds, Earth is but a speck, yet even here, the influence of the system has begun to be felt, albeit hidden from the eyes of its inhabitants.

But now, with the planet meeting the requirements for integrating into the system. The system decides to tests the inhabitants with a plague never seen before. Only those that can prove themselves worthy are allowed to gain entry into the system and if none is found, then the inhabitants would be completely wiped out.

The requirements for integration of a being is to defeat a plague at least on plague walker level. Those who can complete this task are allowed into the system."

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I've been really busy with school work so I haven't really had time to write.

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