
Chapter 9: A Meeting, and the Summer’s End. Part 5

A week after his conversation with Ted, Harry stood next to the lake where he found the Sword of Gryffindor. Harry let out a deep breath. 'No sense trying to recall the past. What is done is done and I will make sure none of that ever happens again.'

After nearly one month of working with wind-based elemental magic, it was time to begin his venture to water-based elemental magic.

Harry raised his wand and swirled the wand in an elegant motion. The still body of water rippled slightly. Harry closed his eyes and let his perception seep into the surrounding area.

He sunk his perception to the deepest depths of the lake and opened his eyes. He spun and twirled his wand with him. Several tendrils of water rose from the lake. He brought his wand up and pointed it at the sky. The tendrils followed the motions of the wand and they ascended into the sky.

Harry slashed his wand downwards and willed the water to coalesce and form a giant stag. The tendrils of water gathered, but they collapsed once they tried to merge.

Harry signed. 'At least I got the water to move on my first attempt.'



The night before Harry departed for Hogwarts, the Tonks family, Sirius, and Harry gathered in the living room to discuss their final plans.

"What is the final plan to capture the damned rat?" Sirius pressed.

Ted leaned back on the couch and Andromeda thinned her lips at Sirius's crass way of speaking. Sirius, for that matter, ignored his cousin and looked at Ted. Harry sat back and listened to the conversation.

"We can have Harry walk up and catch the rat in the middle of the night, but that leaves a lot of room for doubt in a court case. That would not help your case at all. No, we need convincing evidence that the rat is Peter Pettigrew without any doubt," Ted carefully described the current situation.

"That's hogwash and you know it, Ted. We just need Harry to hand the rat to us as soon as possible. Once we hand him over to Amelia. The rest is should be easy," Sirius rebutted furiously.

"I don't need you to tell me how to do my job, Sirius. I know the workings of the law, the DMLE, and the ministry much better than all the wizards and witches across Magical Britain. I am certain that the way I proposed is the best way to guarantee your freedom.

Even with this route, the minister could just stick head in the sand and push your retrial indefinitely, To avoid that, we need to present enough to the general public so that Fudge can't completely ignore this case," Ted countered evenly, and Sirius deflated back to his seat.

"I am working on Amelia to try to convince her of the miscarriage of justice. Her skepticism of my claim has all but been broken, and I just need some time to fully support our cause," Ted finished.

Sirius grunted in response. Nymphadora kept looking between her father and her cousin in worry.

Ted looked at Harry. "The best way to capture Pettigrew would be in a public location. This provides us eye-witness testimony that our claim that Pettigrew hid like a rat all those years."

Harry nodded and Ted left the room without sparing anyone a glance. Andromeda shot Sirius a reproachful look and followed her husband. Sirius continued to ignore everyone else. Tonks immediately scampered upstairs once her mother left.

Sirius waved his wand and warded the room from any eavesdroppers. "Remember the map, Harry. Get the map and get the rat."

Harry narrowed his eyes at Sirius. "I will capture him in the way I think is the best."

Sirius nearly snarled. "Damn it, Harry! Can't you see what is at stake here?"

Harry raised his voice and rebutted, "And can't you? Ted is working tirelessly to save you. Andy spends every bit of her free time trying to fix you. Even Tonks is trying to find anything that would help your case."

Sirius did not grace him with a reply, he just left the room.



September first finally arrived. He let Hedwig fly to Hogwarts on her own. Harry used the Knight Bus and arrived at King's Cross and arrived at half past ten. Harry strode through the entrance that led to the magical part of the station. Harry spotted Neville next to his Gran who glanced at him and walked off the station

"That was such a warm welcome, I felt so loved there Neville," Harry commented dryly at Madame Longbottom's hasty exit.

Neville chuckled uncomfortably. "She is not used to anyone questioning her judgment."

"How did you get away from her clutches the whole summer?" Harry inquired.

"She became a lot more lenient over the summer. She did not really pressure me much, except she always wanted to have meals and tea together," Neville described with a distant look in his eyes.

Harry just patted his friend on his shoulder. "I will head over to the muggle side and wait for Hermione."

Neville nodded and Harry left his truck with Neville. Harry stepped back into the non-magical side of the station. Not even five minutes later, Harry saw the Granger family approach the entrance to platform nine and three quarters.

Hermione smiled at Harry. She bought Crookshanks in this timeline. He stretched lazily inside his cage. The half-kneazle looked like he would pop out of his cage at any time.

John looked around the station. "Seems like your uncle will not be joining us today."

"My relatives and I have come to an understanding. I'm sure Hermione mentioned this to you," Harry mentioned while he gave Hermione a pointed look.

Hermione cleared her throat. "Well then, it's best if we get going."



She turned to her parents and fiercely hugged them. Her mother had tears streaking down her face as she let Hermione go. "I am going to miss you, Hermione. Mail us whenever you can."

She gave her parents a teary nod. John and Claire approached Harry and surprised with a hug from each of them.

"You take care of yourself, young man. I don't want to hear from Hermione that you got injured pulling some ridiculous stunt," Claire warned sternly.

Harry smiled sheepishly, "No guarantees there Claire. I live for the ridiculous."

"That you are lad, that you are. Do let me know how some of those turn out," John grinned boyishly at Harry as he gave him a pat on the back.

Hermione disappeared to the magical side of the platform. Harry took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to the Grangers. "Read it once you get home. Once you do, call Dobby afterward."

"What is it about?" Claire inquired curiously.

"Now that would be ruining a good surprise," Harry retorted with a wink and ran through the magical wall.

Once he got to the other side, Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. "That took you a while."

"Happens when you trip and fall on your arse," Harry lied with a cheeky smile.

"Language Harry!"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Neville snickered behind Hermione. She huffed and ignored the two boys. He then looked at gave Harry a subtle gesture. Harry nodded back in affirmation. Neville smiled in satisfaction.

Hermione was unaware of this entire interaction.

Ten minutes before the train's departure, Luna and her father entered the station. Several parents gave Xenophilius looks of disapproval but ignored the whole lot of them.

Guess being the owner of a magical conspiracy theory tabloid really doesn't do you any favors.

Harry wryly noted that one of the parents who was the most obvious about their disapproval was Amos Diggory. Not a surprise, given his views on magical folk like werewolves and others. But aren't they neighbors?

Xenophilius beamed at the sight of the three of them. "A good morn and may your wrackspurts wither away!

"And may the force be with you, Xenophilius!" Harry greeted the eccentric man with equal fervor.

"And what might this force be young Harry?" Xenophilius asked, bright-eyed. Luna also looked at Harry with equal intensity as her father.

Hermione groaned and Neville's face twitched in mirth at the exchange. Harry grinned, "I shall give you a hint for your pursuit good sir! One shall find the force with Jedi or the Sith. The light or the darkness."

Luna and Xenophilius looked at him with awe. Hermione's lipped thinned so much that they completely disappeared from her face. Neville nudged Hermione and distracted her away from the two Lovegoods.

Xenophilius discretely slid a small package into Harry's pocket. He gave him a wink and stepped away. Luna walked up to her father and hugged him.

"Be safe and learn well my little moon. Trust yourself and trust your friends," Xenophilius beamed at his daughter.

She stepped back and bobbed her head. "I will daddy! Make sure you take care of yourself! Always remember to keep the nargles away"

Harry and Neville helped the two ladies with their trunks. They slowly made their way down the train in search of an apartment. Lo and behold, they found the one with the sleeping form of Remus Lupin.

Harry eyed him warily. 'Oh boy, another blast from the past. Only this one, I am not too sure how to feel about him.'

"Let's sit here. The other compartments seem to be full and I don't want to be too close to the Slytherins," Neville muttered.

The group entered the compartment and stared at the unknown man. Luna took out a copy of her father's tabloid and began reading it while softly humming to herself. Neville slowly asked, "Who do reckon this bloke his?"

"Remus Lupin," Hermione replied.

Neville looked at her weirdly. "How do you know that?"

"It's on his suitcase Neville," Luna dreamily answered without looking up from her edition of The Quibbler. Neville looked sheepish and shot a glare at Harry who snickered at him.

Soon the train began to leave the station. Harry and Neville whispered to each other excitedly about their previous sparing session at the gym. Hermione was reading through her ancient runes textbook with Luna who excitedly told a bit of interesting bit of information about the runes.

Soon the door was forced open and the three usual suspects were at the entrance. Harry rolled his eyes. 'When will this lot ever learn?'

"Potter, I heard Sirius Black is on the loose. They say he betrayed your parents to the Dark Lord. Apparently, he was the best mate of your father. He thought that the Dark Lord had much to offer than your pathetic family," Malfoy sneered while eying the occupants with distaste.

Harry balled his fists tightly. 'I would love to punch him to bits, but here is not the time or the place for that.'

"So says the bootlicker's son. Tell me, is true that you should suck the Dark Wanker's toes when you become a Death Eater? I heard your daddy sucked more than his toes though," Harry countered with a predatory smirk.

The blond ponce and the two bodyguards fumbled for their wands in anger. Meanwhile, Harry and the rest already got their pointed when they finally looked up. Malfoy gulped in fear.

"Shove it Malfoy. You see the old chap over there?" Harry threatened with a short indication to Lupin. He did not wait for Malfoy's reply. "That right there is our new defense professor. If you want to make a fool out of yourself, be my guest."

Malfoy took one more look at the sleeping form of their new professor and hurried away from the compartment with the two bookends in tow.

Harry muttered under his breath, "Some morons are beyond saving."



The journey continued in a sedated fashion for the next few hours. It soon started to rain heavily, and the sky darkened rapidly. An unusual sense of cold settled over the train. A few minutes later, the train came to a grinding halt.

Harry's eye widened and he was met with a similar look from his friends. Dementors are here.

Without waiting any longer, the four of them pulled out their wands and cried, "Expecto Patronum."

A stag, an otter, a bear, and a hare erupted from their wands. The Stag raised his head majestically, the bear stood like an unmovable mountain, the otter and the hare floated around the compartment excitedly.

This was one interesting development that occurred during the last month. By the end of August, everyone in the group was able to conjure their corporeal patronuses, thanks to Harry's whimsical experiment at the very beginning of their sessions.

The sensations of cold completely vanished under the influence of the four corporeal patronuses.

Harry turned to the other three. "Hermione, with me. Neville and Luna head down the other path. Let's push these disgusting things out of the train."

They nodded and separated down the two aisles. The stag and otter patronuses burst forward and chased away any vile creature who dared approach them. Many of the students gaped at them in wonder as they chased the dementors away.

Harry whispered, "You would think that the ministry would be competent enough to send someone to the train to protect the students."

Hermione frowned, "I think the professor was on the train for that reason."

Harry snorted, "Fat load of good that bloke was. If we waited for him, a dementor might have even kissed a student."

Hermione reluctantly nodded and the two friends continued down the path to chase away any dementors.

Meanwhile, at their compartment, Lupin was dumbstruck as he saw the four patronuses. What in the world was that?

He shook his head and conjured his patronus. The wolf looked directly at his caster and Lupin looked down at the patronus with conflicted emotions. He moved the tip of the wand to the corner of his wand and whispered, "Professor Dumbledore, the train was attacked by dementors. The train has stopped, and I am about to check on the students."

With a flourish, the wolf disappeared into thin air.

"Right then, time to check on the students," Lupin muttered as he headed down the train.

Hello All,

Just to let you know, I update ahead on fanfiction dot net. So if you want to read more, please head over to that site. It is under the same name.

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Thank you for reading!



P.S. Chapter 10 is up at Pa3eon and Fanfiction dot net

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