
A Switch in Time

Tobin got more than what he bargained for when he decided to switch worlds with his look alike out of curiosity and his love for Magic. He found himself in a world where magic rules and everyone is expected to be a custodian of one form of power. He is expected to pretend to be Lord Harold a young great Wizard of Ozir. What will he do when he discovers it would not be purely adventure for him because being Lord Harold places alot of responsibilities on his young shoulders for his land and his BETROTHED. Yes during the switch his look alike kept tight lips on a lot of details. Will Tobin get a to the end of this adventure by accepting his new identity as Lord Harold and marry Naomi his bethrothed or was there going to be a way of escape for Tobin to return back to his world ? EXCERPT Tobin paced around the large living room confused on how to go about the proposal befor him. His hands were sweating and his legs could hardly carry him. The people of Ozir have been challenged by another kingdom into a deadly magical competition and the people have rushed down to him to see what he would say about the challenge. The people of Ozir have never been known to refuse any challenge as it has always been their desired to be known as the strongest kingdom with magic. "I think it is time for me to come clean. I cannot risk my life knowing fully well I have no powers of my own. But then who would even believe my story and not call me a coward instead? " Tobin asked himself as he looked around in confusion to the faces of people waiting for his reply. The people have never seen Lord Harold ponder about any challenge. It has always been a straight yes from him From the corners of his eyes he could noticed Naomi taking calculated steps towards him. She was his betrothed and he knew what she was coming to do. She was coming to persuade him to take the challenge for the sake of the people.

Delta_Line · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Naomi makes her move

Suddenly a knock landed on her door. She exchanged glances with Grace who gave her an I don't know who look. She wasn't expecting anyone to come to her room. Infact peoole hardly come to her room. And with what was happening now in the mansion she didn't think anyone will have her time.

She gestures for Grace to get the door while she waits curiously to know who it was. From the place she was sitting she was unable to see who was at the door but she could see the face of Grace. She could tell Grace was trying to supress a blush when she opened the door. It was the first time she would notice something like that.

"Who is that? Naomi asked looking curiously as she stood up to have a look. She was already assured it would be someone friendly.

The person at the door walked in and she was surprised to see Calvin with his head slightly bowed. His coming to her room was a huge shocker for her. It woukd be the first time he woukd be coming there. She wonders if he was sent by Harold.

"Calvin its a surprise to see you here. What brings you to my chambers? She asked looking at him with surprise .

"My Lady, I don't know if I should report this to you but I feel you should know about this. There will be a tag team contest "

"I already know about that. Your coming here only confirms that Lord Harold has agreed to it? Naomi asked with expectations in her eyes.

"No, that's the problem he doesn't want to agree to it " Calvin replied looking sad. He has been among those people that have been wishing for Harold and Naomi to get along. He saw this as an opportunity for them to get along better as the contest was always an adventure except for the last one that almost got him killed.

Back in the living room he had tried to convince Tobin to take the contest but Tobin hardly looked at his direction when things got heated. Infact every apprentice in the living room had to give way when they noticed Elder Zeko in a foul mood.

"What were his reasons? Naomi asked sounding disappointed .

"He is scared of you getting hurt. The incident of last contest is still fresh in his mind. He doesn't want you to go through such " Calvin replied his voice carrying mixed feelings..

On one hand he was trying to make her see his reasons and on the other hand he really wanted both of them to bond better .

"Why did you come here then? It seems you have something else in mind " Grace said speaking for the first time.

Naomi looked at him eagerly at this point because she could feel the same thing especially since he came on his own.

"I just felt I should inform you, maybe you can make him change his mind incase you are interested in the contest. It will be a good opportunity for both of you to.... " Calvin stopped at this point when he felt had talked too much .

He didn't need to complete it because it was the same thing she wanted too.

"Where is he now? She asked as an idea came into her mind.

"He is still at the meeting with the elders " Calvin replied

Without saying another word Naomi headed straight for the living room. She knew Harold was trying to keep her safe but for her it was something else. She needed the chance to prove to the family that she could very useful as a spouse.

"My lady I don't think that's a good idea now? Calvin said trying to prevent her from going but no making any other physical effort to stop her.

Naomi didn't listen, she knew she woukd have to take the bull by the horn. And if its a tag team contest as a potential contestant she had the right to be in the meeting. She knew the rules very well.

"And where do you think you are going? A voice asked from behind her as she made to enter the living the room. She turned around to see Madam Tochi with a stern look on her face

"I am sure you already know where I am going. I need to be in the meeting

"But you were not invited. You should stay back and allow them finish their discussion " Madam Tochi reminded her.

Naomi took a good look at her from head to toe. She wanted to say something else but decided against it. She could still feel the pains from the ritual they made in the shrine but right now Madam Tochi wasn't her focus. .

So without saying a word she went into the living room.