
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Magic and familiars


*Other world language*

Yeshua Volkov's POV.

It's been days probably a week or two since "The incident" and We've created a language cypher. It's a way to understand and talk to the locals here. It's basically a way to properly talk, and converse with the people of this land that can be used as allies for future endeavors. We had also brokered a deal with the 3rd airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich due to a need for medicine like something like antibiotics since 3% or 24 people in the regiment was sick from a disease and the government here doesn't even so much as care about their soldiers. I mean it's probably due to them having a large military of something like that but if a plague is happening in the army at least know what's happening and deal with it properly. The men who were sick were recovering from sickness that has the same effects as pneumonia. It can be deadly if not treated correctly or quickly. The commander of this regiment must be very considerate of his men. Knowing how far he would gamble just to help his men. I mean if his king found out he brokered a deal with an unknown force he would either praise or behead him knowing what happened in tzar era in Russia or other the European countries like england or the holy Roman empire. I guess magic can't heal diseases. I heard that they can heal wounds from one of the chatters of mages in the campfires when they got drunk after we brought out vodka and had a drinking contest.

"Hey lieutenant yeshua come here the mages from the 3rd airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich are performing a summoning ritual! It's for us! They are going to summon familiars for us!"

Said comrade Ivan.

I spat out some of the vodka I was drinking and hurried outside the tent.

"Ivan what the hell is happening and why are they going summon familiars for us?!"

I asked comrade Ivan.

"Well you see lieutenant.. Since we had given them so much, and supplied them with medicine to combat the effect of a sickness they said it was too much and decided to give us our own familiars as payment."

Said Ivan.

"But the peace offer was cease fire was-

Suddenly I was cut off by the commander of the 3rd airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich.

Said the commander in this world's language.

I brought out my notebook and translated it.

*What are you two talking about and why are you reprimanding your own soldier for saying something?*

I then told him what I was going to say in his language.

*Isn't this enough? I mean we already brokered a peace deal, and a treaty recognizing each other's right to exist.*

I said in his own language.

*Well its to thank you for saving the slaves, and the citizens of the empire.*

I tensed up as I translated the word "Slave". My anarchist tendency perked up as I thought of a way to overthrow the government here to free the slaves. It sickened me when I heard the word Slave. It reminded of the days when I was sold back in 2008 to a bunch human traffickers to be used as a fighter in an underground human fighting colisium where we were forced to fight for our lives in hand to hand combat. those days were dark dark times. It was semi legal back before when the civil war and that dictator got elected and unfortunately I got captured by some traffickers to be sold to a rich oligarch to be used as a fighting slave because I was orphaned due to my mom and dad got stabbed after a mugging. Sometimes I even got sexually harassed by some of the pedophile maids from the oligarch's mansion. Those were.... dark days... Dark days indeed... Days where torture, fighting, and exploitation reigned....

The thought of those days made me pissed... I then pointed my bayonet at him and asked him.

*why are you people using slaves.*

I asked the commander.

*Oh did I trigger a nerve? Sorry about that. I guess you yourself got experience being a slave huh? From what I've seen I suggest you put down the knife. Or there will be consequences.*


I dropped the bayonet and the commander immediately asked me if I was a former slave.

*Yes. I was. I was captured by some traffickers and was sold to a oligarch to fight for his amusement. I was heavily beaten and bruised due to this.*

I showed him the scars I had in my back. Ivan looked at me with a shocked look. He then brought out some popcorn from last night.

"Hey! Ivan! Don't treat this like this is some soap opera or a show! And first of all why are you even eating popcorn since it's from last night it would be stale by now!"

"Sorry. Sheesh... I thought I could have seen some character development from you and gossip with the other soldiers about your history."

"Ivan this is why I sometimes hide stuff from you. You are just going to gossip about my history with the other soldiers specially the newbies and start a myth about me."

"I'm sorry okay! I just wanna know your history... And Maybe talk about it with the others!"

I sighed at Ivan's attempt of gossip.

"Just toss the stale popcorn."


He tossed the stale popcorn in the compost pit.

*Oh I'm sorry about that... Also there is a reason why we use slaves. Is due to the population.*

*What do you mean the population?*

*Well... People aren't exactly keen on working. They would rather use slaves for their work than work for it themselves due to the low pay. Now I have to tell you about why we use slave collars. Those collars you see at one of the demi human slaves are for safety, and for them to be submissive. They shock their necks with lightning when they don't obey their master in their first words. And when they have to repeat the order again or rebel against the owner they would be subsequently shocked to death. It is made to protect the population, and the empire.*

It made me sick hearing that. So much cruelty.. Just because of a selfish, and greedy population.... It made me sick. They would rather exploit people who didn't wanted to be slaves to work themselves to death just for a quick buck for their masters, and their enslavers. Just like what happened to the African people back in the 15th-17th century. It pissed me off almost pulling out a serbian tokarev but I held off my anger to let them be. I mean it's better than going to war just because of my stupid decisions.

*I'm glad you understand. Also the slaves that didn't have anymore masters is now yours. Think of it as a sign of good will.*

I painfully held off my anger and forced myself to smile.

*Can I ask you something?*


*Can you remove the slave collars off them?*

*What an unusual request but fine.*

A couple of minutes later....

I walked around seeing that some of the mages for the 3rd airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich were freeing the slaves and removing their collars. Good.

I continued to walk around until a find some of the soldiers getting into a tent. I was curious and entered the tent. What I saw in there where some of my soldiers getting themselves what their commander calls familiars. They are what you've expect. Creatures with the ability to manipulate magic. There are 3 types of conduits for magic. 1st is magical circuitry/sigils. These sigils are primarily used for summoning, using magic as utility, or lastly high tier spells. These are either made from blood, artificial blood, or magical chalk made using magical beasts found all over the world. 2nd is familiars. Familiars are spirits that can manipulate the mana/ god particles around them and use them to form magical spells to just chant spells or to protect their master from danger and also gives them specific resistances depending on what element is the spirit able to use. Lastly Crystals. These are usually found in dungeons (With what the commander of the 3rd airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich he said these are places are where the gods that their ancestors hunted down are gathering their forces to attack humanity. These are specific places where monsters are spawning or coming out the portals to cause a monster stampede to wipe out human settlements.), cave systems, ore mines, or from monsters. These crystals allow the users the knowledge on how to cast the spells using the crystal. It kinda works like a USB for magic spells. You can store magical spells in them for use in a later date. Using the knowledge stored in the crystals the crystals create a magic circuit specified by the spell the user is wanting to cast and makes it 2x stronger. There are 4 types of Magic. 1st elemental magic. It's a type magic where you can control the elements. 2nd space magic. A type of magic able to bend space to be transported into another place or create another place but it is rare to find a person able to bend space. 3rd is support magic. It's a type of magic specifically tailored to be support incase of a battle. These spells usually are used in battle like enhancing strength, numbing the pain, or healing the wounds created by weapons but cannot heal diseases. Lastly god slaying magic. It's a type of magic lost in time. Only known by the god of wisdom. This magic is usually reserved for killing gods. Now it is forgotten due to god's being seen as a little threat than the neighboring countries, demons/super humans that are basically better than humans in every physical way except for magic, and the monsters from the dungeons or from the portals.

Now some of his men are currently holding what looks like little animals.

*Ah so you're already seeing the familiars. Aren't they cute?*

Said one of the mages.

*Do you say that to me or to your friend?*

I asked the mage.


*Fine. Well yeah they are cute. But aren't you worried these little guys are gonna hurt someone?*

*Oh please. Don't worry. Unless you don't summon a risky race of familiar your gonna be fine. Plus most of your soldiers are getting harmless fire lizards, water fish, and wind birds.*

*So are you ready?*

*Yeah why not.*

I said while nervously chuckling under my breath.

The summoning ritual started.

A couple of minutes later...

A familiar appeared. It looked like a polar bear cub. Hmm??

I looked at summoner and looked at her shocked face.

*Is that a.... Ice bear cub!*

*Oh shit!*

Said the mage.

I touched it to see what's the problem and suddenly I felt my hand going numb, feeling cold, and fainted.

To be continued....