
A Slime Thinks, A Slime Does.

-There exists an unexplained phenomenon among the tamer community. When a monster is born, a message appears in their mind. "KILL ALL." This message corrupts and corrodes their minds, making them not but Blood craving killing machines. However, on an unassuming day, a slime is born. Despite what would naturally happen, no message appears in the slimes mind, leaving it untouched, and pure. A slime born with no hatred to other species, the weakest monster. A monster that relies on its killer instinct to survive left without it... How will the weakest monster survive in a world where monsters are killed on sight?-

Jearbear · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Surveillance Day 4, A Slimenapping. -Chapter 5-

The slime has found a road. While it did not actually find it, it currently sits upon it. The road leads into the town of Licrom, a town with a large number of novice adventurers. This is due to the fact Eaglith Woods is just a short walk away. It's a jovial and peaceful town, far away from the current wars happening in the east and north.

Licrom is a part of Lazbeth, a large primarily human nation currently at war with the demon nation of Reinta, as pronounced in the common tongue. As stated before, Licrom is far away from war, farther down in the south close to the planet's equator. Not yet has anybody in the town been enlisted for war by the army, but the possibility remains nonetheless.

The slime is currently upon the road because it was interested in the texture of it. They had not felt anything like it before. It was nothing like the grass of which it was used to. It was rough, obviously not well taken care of. However, it was large enough for carriages to move upon with ease and more than enough for the passing adventurers who are walking to the forest.

On the note of adventurers, the slime was about to meet one again, or, in this case, two.

"Look, Alfin, I seriously just don' get it. All the... reading and stuff, the books, all of it! Doesn' all of those things get borin' or somethin'?" A voice approached the slime. The voice was one of a male, deep and course. He spoke with a heavy accent, one similar to that of a dwarf.

There were the steps of two, one heavy with the clanging of metal with it, the other lighter, the sounds of cloth moving in the wind instead.

"And I don't understand how you enjoy training your muscles and things all day." The other one of the pair replied, letting out a light sigh, "perhaps you would understand if you actually sat down and read a book for once. Stories full of precarious journies across the globe, ones detailing uses of specific types of magic, or perhaps something akin to a person detailing the many lands of this world? Don't those sound exciting? There's so much information to be gleaned from books, and just as many creative stories."

The second man's voice was lighter, but not extremely. He spoke in a calm, kind voice, without something similar to a strong accent like the other.

The both of them came into view. However, of course, the slime could not see them, as it was currently completely blind, not even having a skill to supplement that.

"Oi! I don't just train all day, I'm a blacksmith too, you know!" The man let out a groan, "come on, why read some adventure story when I could do it myself? We're adventurers for a reason because we explore! Well, and kill dangerous monsters."

The man who spoke was especially short. With a long dark brown beard and masculine looks, it was apparent that he was a dwarf. He wore heavy armour, which was common for dwarves who fight in melee combat since due to their height, armour will generally be less heavy while they're just as strong, or more physically strong, than those of other races. However, he had no helmet, leaving his face to be seen by the world. To be added to all of this, he had a large battle axe layed upon his back, his weapon of choice perhaps.

"A blacksmith yes, my friend, but maybe not the best one considering you wear armour made by somebody else." The other man let out a light chuckle at his own words, "you make a fair point, but tell me this, have you ever seen a dragon with your own eyes?"

The man speaking to the dwarf had pale white hair that reached down not too far, but it was in no way short. He had messy bangs that didn't go beneath his eyebrows. His eyes were a brilliant gold, with pupils like that of circles, like most humanoid species. His ears were long and pointed. All of this would lead any half-intelligent person that he was an elf, which he definitely was.

He wore robes of which hid most of his body, but it was easy to tell that he was a slim man. Tall, as well. These robes were a light gray in colour, with a slight blue undertone. On the right-hand side of his waist was a book, one a light green in colour. It was surrounded by a leather holster, tied there with an iron lock.

"Oh, 'm a perfectly fine blacksmith! Just, er, don't have any materials at the moment... and of course I haven' seen a dragon before! That's the stuff of legends! No... don't tell me these books can summon a real dragon!?"

"Ugh, no, Dralof, of course, a book can't--" The slime, like before, had reached the leg of the elf, attracted to the two of them by their curious voices of which it had not heard before. The elf, somewhat surprised by this, stopped their speech, merely looking down at it in silence.

"Oh? First kill of the day, eh?" The dwarf named Dralof took out his axe from his back, readying to kill the slime.

"No, no, calm down. You don't usually slimes this close to town. It could perhaps be somebody's tamed monster, seeing how it's not attacking me either."

"Ah, right, right. Well, we wouldn't want to kill somebody's pet!" The dwarf put his battle-axe back on his back, "hm, a green one, ay? Ya don't usually see a green one around these parts. And it's small, too. Must have been just recently born. Let's see... green slimes are born when the slime it came from was exposed to a large amount of mana, right? Usually, they're blue, if they aren't!"

"Yes, you're right. I'm surprised you know that, considering you don't even read any books on the subject... Ah, I'll use the skill Appraisal on it. It'll tell me if it's tamed or not." The elf picked the slime up, bringing it close to his face.

"Whoa! You sure you want to just pick it up like that? The little bugger might get scared or somethin'!"

"Oh, it's fine... weird, though. It says here that it's not tamed. Usually, a monster would attack a person on sight, especially if I just picked it up like this..."

"Alright, alright. So, what you're telling me is, we should kill it?"

"Hm... no, actually. I'm quite intrigued. Care to work alone today? I think I'll bring this little guy to my home."

"Eh? Oi, Alfin, you do know bringing an untamed monster into town is a crime, right?" The dwarf had a perplexed expression on his face.

"It's only a crime if you get caught! And, it's strange. I believe there might be something different about this slime. The inner scholar in me is screaming at me to study it. And, either way, it doesn't seem hostile." The elf smiled, staring down at the slime in his cupped hands.

"'ell, don' blame me if you get in trouble for this." Saying that the dwarf left down the road to the forest to pursue his job, waving while not looking the elf's way.

"Alright, good huntings to you, Dralof!" With those final words, the elf left to go back to town, placing the slime in a pocket on the inside of his robes.

-Surveillance Day 4, | First Half | Log End.-

Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is the longest chapter yet! Well, it's not actually that long, only around 1200 words, but compared to the others, it's pretty long.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And, have a nice day.

Jearbearcreators' thoughts