1 A Simple friend -Husband- (sick mind mature)

I am your friend, and we will always be together.

Where You are the key to break me from the rut of constant annoyance.

With so many years and so much suffering, I don't know if you noticed, but I am your worst nightmare, the one you can't live without.

I know it hurts you and you don't understand why.

But your pain gives me a thousand and one pleasures I didn't know about.

That's why you can't live without me, because deep down you like this pain, the pain that makes you feel alive, with every blow, with every whip, with every burn I inflict on you your tears like diamonds that fall from your eyes, and the screams for mercy are gifts to me.

With so many signs of indifference you should already know that pain is something I live for.

When your sister died, you should already know that the fall was not accidental, nothing like a simple "accidental" touch on the shoulder works miracles with steep stairs.

Her look of despair, Her look of betrayal and fear.

In that small moment, she knew that the brother-in-law her father had chosen for her sister was and will always be the monster that tormented their lives and the lives of thousands.

And with the beating of the head on the corner and with the neck in a somewhat very curious angle, the light was extinguished.

I enjoyed the silence of death until I had to alert the servants so that the lords would come as soon as possible.

I still feel a child's excitement when I see the look of pain and suffering in others, the tears, the fainting, calling the doctor knowing that there is no hope or miracle to bring her back, but still trying in vain.

The doctor arrived and declared an accidental death due to the steep stairs, where a simple touch or bad positioning of the foot would lead to a fatal fall.

And my wife silently watching me.

I know you were trying to look for something to give me away, but that was replaced by the shock of her sister's death.

I wonder if you don't realize that we live in hell, and as such, we can't die, and we come back more calculating and cruel.

Everyone considers you an angel, and I will be the one to destroy the last shred of kindness.

I want to know how to destroy you and rebuild you again, just to see how I can break you again like a puzzle of pain.

I see your mother succumbing to the pain of losing a daughter, an easy target, but it doesn't satisfy me.

The satisfaction I get is from seeing her suffering, her tears, her giving up eating and becoming a hollow shell of something she once was.

I look at my murderous hand that pushed it and light a cigarette close my eyes and review the broken neck and its curious position, I would like to see how far I can take human depravity, and I still want to break you, beloved wife and hated, I hate to see your smile and laughter, but I adore and venerate the tears, the silences of pain, or the cries of despair.

Don't take it to heart my love, I love to see you in rubble and for me it's just fun.

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