
A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

After 10 years of a Loveless Marriage, Natasha Was Mysteriously killed by an unknown murderer, she is given a second chance at life, and she goes back to 5 years before it all happened, will she be able to change her fate and protect the ones she loves or will she succumb just like her previous life? Natasha White, she was wrongly accused of committing an unforgivable sin, with no one ready to fight for her innocence and believe her, she ends up dying in the worst possible way, now with her given a second chance, she is ready to stand up for herself. Dominic White, he hates his wife with Passion, after what she did to him, he never thought that he could forgive her, he had trusted her, and she took that trust and broke it, now with his Wife Slowly changing, would he give her a second chance? or not even care at all. Dive into the past, present and future with A Second Chance; I will not waste it.

Dan_does_it_all · Ciudad
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563 Chs


"Dobroye utro, Romanoff (Good Morning Romanoff)" came the voice of a man who was sitting in front of a laptop as he straightened up his posture and he kept eye contact with Romanoff.

"Dobroye utro (Good Morning)" replied Romanoff as he looked at the brown haired man sitting at the front desk.

"Alisa uzhe priyekhala? (Has Alisa arrived yet)?" asked Romanoff.

"Net, yeye yeshche net (No she has not arrived yet)" replied the man as he finally noticed Natasha… he had to say that she was a very beautiful woman, he wanted to speak to her, but now while Romanoff was here, the man terrified him.

Romanoff noticed that this man was looking at Natasha too much for his liking, so he moved a bit to block his view of Natasha.

"Znachit, poskol'ku yeye yeshche net, ty zanyat otdykhom? (So because she is not here yet, you are busy resting?" asked Romanoff as he had a hint of anger in his tone.

"Net, net, ya rabotal (No, no I was working)" said the man as he replied, he did not want to be at the receiving end of Romanoff's wrath.

"Mhmm" said Romanoff as he scoffed and he did not believe him at all.

All this while, Natasha had been quietly listening to their conversation, and from what she could see and hear, It seemed that this man was very scared of Romanoff.

"V lyubom sluchaye, ya uveren chto vy poluchili prikaz dobavit' yeshche odnogo novobransata (In any case, I am sure you've received orders to add another recruit?)" asked Romanoff.

"Da (Yes I have)" said the man as he nodded his head.

"Natasha White, dobavit' yeye (add her)" said Romanoff.

"Khorosho, u menya yest' (Okay I have)" said the man.

"Skol'ko yey let? (How old is she?)" asked the man.

"Ne vashe delo (None of your business)" said Romanoff with coldness.

"Da ser (Yes sir)" said the man as he almost fell off his seat, he was only doing his job, he had to enter in hr personal information.

"Ostav'te eto pustym (Leave it blank)" said Romanoff as he knew what he was thinking, besides, he knew that the man was not asking mainly because of the information that he had to fill, but also because he was looking at Natasha in a way that Romanoff did not like.

"Da Romanoff (Yes Romanoff)" said the man as he nodded his head, he did not want to be on Romanoff's bad side.

"Davayte zhe teper' (Let's go now)" said Romanoff as he turned to look at Natasha and he walked ahead as she followed after him.

The man could finally rest in peace as he took a deep breath of relief once Romanoff was out of his office, the cold aura that Romanoff always had with him was always pulsating, so much so that he a grown man, was scared to death of him.

But he could not helped but wonder who that woman that Romanoff was protecting so much was to him, their last names did not match, and well quite frankly, he was sure that Romanoff had no children, he was just too cold to.

Natasha followed after Romanoff, she could sense a change in his aura, he looked angry, even though he did not show it, Natasha just followed him in silence as they walked to what seemed like stairs that led down into what she thought was a basement.

Natasha followed Romanoff down the stairs as she was taken by surprise when she did not see a basement at all, it seemed to be an entire base here, with training equipment, a dojo, everything and anything you would need to use to train as a fighter, she was sure that there was even a shooting range down here.

"Pod zemly? (Underground?)" asked Natasha as she was still walking behind Romanoff.

"Podderzhivayet nizkiy uroven' shuma (Maintains low noise levels)" replied Romanoff.

"A yesli zemletryaseniye sluchitsya? (What if an earthquake happens?)" asked Natasha.

"U nas v moskve net zemletryaseniy (We don't have earthquakes in Moscow" replied Romanoff as he opened a mesh gate as he slid it to the right, and they walked into what seemed like a training ground.

"Vse yeshche mozhet sluchit'sya (Can still happen)" replied Natasha.

"Maloveroyatno (unlikely)" replied Romanoff as Natasha just shook her head, of course he disagreed with her.

"Kuda my idem seychas? (Where are we going now?)" asked Natasha.

"Sportzal (Gym)" replied Romanoff as he took a turn to the right, Natasha had to say that this place was so big, she felt like she could get lost if she was not here with Romanoff leading her.

Romanoff stopped in front of two glass doors, there were windows close to the doors, and Natasha could see people in the room, training with different types of equipment.

"You will have an orientation, just follow suite as everyone does" said Romanoff as he switched to English.

"Alright" said Natasha as she was surprised that Romanoff was actually very serious about helping her, he did things so quickly that she herself could not believe it.

"Alright" said Romanoff as he opened the doors and as soon as he walked in, everyone stopped whatever they were doing as they turned to look at him.

"Zdravstvuyte, instruktor Romanoff" said the group of ten people as they all bowed at Romanoff.

"Privet" replied Romanoff.

"Sborka (Assembly)" said Romanoff as the people stood in a line all facing him as he signalled that Natasha go and stand along with them, which she did.

"As I told you from day one, we will be speaking in English, you are not going to be agents at home alone, but also internationally, so your English must be very good, am I clear?" asked Romanoff.

"Yes Commander" said the group as they nodded their heads, there were five women, and five men, which meant that their new recruits were ten, but that was about to change.

"Good" said Romanoff.

"Well today I come here with news, a new recruit will be joining us, her name is Natasha" said Romanoff as he answered the question that was on all their minds about who Natasha was.

A brown haired woman raised her hand as Romanoff looked at her.

"Speak" said Romanoff.

"With all due respect Sir, the applications have closed days ago, we are already ten recruits, there is no room for one more" said the woman.

"What I say goes, and if I say that there is room, then there is room, is that clear?" asked Romanoff in a cold tone as the woman nodded her head.

"Good, now seeing as we have a new person in our midst, I will go through the orientation again, and everyone is to listen to me, is that clear?" asked Romanoff.

"Yes Commander" said the recruits as they nodded their head.

"Welcome to the Union of the White Viper, if you are here, it means that you are bright youth, looking to serve your country, and you will be greatly rewarded as heroes, the heroes of our great country Russia, Gospodi blagoslovi Rossiyu (God Bless Russia)" said Romanoff.

"Gospodi blagslovi Rossiyu (God bless Russia)" replied the recruits.

"As sad before, you will spend two month here, starting from the first of November, to the 31st of December" said Romanoff.

"During your stay here, you will be trained in various forms of combat, gun usage, computer tracking, and much more" said Romanoff.

"We expect nothing less of every single one of you as the mature adults that you all are, any sort of misbehaviour will not be tolerated, and will not go unpunished" said Romanoff.

"We are all on the same team here, no fighting, if you fight among your teammates, you will be punished, and if you show no remorse, you will be dismissed, am I clear?" asked Romanoff as his tone sounded cold.

"Yes Commander" said the group as they nodded their head.

"Good, now, this is Natasha" said Romanoff as he looked at Natasha.

"You will treat her like you treat the rest of yourselves" said Romanoff.

"Natasha, these are your fellow agents" said Romanoff.

"Kira, Sofia, Tatiana, Olga, and Vicki" said Romanoff as he mentioned the names of the five other women that were all standing in line.

"Alexi, Nikolai, Rodion, Artem, and Andrei" said Romanoff as he mentioned the name of the five other men as Natasha was trying to memorize all their names.

"You will have time later to learn all their names by heart" said Romanoff as he looked at Natasha.

"Well then, that concludes my announcement" said Romanoff.

"You can all get back to your training" said Romanoff.

"You are dismissed" said Romanoff.

"Yes Sir" said the agents as they bowed their heads.

"I will be back later today, for us to start with the actual training drill" said Romanoff.

"Natasha, come with me, I will show you where you will be staying as a new recruit" said Romanoff as he looked at Natasha.

"And as for the rest of you, make sure to be ready by 11am sharp, am I clear?" asked Romanoff as he turned back to look at the others.

"Yes Sir" they said as they nodded their heads.

"Good, you come with me" said Romanoff as he did not waste any second as he walked away and Natasha followed after him.

"I don't like that woman" said the brown haired woman that spoke up earlier, as soon as she saw Natasha and Romanoff leave the gym.

"No one asked you if you did" replied another woman as she went back to face the punching bag.