
A really fucked up world

The world that this story shall take place is really... well just read the title and tada you know what to expect. This is not the synopsis because I feel that this version of a synopsis is too limiting for it, so the very first chapter will be the synopsis explaining the world that I have created however keep in mind that this story will be very disturbing to some or outright... difficult to read. If Webnovel allows the book to stay up it shall however if not it shall be either be moved elsewhere or dropped entirely since I am, still using this to do other stories. Anyway if this somehow intrigues you then the first few chapters are going to be interesting for ya so take a look.

Destro_35 · Acción
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47 Chs

Working On It

Maddox returned to his classroom where he was able to keep an eye once more on his phone and with some relief was able to see nothing had occurred in the time he was in his opinion held captive by that lady. More and more of his classmates were taken by Katherine and came back but within a shorter time frame. Soon enough everyone had gone through the interview with miss Katherine and were looking forward to the prospect of being able to go back home earlier than the rest of the school. The amount of time left was about an hour before school ended so in reality it was more like a school day where Maddox's classmates played on their phones or watched the movie that their teacher put on to have something different for people to do instead.

"Alright everyone thanks you for your help in answering these questions as they may hold some answers to what happened to that poor child," Katherine says after everyone pays attention to her once more

"Now as promised you all may go home early today and I suspect most of you have contacted your parents about going back home early so I will see you back here tomorrow," The teacher says before dismissing the class early for the day

Miss Katherine stays behind in the classroom as the teacher asks if she can stay behind for a moment after everyone leaves. Knowing how the guy is single at his age he was probably going to ask her out and that would get shot down before the words leave his mouth considering how a woman of her looks is well... more refined for a middle school teacher.

Maddox returns home early where he just sits in his room and surfs the web looking for anything that could help him but as always the result is fruitless. So having nothing else Maddox leaves for the first time in a while to go help his neighborhood friends as he felt that obsessing over whatever it is that he had stumbled upon was not helping him in any sort of way. So the best thing he could need right now is time to relax and step away from his problems by looking to something else instead.

The people in the neighborhood looked happy to see him once again helping out with the odd jobs around like usual but Maddox could see that the smiles that they showed him were nothing but just covers over their concern for him. It touched him to know that these people cared for him, but he knew that they would not be able to do anything against what he was up against since he didn't even know what to do really. All he could do is try his best to wait... someone was following Maddox around from somewhere.

He could feel the person's gaze fall on him from somewhere, but he could not tell and the most obvious of locations would be behind him or somewhere up high as to view someone more easily. A bit paranoid that it might be one of those blurred out men or worse the invisible but as he thought about it logically he felt that he was just being too paranoid as he had made sure to stay hidden when snooping that day. Thinking it over calmed him down which lead to him just trying to make himself not look like an easy target by making sure that he was staying near people or at the very least within eye contact.

Meanwhile not that far from Maddox two people were looking at him with one being in a black Honda Civic a bit down the road which had its windows tinted dark with it parked a way down the street Maddox was helping people on. The second person was actually on the roof across the street from where Maddox was helping with that person looking at him from above. Both were male dressed in suits with each having average looks and they were communicating via radios that were in their ears.

"Eight how's your line of sight on the kid?" The one on the roof asks as they glance at the car

"Fine twelve I can see him outside the building" Eight responds from in the car while reaching out to grab a bag of chips to snack on within the glove box

"Jesus Christ this is boring," Eight complains as they look once more at Maddox from above

"Tell me about it... why in the world do we have to watch over some stupid brat anyway?" Twelve asks while munching on some chips

"Hell if I know, all I do know is that we are pulled from hunting and told to keep tabs on this kid which is a whole lot more boring than fighting the depraved and fallen," Eight remarks while he removes his sword from his scabbard and examines it in the glistening sunlight

Both of them are allowed to carry their weapons which are some medieval era short swords for this mission as they have no idea what kind of threats they may encounter so it is better to be safe than sorry and to get an idea of what kind of threat that they may face. Normally this type of mission is dangerous but when the two of them found out they were going to be keeping an eye on some kid all fears and thoughts in their mind about trouble went away. Still, they brought the bare minimum needed for a two-person recon team as they thought they had nothing to worry about. Oh, how wrong they were...

Maddox finishes up with a majority of the jobs he would normally do before leaving to go back home where he still felt he was being followed so instead of the normal straight shot that he takes he instead goes on to take a longer and more complex route filled with twists and turns where he hoped to throw off whoever it was that was trailing him. After quite a while Maddox was able to shake them off and goes straight back home as shaking off the tailer cost an extra 30 minutes to his usual route so he got back home a bit later than usual.

The Honda Civic parks across the street from Maddox's house since after his supposed successful attempt at shaking them off Eight and Twelve decided to take this a bit more seriously since the kid sensed them which was not capable for a regular person. So hiding allowed them to follow Maddox back home from a fair distance away and getting into the area where he lived was not that hard as all they had to do was slide some cash to the guard there to let them in. The two of them park across the house and look at the normal house in front of them.

"Hmm... well what now?" Eight asks

"I dunno I think we should call the boss to get orders on what to do next" Twelve answers as he reaches for his phone

"Oh~ Hello boys do you know how to handle those swords of yours~" A seductive tone rings out in the back seat of the car

It was a blonde-haired woman wearing an expensive white dress that was not covering anything in regards to her breasts which spilled out from it. She looked at the two men who had followed her little hellspawn home with her now violet eyes staring at them which sent shivers down the spines of Twelve and Eight. They immediately reach for some daggers next to them and begin to circulate the essence within them to combat this creature, but before they can Maddox's mother blows a kiss.

"Augh!" They let out as their mind is in a jumble and their consciousness fades into nothingness

Violet particle effects appeared from the lips of the woman that lead to the formation of a heart shape in mid-air which then lightly struck the men in the face before they could mobilize their essence. As both, the men fall unconscious with Maddox's mother smiling creepily at the bodies before dropping it to look at her home thinking about why these men had entered her territory by following her son. Still, that could wait for now as she now had some toys that could entertain her for a few minutes at least. That night Maddox and his family had seasoned steak for dinner.

Bit of a shorter chapter so I am sorry but as I said made this as a late-night chapter and if something seems weird I blame pulling an all-nighter.

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