
A New World

Chapter 1:

A squat grey building of only two stories. Over the main entrance the words, CRIMINAL RE-EDUCATION PROGRAM, and, in a shield, the World Federations motto, POWER, PROGRESS, PEACE.

In the building, a fair-haired, Caucasian 17-year-old was strapped to a chair. His name being Theodore Russet. Theodore, called Theo by his friends and family had ended up in a criminal program due to his terrible impulsiveness. He was tricked into being framed for the murder of his father.

The Russet family that Theo belonged too was rich and was treated like nobility in the World Federation. Theo's father was the controller of a majority of the Russet's wealth. Theo, the eldest child, was in line to receive the entire Russet inheritance. His fathers brother however carried out an elaborate plan which ended with Theo being found with his father's murder weapon.

As Theo was not an adult yet, the World Federation sent him to their re-education program. In the program, the "criminals" were allowed to do almost anything within the campus as the guards were too busy playing cards and getting buzzed to actually care. Theo was one of the few that decided to use their freedom in a salutary way. He and his new friend Vlad went absolutely ham in the gym.

After one especially tough workout session, Vlad and Theo could hear some commotion outside. When they stepped outside Vlad unleashed an fat explicative.

"OH F***!?!"


My jaw dropped as I stared into the shocking scene that I had unfolded in front of me. In the sky was giant featureless face. The pale white face opened its mouth and began to speak.

"Analyzing planet...Name: Earth, Ruling Species: Humans, Physical Rating: F, Intelligence Rating: B-...Analysis Complete. Preparing for transfer."

I turned to Vlad and spoke to him curiously.

"Are we high right now?"

"Yeah I think."

"I must've hit my head on something. I think I'm gonna- AHHHHHHH"

In the middle of my statement a portal appeared and sucked me in. Soon, I lost consciousness.

{Some time later}

I slowly opened my eyes, my head blurry and my body numb. A headache rages through my head and I don't have the strength to stand up.


A loud ring echoes through my head. My eyes open, but instead of seeing the depressed grey of cement, I just see a white screen as I'm surrounded by complete darkness.

"Well if it isn't a system. You are SO original person in charge, but I mean, I'll f***ing take it."

I approach the screen and immediately notice the name on it.

[The Mutation System]



"Please tell me there's an inventory. Do NOT be some cheap syst-"

A popup appears.

[Unfortunately, there is no inventory available]


Another popup appears.

[Would you like an explanation for what is happening? That is what 99.9% of the human population is currently doing.]

"Why the-...you know what, FINE, but I want a reason behind this TRAVESTY!"

[Very well, you are about to be transferred to the realm simply known as the Ascension Battleground. This is the realm where your species as a whole must work together to conquer all the other races in order to survive. The human species has been graded very low in terms of physical traits, so the Mutation System has been created to supplement that. Using Mutation Points (MP) that can be earned through battle, humans will be allowed to receive mutations from organisms on Earth. (Examples being Lions, Beetles, Hawks, Loch Ness Monster, etc.) As for your concerns about a lack of an inventory, the answer is simple. The mutation system was created to supplement humans lack of physical strength, not to hold items for them.]

"Well damn, did not expect that."

[Please explore your status screen. The shop screen will have its own tutorial.]

Following the system's guidance, I decided to click on the [Status] icon.


Strength: 9

(2-5 is very weak, like your grandma, 6-8 is a normal person, 9-11 is for athletic people, 12-15 is world class athletes)

Dexterity: 10

(Same parameters as before)

Intelligence: 7

(2-5 is dumb, 6-8 average, 9-11 for smart, 12-15 is genius.)



"Hahahahaha my stats are pretty good. I bet I have some of the best stats."

[You are ranked three millionth-]

"That's enough out of you system. Just give me the store tutorial."

[As you wish]

I click on the [Store] icon.

[As you might see, the store offers a variety of food, clothes, equipment, and much more. The whole point behind the store however, is the mutation tickets that can be bought. There are varying types of tickets, but each one will give you 5 randomized organisms to choose from. Each organism however is divided into tiers. There are [Trash Tier] organisms, such as algae and plankton, [Low Tier] organisms, such as rats and sparrows, [Mid-Tier], [High Tier], and [Peak Tier]. Everything in the store is bought through MP. The system also grants you a beginners pack. It will open automatically. After it is opened, you will be given 10 minutes to prepare before being sent to the Ascension Battlefield. Good Luck.]

Well I might as well check out what this beginners packs about.

I close the system and observe as a suitcase sized box appears before me. The lid opens and I look inside.

The box holds a set of clothes made out of tough leather, I realize that I'm naked and quickly put it on. Then I see a backpack, inside is food, soap, and camp equipment. Finally, there is a golden piece of paper labeled [Beginner's Ticket]. On the back of the paper, there's a description.

[5 Random Choices from [Low Tier] to [Mid-Tier]. Can only be used once per individual.]

"Let's do this then."

With my heart beating nervously I activate the ticket.

A giant a lot machine appears, soon all the slots stop spinning and I'm left shocked.


[House Cat]




You guys get to choose which mutation to choose.

Option 1: Camel

-Will give buffs to endurance

- Will gain camel related abilities. (I think they can spit)

Option 2: House Cat

-Dexterity boosts

- Abilities will either have to do with claws or sneaking.

Option 3: Bison

-Strength all the way

-Charge attacks? (I’ll try to be more creative)

Option 4: Lizard

-Just your common tiny lizard, boost to regeneration.

-Maybe a wall climbing ability.

Option 5: Crow

-Dexterity Boosts


blobfishKINGcreators' thoughts