

Alexander followed Gareth and Alice before arriving at the Royal Palace. Outside the Royal Palace, the streets were bustling with citizens and merchants who were earnestly working. The Royal Palace of Southland looked like a holy land with its majestic aura, compared to Alexander's country which paled in comparison.

Alexander's father may have cared for him very much, but that does not mean he was a great king. in fact, his father was even mocked by his own citizens. He was known as the foolish king because he brought his kingdom from a state of prosperity to lose most of his land. Of course, his country was constantly under attack by demons and demi-humans, but that didn't change how he spoiled himself with riches and beauties instead of stepping up for his country as a leader when it needed him the most.

Walking into the palace from behind Gareth and next to Alice, Alexander was under the gaze of everyone as they had no idea who he was and why he was able to walk next to the princess.

"Who's he?"

"I think he's a noble"

"Whoever he is, he must be important to be walking next to the princess so casually"

The servants of the castle started chatting with each other at the sight of Alexander.

Arriving in front of the throne room, there were 2 large metal doors about 5 meters in height.

"Open the doors, I wish to speak to his majesty"

As the doors opened, revealing a throne with an old man sitting on it revealing an aura of dominance. This old man was the king as could be seen from the golden crown on his head. He had dark blue eyes which shined with wisdom, grey hair, and a grey beard. Wrinkles could be seen along with his face, they were the signs of old age.

"Father!" Alice rushed to the throne with a huge grin on her face.

Seeing his daughter, a smile broke out on the old king's face

"Alice, welcome back my daughter, how were your travels?"

"I had fun! I saw lots of things and was able to eat lots of yummy food!"

Alice was very cheerful while speaking about her experiences

"I also made a new friend! His name is Alexander Rowland!"


While the king looked at me with an odd expression. Seeing the king's expression, Gareth walked towards the king and whispered something.

"Alice, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, for now, go find your brother"


Alice walked out of the room skipping with her golden hair fluttering along her steps

"Alexander Rowland, you are the prince of Eastland?"

"I was before we were invaded"

"Explain to me what happened"

As the king asked, I retold the events that happened that day according to my memory

"I see, you've been through a lot"

As I listened to the king, I could see not only pity but contempt. I clenched my fist as I thought, "I don't need your pity, bastard". Honestly, I was surprised by my self. There was an unknown feeling welling up in my chest, it made me feel aggravated. Trying to suppress this unknown feeling, I stayed quiet.

"I will give you a chance to live and become stronger"

The king's voice echoed

"I am currently looking for a vassal for my daughter, Alice. If you become her vassal, you will be provided a place to stay and food. Also, if I recall correctly, you were planning to go to the Greywood Magic Academy. With the downfall of your country, I doubt you would still be welcomed into the Academy, that is if you don't become Alice's retainer."

It took me a moment to realize what the king had suggested. Retainer?

I let out a sigh before responding to the king, "I'll do it. I'll become Alice's retainer"

Hearing my answer, the king turned to Gareth.

"Prepare a room for him and some fitting clothes"


Alexander was now in a small room that had the bare minimum. There was only a bed small enough to fit a single person, a window, a wooden desk, and a wooden chair.

Falling on the bed Alexander blankly stared at the ceiling.


"They're giving me this tiny room despite having such a huge palace?"

"Moreover what was the feeling I had when the king looked down at me with pity? My chest started heating up, I started feeling tension in my muscles, my fists started shaking, and I clenched my teeth"

Alexander couldn't understand what he felt, no it wasn't Alexander who didn't understand, but it was the psychopath who didn't understand. Ever since he was able to remember, he couldn't recall even a single time where he had felt that emotion.

"Was that anger?"

Alexander pondered before he slowly fell asleep.


"Alexander! Alexander! Wake up!"

Alexander woke up to the young face of the princess, Alice.

"It's time for you to study!"


Alexander sat up while stretching his arms, before realizing there was a handsome young adult standing in the door. This young adult looked to be around the age of 19 and had bright green eyes and hair. He was in a typical black suit, consisting of a jacket, red tie, a white undershirt and a pair of trousers are mostly used. In his arms were a pair of smaller sized clothing neatly folded.

"Hello, I am Edward the retainer for his highness, the first prince of Southland"

"Pleasure to meet you, I am Alexander Rowland"

"His Majesty has informed me of your circumstances, but that will not matter. From this day on, you will receive training for the sword, magic, and how to be a proper retainer. Moreover, you will learn as much as possible before the next month begins, the opening of Greywood Magic Academy. You will be attending along with the young miss, Alice"

Look! We have a cover for the novel now! Thanks to RawBeef/NguyenDynasty for making the novel cover for me! Also, go check out his novel, "Dragon Breaks the Void" it's really good.

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