
The Journey Begins (Prologue)

The hustle and bustle of everyday life roared on, ever unchanging. Time was money and you could never have enough time to make money. A young male, with messy black hair being tossed through the wind, stood atop a tall building looking out at the street below. Lifting a lit cigarette to his lips, he took a long drag, inhaling deep as he watched everyone dash to and fro. A puff of white smoke was exhaled and quickly whipped away by the wind.

Amos always came up here to smoke. He had hit a rough patch lately. He couldn't find a place that would keep him on as a full time employee. No matter where he went, people couldn't be near him. It wasn't for lack of trying, but something was off about him and it made people uneasy. He had a gentle smile and a warm heart, but people would get goosebumps being near him.

"Time to die, son of the traitor Zareth," a sinister voice floated on the wind and sent shivers up his spine.

"Who are y--?" His words were cut short as the assailant rushed forward just as Amos turned around to see who was addressing him. However, he wasn't quick enough and he was knocked from the top of the building. Looking up, Amos saw a dark face with piercing red eyes and brown crooked fangs. His face was a dark shade of red and he had a sinister aura about him. Amos engraved his assailant's appearance in his mind. If he survived, Amos would definitely return for revenge. Looking at the ground below, Amos couldn't help but feel relieved. 'Guess Daddy's going to join you sooner than he thought.' As the ground grew closer, something seemed off. It was..moving? Ripples appeared on the ground and it started to become distorted. Amos let out quick scream before he was swallowed by the ripples. His scream didn't attract a single person and the ripples went unnoticed by everyone else before it finally dissipated.