
Chapter 3

Mina POV

After exits Park JinYoung room the group proceeded to the elevator, they want to go to the practice room to prepare for their concert. While on the way to the elevator they arrive at the lounge. The first thing that mina saw is a man wearing Blue Wide Stripe Double Breasted Suit staring at the group and the blue of his can be seen from the distance.

He a very handsome man, a deep blush immediately appeared on Mina's face and he immediately hiding behind Jeongyeon which is at standing at the front on his. Mina stares at the men who finally snapped out her daze after Chaeyoung make a sound by clear his throat. A teasing smirk was plastered on Chaeyoung's face. Mina and her group proceed to the elevator.

Before the door close, Mina gave the man the last smile. After the door close, Mina starts feeling a heavy heart, the feeling like it a loss for her to not see him again. It is the first time he feeling something like that.

"Those eyes should really be illegal," Chaeyoung's said while smirking at her friend, "Right, Unnie?" Mina just nodded in agreement until she realized that her friend was teasing her.

"Well from what I look, it looks like him working here at least you'll meet him again." Chaeyoung's continued to tease her friend as the other party kept pouting in annoyance.

After they arrive at the practice room, everyone gets a rest for 5 minutes before they start the concert preparation. Mina usually will rest on the chair while playing a game on the phone. But today, she was not feeling herself. Not only her, but the majority of the group is also like her. Some of them were on dazed. Only Jihyo the leader seems like she was immune to that man.

After the 5 minute rest, Jihyo rushing all her member to start working. The practice of that day finishes before 2 o'clock. It not like they never practice, it just Jihyo decide to finish the practice early because she realizes that the majority of her member can give their all in their practices.

After the group arrive at their dorm, mina just decides to lay on her bed and continue watching the movie that she left from before. She watches the movie while listening to her roommate gossip.

Nayeon: "Sana, do you remember that handsome man from before? I still can't forget about him."

Sana: "I remember Unnie, I like to see his eye, it was so blue. How can an Asian get a blue eye like him? Do you think he wearing a contact lens."

Nayeon: "I don't think he wearing lens. By seeing how he dressing it next to impossible for him to wearing a lens."

Jihyo: "I also think he does not wear one Sana. His style is also very good, his suits also look very expensive. What do you think he doing for life?"

Nayeon: "Woah, it rare to see Leader-nim is interesting about someone. I think he works in business related Jihyo-ya"

Jihyo: "No Unnie, I just interested in him because he looks like he interested to a member of our group."

Sana: "Who do you think interested to?"

Jihyo: "It is a secret Sana"

Nayeon: "Come on Jihyo, share with us, please. We are your roommate okay"

Jihyo: "I will share it, but not right now. Are you okay Mina? Do you want to share it?"

Mina: "It nothing Jihyo Unnie, I just can not wait to go to Japan this weekend."

Sorry for a short chapter, I will compensate back for the next chapter

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