

The Story started when I stayed at the college after my classes are finished. Me with my friends went out of the college to eat our lunch. We went to a Restaurant nearby and ordered Mandi (Arabic Dish). Then after finishing our food we went back to the college to finish our works.... Then we went to our college library as its a very good place and has a very peaceful environment. And we took a table and thought of starting our assignments. Then she fell in my eyes with a beautiful smile and in a traditional dress giggling with her friends. I'm an introvert and has few friends across the college while she? was a popular kid with many friends across and with a huge following of boys who crushed on her. She came to me and asked for the textbook I was writing from.. She asked "hey do you mind if i borrow that book?" , Me in a shy manner "Yea sure" i know I was shy and a bit tensed then she took the book and replied "thanks!" with a smile i could never forget. From that moment I totally crushed on her.

On the Same day, I completed my assignments and went to my lecturer for the correction. He asked me whether i did on my own or not I replied in a tensed way "Yes sir i did that on my own." then he replied "well then i will give you two questions from these assignments and get it done in 20 minutes". Then i was trying to write..... then she came for the correction of her notes she was also given the same questions and was told to finish them. Then the lecturer got a call from the Principal of our college to meet him quickly.... then he told " complete those questions by i time i come back"

and then she gave her book with answers and i successfully completed copying the answers. Then our lecturer came back took the books and told us to leave. We went out of the staff room and started giggling.Then she asked "Whats your name btw?" i replied "I'm Arjun and you're Aasta right? the most popular girl in the college(That's the first time i actually tried flirting;)". She blushed and replied....