
Rick VS Tsuru the wise part.2

The intensity of the fight only increased after Tsuru felt humiliated.Most of the spectators could only follow the fight with the help of the slow-motion monitor.For a normal person, so many actions could only be carried out after half an hour had passed.Rick and Tsuru had only been fighting for a minute.The sudden movements did not draw more blood from Tsuru as he controlled his ki to block the wound.This forced him to face Rick head-on.Their styles are different, and Tsuru knows it. Every random punch thrown by Rick has the risk of a drastic increase in speed.Tsuru can only dodge thanks to his experience and foresight.The battle continued, the cracks in the surface of the arena increasing with each drastic change of direction.Both of their gis were dirty from the dust raised, and each movement could cause the dust to shake off and stick to the body again."It's over!" Tsuru released waves of ki to push himself away, letting the blood from his eye flow.Taking to the air, he prepared to fly out of the arena. The charge lasted 3 seconds.But in that time, Rick approached using the afterimage and Soru to project images throughout the arena.The projections came dangerously close to his base in the sky."What?!" With palpable confusion, Tsuru changed his strategy in an instant.His swirling ki erupted in a shock wave, heading towards the ground.The projections vanished, Rick was pushed down about 20 meters, and the spectators largely fell to the ground, not even the rescue team on standby for accidents was spared.Some stood up immediately, but that didn't affect the fight.With Rick stopping in mid-air, Tsuru copied the opponent's idea to propel himself extra with violent ki.The effect was as expected, but Tsuru had never tried something so dangerous.He accidentally injured himself.In the end, he had an aerial collision for both of them to fall to the now updated arena, which no longer had a smooth surface."Dodon pa!" "Dodon pa!" "DODON PA!!"The beams were not long in coming, further damaging the surroundings, even the presenter himself was missing a piece of hair."Chidori Stream!"The sound of thousands of birds singing interrupted the rumble of the previous lasers.Tsuru, surprised, protected himself with his ki having seen a similar technique before.But the difference between Roshi's attack, this damage was not only continuous, but also irregular in intensity, causing small discharges to infiltrate him.The camera recorded everything from the perfect angle, the image of Rick accumulating the currents between his palms will be remembered.Rick rushed forward with extra speed wanting to seriously injure Tsuru.Tsuru, who was slightly paralyzed, acted irresponsibly by sending a discharge from his feet to the ground, propelling himself like a rocket into the clear sky.Rick, instead of chasing him, pointed at him with his palms."50 Watt Pellets!"As the name suggests, the technique launched lightning bolts in the form of pellets to chase him in the sky, they worked like a magnet, attracting themselves to the charge of Tsuru's body."This is new..."With an exhalation, Tsuru guided the charge out of his body thus eliminating the target of the pellets by luck."You'll see!"With strength on himself Tsuru spun around, creating a whirlwind that attracted the clouds in the distance and raising broken parts of the arena.People grabbed onto whatever they could, since these winds attracted everything under 30 kilos, children were not safe.And Rick, facing this simulated scene of the end of the world, just smiled.Some cameras recorded it from the sky, as they were spinning. Unfortunately, these did not capture the sound of what he said next.¡Katapum!A five-meter radius thunderclap pierced through the eye of the storm and scorched the ground inside the already decaying arena.Tsuru fell unconscious to the ground, and the whirlwind expelled all the wind in a new shockwave.Rick was also knocked down, since he was floating in the sky, the wind caught him off guard.The referee, with a suspicious stain on his pants, climbed onto the arena to count to 10.1 2 3 4 5 6 ...With a jump, Tsuru got up again. His face as charred as his fighting gi."Take a nap, I need it at my age," he said.The terrified referee jumped out of the stone square, yelling "Let the fight continue!""Don't you give up?" Rick asked.To which Tsuru, with a darkened face... well, now literally, said, "Only if you take my next attack head-on.""What?" That's what most people exclaimed."Alright," Rick replied."Fool! How dare you? He won't keep his promise!" Roshi and Krillin yelled."Heh heh, don't regret it. So far you've dodged my most well-known registered technique, at last you'll give me the satisfaction of hitting the shot." Tsuru scoffed."DOODON!"The aura concentrated, the light from his fingers intensified, a crackling sound like burning embers could be heard at decibels higher than usual."PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"With his arm pointed at his chest, a laser beam half orange and half reddish fired at Rick.Rick stood facing him, his legs planted in the ground, chest held high, and arms outstretched, staring with a frown and a smile that showed all his teeth.'I'll steal this technique, Brief'PlafThe laser connected but failed to pierce him.A swirling ki in front of him like a shield protected him. It was formed in a geometric shape, with a tip created from many triangles. The shield itself also rotated, dispersing most of the attack.Seeing that the shield was giving way, Rick created a Rasengan in his hand and placed it behind the shield."Come on!" With that, Rick Sanchez released the shield and focused on the next clash.
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