
A Naruto Novel, Maybe

Hiro is a middle aged man. After cuckolded by his wife, he had a accident and died. Then he reborned to Naruto World. INO X OC NO HAREM BECAUSE I HATE IT.

TheVeteranReader · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter Three: Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu Training! (EDITED)

Our hero, Hiro, was running like there was no tomorrow. There were two people in front of him while he was running, but they were not running on their feet... They were running on their hands!

"Youth! Young Hiro. I can feel your spirit from here. SUCH BEAUTIFUL YOUTH!" said a man with green, strange clothes. Beside him there was a copy of him. "Yeah, Hiro-kun! You have Youth of spring fire!"


*Flashback no Jutsu*

"So, you want me to train in taijutsu and shurikenjutsu. But I don't have that much time..." Hiro felt bad while he was listening Aki-nee. "Uh. The-"

"But we can think of something else! I have a friend. He has a life dept to me. His name is Might Guy. He is the best taijutsu teacher that you can find."

"Umu. Thank you, big sister. I will be in debt forever."

While he was bowing to Aki-nee, he felt pincer attack on his sides of face. "Araaa! You are so fricking cute! When you grew, I would take you for myself, kyaaaa!"

"Uhhh... Okay, Aku-nee. Can you relea- oh? Thank you very much.

Yes, Aki-nee. When does my taijutsu training starts?"

"Humm. It will start in a month. Prepare yourself, I don't be embarrassed by you, my little pervert."


*Flashback no Jutsu End!!🙌"

"Alright, enough. You can rest, my YOUTHFUL students!" said Guy cheerfully. He looked like nothing happened to him, but they were running for fucking two hours, nonstop, at a high speed for him! Lee looked like winded a bit, but he looked fine too. 'Real, FUCKING, freaks...'

Hiro fell on his ass. He felt like his lungs don't belong to him anymore. They belong to the freaks in front of him. I had been five years since he came to this shitty world. He didn't know which motherfucker (AN: Heh) sent him here.

His breathing pattern adjusted correct again. His brain takes greedily from air inside from his lungs.

"Okay, Young Hiro! Now, you should spar with Lee. Lee, you mustn't go easy on him. Hiro, you must do the same too." I tiredly sit up and go in front of Rock Lee. I took a generic Leaf stance and eyed carefully him. He sparred with Lee numerous times. At first, he repeatedly lost to him, but he started to win in a point. He started to win six months ago. This was the advantage of being an adult in his mind. He didn't fear being punched and threw a punch at his enemy. This was his advantage.

"Yosh! Hiro-kun, I will come to you at my most peak. Our youths should clash each other!" said Lee with never-ending vigor. He shut up and he eyed my movements carefully. He knows If he makes an error, he will be smashed by me.

"So, you will not come to me. Then I will come to you, Lee. Prepare yourself, I will bust your ass!"


He ran to Lee swiftly. He arrived in front of him swiftly and began to punch him carefully. After he threw a punch, he took his defense by guarding his face with rising his arms in front of his face. This is a basic fight stance.


The fight continues with attacks and defenses from two sides. But Hiro found a hole in Lee's defense, then in a moment he flashed a punch to there. The punch landed on Lee's face fast, but his attacks didn't end there. When he punched Lee, Lee stunned for a moment. He threw a kick to Lee's legs swiftly and grabbed Lee's body with his legs and arms. After he took to lock Lee's head, Lee struggled for a moment or two, but he didn't release his headlock. Lee becomes suffocated after a while, he gives up. 'hufh' Hiro released Lee at that moment and lay on the surface of earth.

"It was a good fight, YOUTHS! Such a fierce fight... Lee. You don't need to be look dejected. You can always challenge Hiro. If you work hard two times as before, you will certainly beat him! You can rest, boys!" Guy said with light shining from his smile. 'How can he do this? I mean, he is not using even a bit chakra!'

"It was a good fight, my man, Lee. Don't look dejected. You can win against to me. You only need a bit of experience." he said with a smile on his face. He held out his hand to Lee. Lee took his hand with a smile of his own. "You are so kind, Hiro-kun. Thank you. I will certainly beat your ass! Believe it!"





(AN: I like to write about them. Their personalities are so colorful xd)

*Scene Ends*(AN: I will use this instead of the old ones.)

Hiro looked to the tree in front of him. There were circles in the middle of the tree. He was using this tree for his shurikenjutsu. You can't say that he is so perfect, but nothing is perfect, right? His score on shurikenjutsu was 5/10. Not that much. Not that bad, too, for a starter. He could perfect this until the start of academy. 'Oh, about the academy. Which student profile should I select? High is a big no no. Middle is enough. Yeah. I shouldn't show a performance different from what they are waiting from me. Being a genius? It is a big no, no. I don't want to pedo-Danzo stand behind me. A genius without power? Cookie for pedos!'

He pondered as he was working. 'Should I want ninjutsus from Aki-nee? I have finished the leaf practice. Yeah! I should take tree practice, then a few ninjutsus will not be bad.'

*Timeskip: After Training, In room of Aki-nee*

I clicked the door gently. "Aki-nee? Can I enter?" Then I heard Aki-nee's voice. "Yeah, Hiro. You can." I stand before of her. "Aki-nee, I finished the leaf practice. I want another practice. Can you also help me with a few ninjutsus? They don't need to be powerful. Just enough for self-protection."

"Kukuku. Yeah, Hiro. I can help you with that. But you come with me to monitor your progress. Sit on that chair and use leaf practice for 10 minutes." He sit the chair and do what Aki-nee said. After 10 minutes, "It is enough, little pervert. You did good. Then I should show you to tree practice but this practice harder to do. I will also show you water practice, this one is harder than other, but I believe you can do both of them in one year. Follow me now."

He followed her to behind of the orphanage. She went to the deepest of the tree group, and she stood before a tree. "Look at this tree. You learned how to drive your chakra around your body. Now, we should go deeper in this. Normally, If I place my feet on bark of a tree, It will not remain there, right? But you can make it remain there easily. Drive your chakra to the sole of your feet. After you drive it, you must touch with it to the bark of a tree. What is the hard thing in here? You can say, but the point is in here, is to adjust the amount of chakra you place. If you place too much, you can't control it, and you will slip from bark while going vertically on the tree. If you place little, you can't climb. You must adjust the right amount of chakra like this." Aki-nee stood on the bark of a tree on her feet. 'Fuck, where are the laws of physics? This is just stupid!' "Okay, come and try, little pervert."

Hiro placed the sole of his feet on bark of tree. Then he directed his chakra to sole of his feet. He slowly lifted his other feet to place it, but he can only stood on bark of tree for a moment. 'Ugh! It hurts!'

"Kukuku. You can't do it in the first try, my little shota. You must practice intensely. Okay, don't dare to disappoint me. If you can do this in a week, I will kiss you. Ku. Ku. Ku."

Hiro looked lips of Aki-nee, 'Yosh! I will do it boi! Even if I died in the process!' "Okay, Aki-nee. But don't forget your promise to me. If you forget it, I will cry!" 'For men of culture!'

"Ara, ara... My little pervert. Huhu. Okay, then. I will not forget!"


"Now. You continue on your work. Finish it and directly go to the bathroom! Do you understand me?"


*Scene Ends no Jutsu**Aki-nee's room*

Aki-nee comes to inside of her room. She sits on her chair. "Bodyguard-kun, you can appear."

"Yes, young lady. Can you please use my name? Yutaka Doragono..."

"Umu,umu. Whatever. Anyway, did you finish it, bodyguard-kun?" Her eyes hardened.

"Yeah, my lady. I finished laying genjutsu on staff. I have found a few spies among them. You don't need to worry. They are our spies, now." said Yutaka, the bodyguard-kun.

"Good. When our little master has enough strength, we should appear. Our old secret agreement is our assurance, but we should still be safe for our young master. He had low jonnin level chakra. Such a pure blood is rare. You will give him lessons on our clan and other jutsus. Hım. I should meet you with him as my friend. As long as you don't appear in public, you will be safe. Your identity card is safe right now?"

"Yeah, my lady."

"Okay. You can go."

"... Our clan will reborn again, father and mother. I will definitely kill those bastards!"

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-Your little perver author....

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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