As the sun set over the small town of Millville, Matt sat on the porch with a controller in his hands. His concentration was unwavering, and his fingers moved with lightning speed as he guided his character through an intense battle. He had always been a natural at gaming, and it was one of the few things that gave him a sense of control in an otherwise tumultuous life.
Mat's family was poor—that was the plain and simple truth. His parents both worked long hours at the factory in order to scrape together enough money to keep the lights on and food on the table. There wasn't much left after that. Most of Matt's clothes are worn with patches, and his shoes have more holes than soles.
Despite this, Matt was a good student. He had always been curious about the world around him and loved nothing more than learning new things. His classmates often teased him for being a "nerd," but Matt didn't let it bother him. He knew that education was the key to a better life.
As the game reached its climax, Matt's younger sister called out to him from inside the house, "Matt, dinner is ready." He sighed and looked away from the screen to meet his sister's eyes. "Okay. I'll be right there.
He paused the game and put his controller in a safe place.
Matt knew he couldn't let anything happen to his game box; it was his birthday gift when he turned 17, and his father had promised to buy it for him if he passed his high school first-grade examination. Matt had to work hard, spending most of his time either in the library or behind his desk reading.
Eventually his efforts paid off when the results were out, and though he did not know how his father bought the GL-10 Classic Game Box for him, he appreciated it and promised to keep it in optimal condition for a long time.
"Why are you dragging your feet?" His sister turned to face him after hearing his stomach growl. They were having beans and rice once more. It was one of their go-to meals, and they'd grown to appreciate its simplicity.
As they ate, Matt's father asked about his day at school. Matt told him about his latest history project—a presentation on the Civil War.
"You know, Matt," his father said, "you could be a historian one day." "You know more about those old battles than most adults I know." The older man paused and continued. "And I know you want to be; I really do."
The two shared a quiet moment before Matt's mother spoke up: "Oh, come now, don't talk like that, dear." It would be so nice if you could study history. "After all, history is where we learn how to do things!" His mother smiled brightly. She seemed happier whenever he talked about his studies.
Her son was always working hard and making progress in his life. That was good enough for her. "We will get by; don't worry," she added. "Your dad and I have each other, and that's all that matters." That was all they ever needed.
That was the very reason they got by without any trouble. His father worked very hard, and his mother did everything she could to ensure their children didn't starve to death. "Eat your fill; you and your sister are our hope; you guys must study hard to make us proud," Matt's father said while looking at him. Matt only nodded while shifting his eyes between his father, mother, and sister. "I'll definitely make you guys proud," Matt said to himself.
When everybody is through with dinner, they all go to sleep, not knowing their fate or that of the world, which is about to change.