

watching her parents murdered ruthlessly and escaping death by an inch, she will do what it takes to give her parents the justice they deserved even if it means her own ending as well. her name is Oceania jaladhi the daughter of the ocean. the most beautiful creature in both the sea and the land shining in light like a goddess and eyes blue as the ocean . the time has come for her to get justice

Del_muoti_ · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Good luck.

She looked at Kai and then after some moments of thinking, she decided.

"Fine, I'll go with you...." He burst out into a peal of laughter, not a huge one though, and then immediately turned to a serious face. She was surprised but she tried not to show it.

" What's funny ...? " she asked in her low usual calm voice. He looked at her and smiled again.

" I'm a sea warlock .....my skills are great aren't they?....alright alright...I must admit, I might be younger but I tend to be cunning, but I mean no harm...." He was now moving around her.

" I got you on this one.... that's why I'm very skilled... you barely talk to anyone and yet I used my little childish skills to have you talk to me...I must congratulate myself " He said clapping his hands.

From the look on her face, she was getting upset now. One reason why she never opened up to any friendship was that she never liked jokers, and sometimes some things were just a waste of time, and right now what he had done was something she hated. She would have spent this time to maybe do some reading or maybe have her beauty sleep but here he was, playing with her mind. It's understandable that sea warlocks tend to be cunning and boast around a lot about their skills but maybe he did a little too much about this. Did he have to play with her mind just to show off his skills? She looked at him with piercing eyes before she spoke.

" Look, if you're looking for someone to play with, then you have the wrong person...so if you think that this is a joke then I'm sorry I hate jokes...I hate the fact that you played mind games with me just to tease me about your skills....now it's either I leave or you leave....you can just go and find someone to play with about your skills" she said anger fuming in her eyes, the exact opposite of how her voice sounded. Her voice was just calm normal and low as always, she has never had a loud voice and she doesn't know how to shout at someone. But even though her voice was low, you could tell that she was serious and even her face said it all.

He looked at her and smiled again. " Oh... it is getting serious huh....you know you are really amazing...you still look pretty when you are mad, I wish.....anyway back to why I am here... you need to be careful Oceania...I came here to warn you..... you'll be alone out there you know...and you'll have to endure a lot, honestly, I don't wanna lose you ...its fun reading your mind without you noticing you know?....don't trust anyone.....you only have you...." With that, he smiled and turned to leave.

"Wait...! Why are you telling me this? Did you see something? " She asked curiously with a face that showed tension because if the warlock had said so then maybe there was something. Warlocks can sense danger and they never lie about something, was this a warning, or was there actually something?

" I just feel that you need a lot of good luck.....you've never been to the outside world before...trust me you don't wanna be there....there's a lot of danger ....but you need this more than anyone else...I want you to be happy....for six years you haven't been and I know that even if taking revenge won't bring back your parents, at least you'll be free, free knowing that those nightmares you have every day won't haunt you anymore, at least you'll be able to sleep knowing that whoever murdered your parents has paid for it..... you'll be able to smile without thinking that there's a murdered out there walking free while the blood of your parents cries out to you every day...I want you to be free....free from the pain and the heartache....you are the saddest soul among all of us here.....trust me have been into everyone's mind here....you are different ....but your heart is filled with sadness...I don't want that for you" He said in a way that she knew he meant it. How voice hit deep and his eyes were wet.

"What about your parents? " He looked down be then looked at her.

"Now tears the part I didn't lie about...too bad I can't avenge them....your luck you know...killed on the same day as yours... I was so little by then...but the images keep on flashing in my head now and then...I guess that's what warlocks go through, some images never disappear from our minds, do they?...." He said in a tone lower than the one he was using at first. Maybe he had made fun of her at first but this boy hurts as much as she does, they are both alike.

" We can still go together if you are interested....your skills could be of help....don't you want to avenge them? " The pain she had reflected even in her eyes.

" I wish I could Oceania...I've been in your head countless times and trust me everything you go through I feel it and I get all those nightmares that you get too... it's just like we go through the same thing...I can't sleep too... I've tried so many times to try and erase the image in my head but it's been of no use... I wish I could leave the ocean and give my parents the justice they deserve but I can't....I'm a sea warlock and I can't leave just yet...at least not for now...your lucky that you can leave the waters you know...but I trust you...I know you can do this...but please don't let anything affect your plan...no matter what it is you must conquer it....one more thing, my magic is only usable in the water....so even if I were to go I wouldn't be able to use it...I wish when the time comes I could be of more help to you" He looked at her and then said

"I'm sorry...." he looked at her and his eyes told what he couldn't say. She moved to him and hugged him, so tightly just like how her parents used to hug her.

" It's okay...I understand you..." she said after the hug.

"You should leave now...at night....it will be of much help because no one will notice you coming out of the sea..."