
A love untold

Dessy_Success · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter five

Max recovered after some few days. Alma told him about Kyle and her being in a relationship. Max had promised himself that he would stay away from Alma no matter what happened. Alma introduced Kyle to her parents as her boyfriend. Alma and Kyle went to school together, they did everything together they even wore the same dress with the others name on it. One day some girls cornered Alma and tied her up, Max was passing by and heard some noise he went there and saw Alma tied up with some girls beating her. He sacked all the girls and untied Alma,without saying a word he left her.

Next day...

"Max thanks for yesterday"

Max didn't respond and continued walking

"Max am talking to you"

He still didn't respond so she holds his hands,he angrily pushes her away and she falls down

"Don't ever talk or come near me,I saved you because you needed help"

Max walked away whiles Alma was crying.

After three years...

Alma had completed and was going to Chicago to further her education. Max had asked to meet her. Soon she saw him approaching,very soon they were facing each other speechless,after staring at each other for a while Alma started crying.

Max"Why are you crying "

Alma"I'm surprised you wanted to see me"

Max"Yes I came to say good-bye"

Alma "What happened to you all those years,where were you,after the day I talked to you I never saw you again"

Max"Yes,I wanted to stay away from you"

Alma "Why"

Max"So I could forget you"

Alma "You never spoke to me all those years because you wanted to avoid me?"


Alma "Okay"

Max"When you go,will you return "

Alma "If I find a reason to return"

Max"Can I ask of a thing"

Alma "Yes anything"

Max"Can I hug you"

Alma "Yes"

Max hugs Alma and they both start crying.

Max"You know the day I left I thought I'll never see or talk to you again,but when I heard you were leaving I wanted to say bye"

Alma "Max am sorry"

Max"It's okay"

They stop hugging and Max cleans his face.

Max"Have a safe journey "

Alma "Thanks am going now"

Max watches as Alma walks away until he no more sees her. Max had wanted to ask about Kyle but he didn't have the courage.