
A Love Named You

One day the chaos emeralds begin to act weird as Sonic and his friends have to go and investigate what is going on. Little did they know that the chaos emeralds teleport them to a new world that has more well built anthromorphic creatures from butterflies to a jack-o-lantern head.

Bri_9130 · Derivados de juegos
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

A blue hedgehog runs through the grass hills of Green Hill. Jumping on robots that a mad scientist named Eggman Robotnik sends after the animal. The hedgehog spots in the distance his brothers, Shadow and Silver the hedgehogs, fighting Scourge the hedgehog and Infinite the jackal. He speeds up to where he is literally running up to the fight and punches Scourge in the stomach and jumps into the air to roll attack at Infinite that causes the jackal to fall onto the ground. The hedgehog lands onto the ground with his feet and looks at the the duo glaring at him. He smiles wide, "Admit it! You both lost!"

"In your dreams, Sonic." Scourge spits out venom. He stands up and runs after Sonic, but before he could do so, Shadow kicks him away. Scourge flies in the air for a bit until he lands onto his back. Looking up at the black and red hedgehog before him. He growls, "Shadow! Aren't you on our side?!"

Shadow looks over at Sonic, "He is mine to beat."

Sonic nods as he runs over to Silver who is fighting Infinite.

Shadow looks back over at Scourge to see him standing up. He clenches his fists and runs at Scourge only to punch him in the gut.

Scourge coughs up some blood and holds onto his stomach only to glare at Shadow, "I see that you have gotten stronger. I wonder how long that will last for." He runs at Shadow to try and kick him.

Sonic runs over to Silver's side to see him throwing trees and rocks at Infinite with his telekinesis. Sonic smiles at Silver, "Need some help?"

Silver blasts a boulder at Infinite until he looks down at Sonic, "Yes, I will distract him while you attack him!"

Sonic gives Silver a thumbs up and runs around Infinite. Watching Silver blasting boulders and trees at Infinite. Sonic jumps onto the falling pieces of debris and kicks Infinite in the back. Causing him to fall onto the ground.

Infinite lands onto his stomach as he growls in frustration. He stands up and flies up to the air and punches Silver in the stomach. He watches Silver grab onto his stomach before kicking him back in the head to cause him flying onto the ground. He turns towards Sonic and glares at him. He turns over to Scourge to see him keeping up with Shadow until Shadow would cause to drip blood out of his mouth.

"Hey Infinite! I am down here!" Sonic yells at the floating jackal.

Infinite turns his gaze back onto Sonic, "Until another time, Sonic." He teleports away as he teleports Scourge away as well. Both left the area to only leave Shadow, Silver, and Sonic in the area.

Sonic walks over to Silver to watch him get onto his feet while holding onto his stomach. He has a smile on his face, "Well that ended quicker than I have expected."

Shadow walks over to the 2 other hedgehogs, "We almost defeated them."

Silver coughs up some blood, "Man that hurt."

"Toughen up, Silver. By the way, Tails wants to see all of us." Sonic says with his smile.

Silver wipes the blood away from his mouth, "Right now?"

Sonic nods as he brings his hands behind his head.

Shadow and Silver look at each other before looking back at Sonic. They nod and all 3 hedgehogs soon run over to Tails' workshop which is near the city of Mobius. They competed with each other to see who is faster. Sonic would be in the lead till Shadow and Silver caught up to him. They run past everyone till Sonic has to stop since he has found Sally standing in the streets. He comes to a complete stop as he smiles at his girlfriend, "Hey Sally."

Sally turns over to see her boyfriend and smiles at him, "Hey Sonic! I see that you have finally returned from fighting Scourge and Infinite." She walks up to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Sonic blushes a bit as he remembers Shadow and Silver are behind him. He laughs a bit as he stares into Sally's sky blue eyes, "I am sorry, Sal, but I need to get Shadow and Silver over to Tails' workshop."

Sally puts her hands onto her hips while looking into Sonic's eyes, "We can go together! Lemme just grab my hoverboard."

Shadow crosses his arms and rolls his eyes while Silver shakes his head.

Sonic turns towards the 2 hedgehogs, "Sorry guys, didn't mean to make you guys wait." He scratch the back of his head with his right hand.

Shadow raises an eyebrow, "You think that we aren't used to this?"

Sonic closes his eyes and chuckles a bit until he hears Sally running back over to them.

"I am back!" Sally stops next to Sonic and kisses him on the cheek, "We should get going."

Sonic nods and begins to run again with Shadow, Silver, and Sally following him. They continued on till they have found Tails' workshop only to see a yellow fox, pink hedgehog, purple cat, and a red echidna standing while holding onto the chaos emeralds.

Sonic stops running with Shadow, Silver, and Sally stopping next to him. He walks over to them, "What is going on, Tails?"

"There is something going on with the chaos emeralds. They aren't acting normal." Tails says while holding some of the chaos emeralds that are glowing dimly.

Sonic picks up one of the emeralds and shows it to the trio behind him.

Silver grabs the chaos emerald and takes a look at it, "It looks like they are trying to teleport."

"Teleport where?" Sally asks.

Silver shrugs, "No idea."

The chaos emeralds begin to shine brighter as they start to engulf everyone in a bright light. Flashing in and out before they consumed everything around them. Making the entirety of Mobius glow until it no longer glowed with the planet no longer habitable...