
A Loser's Tales

Just a loser who has some tales to share with other so that they can atleast have some entertainment or even some advices which may be helpful.

Akash_Nair_9846 · Real
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5 Chs

My HAPPIEST Memory along with my WORST day.

The happiest memory of my life, ironically, turned out to be the most devastating day I have ever experienced. The memory remains etched in my mind with vivid clarity, as if it happened just yesterday. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and my mom had arranged a long-awaited playdate with my beloved best friend, a girl who held a special place in my heart.

Our houses were located half an hour away from each other, and the anticipation had me awake even before the alarm could ring. I took a shower all by myself, feeling a surge of independence and excitement. My face couldn't contain the perpetual smile that adorned it, for this was the first time I was going to visit a friend's house, and she happened to be my very first best friend.

I paced restlessly around the house, eagerly waiting for the afternoon to arrive. Finally, the time came, and we embarked on our journey to my friend's house, squeezed together in a rickshaw. Due to the unruly traffic, it took us a grueling 45 minutes to reach our destination. But the moment we stepped into her home, all the weariness melted away.

She embraced me instantly, and our smiles mirrored the joy we felt deep within. As a daily ritual, she would gift me a postcard, and today's was exceptionally special. It featured a beautiful drawing of the two of us, holding hands under the pouring rain. My heart soared with sheer happiness, and we continued to revel in each other's company until evening.

Throughout the day, we immersed ourselves in a plethora of games – video games, board games, and every kind of amusement we could conjure. We even sat together and created art, sharing the same canvas as we let our imaginations run wild. But alas, all good things must come to an end. The time to bid farewell arrived, and I, still beaming with delight, asked my friend and our parents if we could plan another playdate for the following week. That's when they delivered the heartbreaking news that shattered my world into a million pieces.

Unbeknownst to me, they dropped the bombshell that they were moving to Bangalore the very next day, a city located in a different state. It felt as though the entire universe had turned against me in that moment. Tears cascaded down my cheeks uncontrollably, and I was inconsolable. I couldn't bear the thought of being separated from my dearest friend, and she too shared my anguish.

We clung to each other, refusing to let go, as if our bond could withstand any force that threatened to pull us apart. But reality was cruel, and our parents tore us away from one another, their decision final and irreversible. Before leaving, they exchanged contact information, providing a glimmer of hope. Little did I know that fate had other plans in store for us.

The following week, tragedy struck yet again when my mother's phone was stolen, causing us to lose all the precious contact information we had exchanged. Since then, I have searched tirelessly for my true friend, the only one who understood me completely.

Every day, I carry her memory in my heart, longing to reunite with her, but I remain clueless about her whereabouts. She remains the missing piece in the puzzle of my life, the soulmate I have been desperately searching for. My heart still aches with the weight of that bittersweet memory, reminding me that the joy of that day was overshadowed by the heartbreak that followed.