
A disaster at midnight

Sam and Karl were enjoying their road trip and already had been driving for days, so they decided to park and camp in the truck for the night. Rookie their dog needed to go out anyway so it seemed like a good enough reason as any to take a rest. They pulled over in a forested part of some farmers field and so she started the long ritual of getting the truck ready while Karl got dinner going and rogue chased bugs around, the bugs were terrible so far in Ontario but in this particular spot it was like kicking a hornets nest, the bugs were so thick it was hard to see Karl at the back of the truck from the front. I thought about how they should have bought bug spray but didn't say anything knowing it would probably send Karl into a fit of rage as he was headed there already getting eaten alive. Rookie looked up pleading with me to get into the truck away from the many bloodsucking pests and I obliged feeling sorry for her, a mistake to Karl who lost it about letting bugs in the truck and rocking the propane cooker. Sam was already at the breaking point long before the truck broke down, she put the stuff underneath the truck that wouldn't fit now that the bed was folded out in the backseat and thought about how far she was from her family and everyone she knew and wondered if she was making the right decision. Karl was bipolar, not that either of them knew at the time but he was in a manic phase making him less likely to sleep and more likely to keep Sam up and make her on edge as well, not much of a conversation though as it was mostly commenting on the bugs. Karl took his food and suddenly started screaming and threw it into the woods, bugs landed in my food! He screamed and got out of the truck, he started throwing things into the back before Sam could get out with her food, Karl started yelling at her for help and the two packed up in record time, it was like ten thirty and it started to get dark already, Sam asked "so we aren't staying" and Karl responded by yelling "eat your food so we can leave the hellhole NOW". Sam noticed there was a slight sence of nerves in his voice so she tried to eat but he sent her into a panic attack. Sam couldn't eat anymore without getting sick to her stomach and she knew it but she ate anyways, it was not another 30 seconds before she was throwing up out the window. Karl waited till she was done and said, I'm getting you Quebec poutine to make up for that. We were a ways away but he was determined to get there before they closed at 4 am.