
A Little Memory

"Disappearance of a Family" read the headlines. I got two papers: the other one read, "Beginning of a new Project..." ---- Juliana Mace began to recover her memories which were lost due to Amnesia or so they said. Were all these memories happy, or were they sad? Was there a secret hidden in there? Everything looks suspicious to her. She begins her dangerous adventure to find the truth behind her hidden memories. Its the story of a psychopath who denies her true personality. The people who are named as her 'family' tries their best to keep her belief intact, but the truth won't hide itself for too long no matter how hard they try. The monster inside her secretly works behind the story and brings darkness to the little light that is left. Get ready to dive deep into the mind of a psychopath and enter a world full of plot twists...

C_A_Gunawardhana · Adolescente
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34 Chs


I haven't seen mother in ages... I've lost track of time. My feelings are collected. I haven't seen the outside world in weeks or maybe months. I don't know what fresh air feels like.
My food have been meat, meat and meat. The fridge is stained in red color and it smells bad. The entire house smells bad. This place reeks of bad smell which I've gotten used to.

No one seem to care about me. No one came to see me. It feels as if the neighbors are afraid of me.
I observed the environment outside through the glass windows in our living room.
Once, only once I saw my neighbor's daughter walking past our garden with her hands in the and running, chasing her blue ball. I went outside and invited her to play with me. She did come. And we played. I had a lot of fun. So much fun that I miss that moment.
However, after that day, the girl didn't come to play. I felt so lonely. My mother's not here. My father's not here. The vintage woman was seen dead. I was alone. And sad.