
A Lady and A Freak

[ Book is on hold, the author lost the draft and planning because of a car accident ] Young and talented witch Xiao wants to kill herself to escape a future arranged marriage, so she offers herself as a sacrifice to a demon. The charming demon gives her a counter offer: release him from his prison, and he'll make all her dreams come true. Any sane person would not make a deal with a demon, but Xiao is not sane, and the Demon Trix is in this for the long run. As the years went by, Xiao grew to be the strongest magic user in the kingdom, and she started to see the demon as more than just a mentor. Meanwhile, time traveller Prince Alexander is trying to save the love of his life from death and his best friend Xiao from falling into the hands of a demon. Said love of his love is also stuck in a time loop.

Twelve_Cats · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Chapter 51: The Deity IV

Now that Xan knows his beloved somehow dealt with him more than once, more than a lifetime.

"Hahaha..." The laugh was strained and cruel, both of Raxithak himself and to the prince. "Your highness, forgive my nonsense. Forget today ever happened. I... Just want us to get back to normal."

"Raxithak..." Alexander's voice came out more cracked than he intended. "I never thought..."

That's about his beloved's point of view on their relationship. The once-king was so hellbent on making things right on his side, be softer, be more careful, be more loving, but he never thought of how it would translate to the other side. Fuck, the thought of Raxithak remembering their last life never even crossed his mind.