What if? What if heroes were not made but born. What if the mythological legends were real and it has been kept a secret from the majority of the world. And the legend of a great hero and his unexpected journey in uncovering the corrupt actions keeping this secret unknown.
Once upon a time, there was a hero. The hero was compassionate and powerful, and would always be there to save the day.
The hero was not always like that, they say. He was a normal human who went through a journey. It was full of adventures and tribulations that shaped the hero. The hero would then slay the evil dragon plaguing the land and his people. It is an impossible feat for any human, but that hero was no human. They say the hero lived happily ever after with his companions and love.
There is, however, another telling that claims there was no happily ever after. They say the hero was a threat, more of a threat than an evil dragon or monster could ever be. They say the hero went into insanity once he slew the evil dragon. But somehow, the ordinary people were able to subdue the extraordinary hero.
That is what has been recorded in human history, they claim.