2 Traumatic 2

It hurt so much by having some one in me those men are hatch ther a plumping their dicks in me so hurch it hurts I don't want this with my fingers I feel a knife while those me. Are using my body I can't help crying I wasted my first to be brothe lan why why hahahhaha I cant help chuckling at my self life really is a bitch I must say it's a bitch without waiting I take the knife and pierce my heart I thought I will feel pain but nothing I am numb I can hear softly how people are shouting I hear the door open and see brother lan and an while looking I smile blood is coming out from my chest I am loosing consciousness using the last energy I have I laugh and tell them even if I die my soul will stay and it will haunt u forever and if there is a next life I will destroy both of you And all those who betrayed me finally I fall and I tell my self and I will never fall in love again I will never trust anybody I will be selfish I can't help smiling mockingly what am I saying there is no next life I guess this is it my life.

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