
chapter 1 : new era

Returning to a radically transformed world, Jin is confronted with a Korea that has evolved beyond his memories. Technological advances have transformed society, creating new challenges for Jin, who must now navigate urban megacities and digital networks while seeking to regain his lost powers. With his expertise in supernatural hunting, Jin must adapt to this new world and find his place in a society that has changed significantly since his absence.

As Jin wanders through the teeming street, he is fascinated by the technological advancements around him. Robot assistants help merchants sell, drones equipped with sophisticated cameras broadcast advertising for businesses, and heavily armed robots serve as law enforcement, under the control of humans. These technological innovations represent a world very different from the one he has known, and Jin realizes that he will have to adapt quickly if he wants to find his place in this new reality. 

Tension rises as an aura of terror suddenly invades the street, paralyzing passers-by who find themselves unable to move. as a gigantic monster emerges from a gap in reality. It is a bipedal reptilian creature with sharp, blade-like teeth protruding from its mouth. 

Despite millennia having passed, Jin still feels the excitement and thrill of fighting monsters. He holds his face, laughing softly at the adrenaline coursing through his body. For him, this passion for hunting supernatural creatures is timeless, and he is ready to face these challenges again, even in this transformed world. 

Jin rushes to grab a black mask from a nearby shop, covering his face to preserve his secret identity. Knowing that the stakes are high and all eyes are on him, he knows he must act quickly and discreetly to confront the threat looming over the city. Masked, he prepares to face the monster with determination and caution, ready to defend the inhabitants against this new threat.

The creature continues to spread death in its path, destroying everything in its path with relentless destructive force. Buildings and houses are reduced to ruins under its terrifying influence. As she prepares to trample a helpless young girl, Jin suddenly intervenes, delivering a punch of astonishing power that propels the creature against another building. His heroic intervention saves the young girl from certain death and demonstrates Jin's determination to fight this devastating threat, even in the face of adversaries of gigantic size. 

Jin turns to the girl, speaking reassuring words to her: "Run, little one, to your parents. This place is dangerous." Then, without waiting for a response, he flies away in an instant to confront the creature who continues to sow chaos. His determination to protect the innocent and fight evil is palpable as he bravely throws himself into battle, ready to face any adversity to save the city from the imminent threat.

The creature's heartbreaking howl resonates with devastating force, pulverizing buildings for several meters around. The sonic shockwave is so powerful that every living being in the area has their hearing immediately destroyed, suffering the devastating effects of the sonic blast. Jin, determined to stop this destruction, feels the power of the creature's attack but remains focused on his goal: neutralizing the threat before it causes more irreparable damage. With unwavering resolve, he prepares to face the creature with all the strength he has, ready to face this sonic and physical ordeal with courage and determination.

Jin landed confidently in front of the towering creature, facing its glowing crimson eyes. The creature, demonstrating its ferocity, stares at Jin intensely while licking its mouth with a glint of malevolence in its gaze.

Jin resolutely recalls, "Even though I've lost most of my powers, I probably still have some useful abilities left in reserve. Hopefully it's enough to save my life." 

With determination, Jin calls upon his power of shadow manipulation, feeling its familiar energy flowing through him. A satisfied smile appears on his face as he realizes that he can always count on this caring ability. "Ha, I still have that good old shadow manipulation power. It's nice to still have it with me," he murmurs, preparing to use this ability to confront the creature and protect the innocent of his destructive fury. With his power awakened and his resolve strengthened, Jin is ready to defy the obstacles that stand in his way with redoubled strength.

Faced with the fire attacks launched by the creature, Jin reacted quickly, activating his power of "Shadow Absorption". With this ability, he manages to absorb flame attacks heading straight towards him, causing them to disappear into the darkness he controls. The flames are engulfed by the shadows, leaving no trace of their destructive power. With an impressive command of his power, Jin effectively defends himself against the creature's assaults, using his skills to counter each attack with skill and intelligence. 

Using his empowerment power to strengthen his body, Jin bravely engages in hand-to-hand combat with the clones. With disconcerting agility, he skillfully dodges the clones' attacks, moving with grace and precision. When one of the clones attempts to strike him, Jin deflects the attack with a sharp swing of his hand, knocking his opponent off balance. In one fluid movement, he then delivers a kick of incredible power, sending the clone sinking underground with force. His mastery of combat and his ability to use his powers skillfully make Jin a formidable opponent, ready to face any adversity with determination and courage. 

Jin, with remarkable agility, skillfully dodges the combined attacks of two creatures, weaving between them with impressive grace. Without hesitation, he delivers precise blows to each of them. With a quick gesture, Jin touches the chest of the first creature, stopping its heart in its tracks. Then, with a sharp blow of his hand, he strikes the second creature's ribs, strengthening its blood, increasing its blood pressure unnaturally and raising its body temperature to the point of no return, until the creature ends up exploding in a spectacular finale 

The other clones, witnessing the terrifying scene, try to escape in a fit of fear, but Jin grants them no escape. Using his power of shadows, he fashions a dark sword. Extending his shadows over the fleeing creatures, he manages to completely annihilate them, reducing them to pieces in a whirlwind of relentless action

With arrogant confidence, Jin places his sword casually on his shoulder and stares at the large creature with contempt. With a demonic smile on his lips, he says: "Now it's your turn 

The creature, furious, unleashes a powerful flame attack. Before she can launch her assault, Jin, using his shadow power, teleports behind her and slices off her gigantic head, ending the threat6. The deafening sound of the creature's falling head is accompanied by light smoke. As the smoke slowly clears, Jin sits on top of the creature, his sword pointed at it, marking the end of this intense fight. 

Jin, determined, declares: "Now I will take his power for myself." He is surrounded by a reddish aura followed by black lightning. This ability is called [Predators], allowing him to forcibly absorb the abilities of his opponents and integrate them into his own arsenal. Jin thus regains the creature's powers. Before the special forces arrive, he teleports and disappears from the location, taking with him this new acquired power

Jin, perched on top of a building, watches the scene unfolding below. While the police have taken over the scene and the injured are evacuated, his attention is captured by the presence of a mysterious figure. A man in his thirties, dressed in a beige suit, sporting glasses and white hair, is standing there. He appears to be a senior officer respected by the special forces. What intrigues Jin is not so much the status of this individual, but the aura of power he emanates. Jin perceives in him a colossal strength and says to himself: "So there still exist humans of this caliber? Really very interesting 

As Jin continues to observe him, the man eventually turns around and stares precisely at Jin's location. It's as if he senses it, which surprises Jin. The man maintains his gaze without looking away, staring at him for a long time. Suddenly, an officer calls out to him, diverting his attention. Moments later, the man turns in the same direction again, but no longer sees Jin. He straightens his glasses and says: "How interesting

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