
A Giant's New Life

Sealed for so long, the last of the giants decided to reincarnate to the surface. Whether to see the world or avenge his long lost friend, he's about to embark on a journey he never had before.

James_Marcher · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 9: Dragon's Pride (Part 2)

Marron felt the pain. It's the first time he felt the sensation. His wings became weakened and he fell to the ground. He saw the child looking at him.

'What happened to me? Why did I fall? That child… I see… he's too fast, I couldn't keep up. He's too strong that I'm quickly overwhelmed. He's too powerful that I couldn't even compare. He shattered my pride as a dragon. I have no idea that creatures more powerful than dragons can exist. I've been deceived by myself. This child…'

In his weakened state, Marron saw the child was doing something. The child stretched his hands and open his palms towards the dragon. Marron can barely see what's happening.

'Are you going to kill me? I don't think I care anymore. I can't believe you defeated me with a single strike. You didn't even have any injuries from my attacks. This is too unfair. I thought I can conquer this forest with ease, but with you here, I have no chance. I'm unlucky, I guess I'll accept my death'

While Marron was about to accept his death, an image of a dragon appeared in his mind. A majestic being more than himself.

'Huh? The dragon king… he had high hopes that I could be one of his cardinals one day. I can't let him down. I should go back to him and wait for his return. I can't stay here to die!'

The dragon was filled with new found determination. The sight of the dragon king was enough to motivate him to live. There's not a larger blunder than to die without serving his king.

"Don't think this is over!!!"


Marron regained his strength. He didn't know why he recovered so fast, but he assumed that the dragon king's gift is within him. Now that he awakened the power of the dragon king, he will become unstoppable.

"My king didn't abandon me yet! I shall defeat you now!", Marron declared.

"Wait! Wait!, I won! Why are you still trying to fight?"

"You didn't win! Not until you defeat my full power!"

The dragon is full of enthusiasm. He thinks that the child cannot defeat him a second time. He mustered all his strength and prepared himself for another battle.

"You like fighting so much aren't you? Okay then, but this is the last time"

"Of course it will be! I will destroy you now!", Marron said.

'I feel that his power was the same like before, why is he talking like his power increased? Did I hit him too hard? I should just finish this to prevent more damages'

The child looked at his surroundings. All of it are destroyed, burned by the meteor shower.

'Ahh, there's nothing left of the forest'

"Think you can handle this?"

[Heavy Claws]

Marron swept the ground with his claws. The ground broke and the pieces of earth hurled towards the eastern territories. The child dodged the attack without difficulty.

Meanwhile, the two warriors, Ionis and Bernard, arrived at the capital of Alvaria.

"The forest was quiet, do you think the monster stopped rampaging?", Bernard asked.

"I don't know, maybe-"

Ionis was about to say something when they saw the pieces of earth coming to their direction.

"What now!?", Bernard said.

"Where are my men?", Ionis said.


"There's no time, transfer your magic to me immediately!"

"Yes sir!"

Ionis's troops transferred their magic power to their leader as instructed. Ionis prepared himself. The earth and rocks are quickly approaching.


The created barrier blocked most of the debris. Only little pieces managed to pass through.

"I should've brought my men with me, I apologize that I couldn't help"

"Don't worry about it Bernard, at least the barrier was enough to stop the dangerous ones"

"There might be another wave of those debris"

"You're right. You heard Bernard, all of you, so be ready for another wave of attack!"

"Yes sir!"

Inside the forest, the child realized that the damages are extending beyond the isolated forest. He doesn't want to destroy the place as he wants to explore all of it. He must finish the fight this time.

"My turn, I won't let you escape"

The child moved in front of the dragon. He prepared his fist to finish the fight.


The child shattered the barrier made by the dragon. His force was successfully nullified by the barrier.

'He had something like this? Why didn't he use it before? What a weird dragon'

"Hahahaha, that didn't hurt at all! Now, I'll show you what I can do!"

[Mountains Press]

Twin magic circles appeared. The magic circles formed large boulders, pushed against the child in between them.

"So even that is not enough to crush you, you're really powerful. But at least I managed to prevent you from moving"

"What are you going to do?"

"I was a fool before, I scattered my destructive power. Now that I see you're stronger than I am, I will give my all to you alone. Goodbye human"

[Meteor Shower]

Several magic circles formed above. It formed large boulders like before. This time however, the boulders moved towards a single point. Yes, towards the human child.

The dragon thought that there's nothing that he could do if the human still survived. He flew, away from the center of the isolated forest. He felt defeated still, but he shouldn't waste his time to see the child destroyed. He was about to fly up when he heard something.

"You're not going anywhere without giving me a name!"


Marron was interrupted in his flight. A barrier formed that blocked his way. The worse problem is that, he was inside the explosion that the boulders will produce.

'No no no no no! I can't get out! He created this large barrier!? He wanted to kill me as well!? No! This can't be happening!"

The boulders created a powerful explosion that created a large crater at the center of the isolated forest. The barrier managed to isolate the blast. Nothing escaped the barrier except the bright light that the explosion created.

The territories nearby saw the light that the explosion produced. It was beautiful but undoubtedly fearsome.

When the explosion subsided, two figures remained alive down the crater. It was the child and the earth dragon, Marron. Marron felt himself, alive without any injuries.

'What? What happened? I remembered that I used meteor shower. There's no way I can survive the explosion'

Marron looked at the child. He realized that the child did something while the explosion was happening.

"Yo… you! What did you do? How are we alive?", Marron asked.

"Ohh, I thought my barrier wasn't enough for you. I'm glad you're not injured. You shouldn't do something that dangerous you know? Hey, are you listening?"

'What did he say? Barrier? He copied my magic again. What's more, he casted multiple barriers enough to withstand the blast? This is ridiculous, he's too strong! I can never win against him'

"Hey! You're not listening aren't you? Are dragons that-"



"I said why? Why did you save me? I'm trying to kill you, you know that?"

"Umm, I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know!? Aren't we enemies?"

"Sorry, I just thought I couldn't bring myself to kill the first creature I can talk to"

'What? Just for that? How naive, this person will not survive this way. Ohh, he's this strong, I guess he could'

"What's more, I told you that if I win, you will give me a name right? I won so give me one. If you don't, I will seal you in this place"

'What a weird person. He acts like nothing happened. We just fought to death and his priority was his name'

"Fine, I'll think about it"

"Really? That's nice!"

'Hmm, this person was too careless. If he's not this strong, he's definitely food for a monster by now. He can talk too, like that's a normal thing younglings do. I hate this. I'll just think of a random name and leave'

The child was eagerly waiting for his name. Marron was supposed to come up with a random name, but the look of the child made him think carefully. Marron's parental instinct became apparent.

"By the way, since I won two times, I think I should get another reward", the child said.

"What!? I didn't lose the first time! That doesn't count!"

"It does! I healed you back then, then you fought against me when you recovered!"

Marron was surprised with the revelation. He thought that the child was attacking him before. Without him knowing, his heart softened for the child.

'He's healing me before? This person… he's truly foolish'

Marron sighed. He looked at the child again and decided that he will grant the child's wish.

"Okay then, what's your request"

"You see, I was born not long ago so I barely know anything. So, can you teach me about the world?"

"Hmm, that's it? Okay then, just don't expect that I'll be honest with you"

"Thank you!"

The child was delighted. He instinctively jump around, amusing the dragon. Marron thought that staying for awhile will not bother him. A little distraction will not hurt.

"Did you heard what I said? I don't know what to tell you anymore. By the way, I know what I should name you now. Theo, from now on, you should be called Theo"