
A ghost of myself

Carina has lived her life in control, forced to fight, forced to prove day after day that she was worthy of life, forced to fight for what was hers by birthright but everything she worked for got thrown out the window the moment she chose to walk down that alleyway, the action so trivial took everything from her Now a wandering soul Carina was dragged into the world in the shadows, she must navigate her way in this land of the unseen in desperate attempt to solve her own murder

Raven_bard · Fantasía
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196 Chs

Chapter 64

With the last day of the Lenta Lubus the air changed, the game carried a tinge of anxiety, danger, and foreboding, the students were ushered out of our rooms stupidly early filing us into neat rows as we made our way to the field which looked nothing like it has the last few days 

The grounds were no longer a grassy plain but In its place stood a gauntlet, a jagged uneven path ran from the entrance out the Corridor spanning across different rooms leading back into the field from a swirling green portal suspended mid-air 

The path was rife with obstacles, gravel, hurdles, a vertical wall, a FREAKING pit of fire!!, It looked straight out of your nightmares 

I pat my back pocket nervously feeling the vial containing the breath of Bahamut