

Draven let go of Avelina and took a step back.

Avelina lifted her eyes to look at him and nervously bit her lower lip.

"I am sorry..." she mumbled and bent down to pick up his glasses, which had slipped to the floor during the incident.

Her lashes flickered as she examined them, spotting cracks on the lenses. She looked at him and reluctantly handed the glasses over to him.

"It is not broken, but...it's cracked."

Draven shot a glance at the glasses and took it. "It's fine," he said.

"Are you hurt?" he inquired with a bit of concern, even though his face held no expression.

Avelina nodded with a cynical look. "I am, thank you. But what about you? Are you okay? You are bleeding, so...are you going to treat—"

"Come with me." Draven abruptly took hold of her hand and began to pull her beside him towards their quarter.

They approached their bedroom, and he opened the door, walking her inside. He shut the door afterward and turned to look at her.

Avelina darted her eyes around, not exactly sure why he was giving her such a sudden vexatious look.

Did I do something wrong?... She wondered.

"Avelina." Draven's cold yet pacific voice rang in her ears. "Do you know what you did wrong?"

Avelina blinked her lashes, cluelessness written all over her face.

"N-no…" She shook her head.

Draven pinched his forehead, a deep breath exiting his nose. He looked at her and emerged close to her until they were just two inches apart.

Then he stared down at her, considering the fact that her head reached but only at his shoulder.

"Standing up for me," he stated.

A frown of perplexity fixed itself on Avelina's forehead.

"Huh? What...do you mean?" she asked.

Draven exhaled deeply, pity flashing in his eyes at how oblivious she was.

"Did you observe nothing from the incident earlier?"

Avelina thought seriously and inquired, "Like what?"

Draven responded, saying, "My family is the most minacious, vile family you can come across. First of all, I apologize that from now on, you will be involved in this bullshit."

Ignoring the condescending look manifesting on Avelina's face, he placed his hands behind his back to elaborate.

"You don't seem to realize that your action back there could have cost your life. My father isn't a very nice person, and he most certainly dislikes humans."

"That whip isn't just any standard whip, and you would have been bedridden if he successfully used it on you. Maybe a broken rib or two," he explained as he began to take his coat off.

Avelina's frown deepened, and she asked in a bit of bewilderment, "But why? What did I do wrong?"

Draven took a moment to analyze her question and said, "Avelina, think of my family as a battlefield on a chessboard."

"It's two of us against them and to win in a chess game, you cannot be reckless because, in the end, there is something you seek."

"Think of every move you make—the consequences it carries and how much it will shake you. Will it be for good or for bad?" His lips arched up in a half smile.

"For now, you are like a beginner, and the action you took there was your first move. Now tell me, was it reckless or not? Was it a good or risky move?" he queried.

Avelina stared at him and voiced her response in a low tone, "Risky...I guess."

"Exactly!" Draven remarked.

"While it's a brave move with good intentions behind it, it carries so many disadvantages that the advantages cannot be glimpsed."

"Disadvantage number one! You just made a nemesis out of my father and Ryan. Number two! Ryan will definitely seek to get back at you for opposing him. None but not least, you have not just made an enemy out of my old man, but... you did with the rest of the family."

"My old man is a god within these premises. No one dares to defy him, and that is why Avelina…we play cautiously and carefully."

He took a deep breath and continued, "You and I are standing on the same old cranky bridge right now, and any wrong move might break it. What happens when it does? We will fall into their hands. So, think with your number two before you act."

He stepped closer to her and reached out his hand. "I don't desire to see you die, because I do want to give you your freedom. I would have no reason to keep you with me after all, but you have to work for it and obtain it, so therefore, I have a proposition."

"What…proposal?" Avelina inquired.

"Team up with me with your full loyalty, and let's acquire what we seek together. I will make sure no harm comes to you and once it's all over, we will go our separate ways. You would have your freedom," Draven proposed.

"Fret not! I'll teach you how to play carefully, however, the only thing I will not tolerate is betrayal. If you betray me..." He smiled emotionlessly. "…I might punish you, Avelina! I do not like betrayal. It is very awful."

"So what do you say?" he asked.

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