Alright… here we go, MC determined, Hax determined (Yoriichi shit), let me quickly roll the dice to see which sense gets a stupid amount of buff,….Touch, so Inosuke route.
It was warm
That was my first thought, or as it should've been, I coukd vaguelly remember a before, just as I felt myself and one other getting squeezed out of something.
I could not breathe, and yet this didn't seem to bother me, my mind was numb and cloudy as if I have been heavily drugged and didn't feel like moving.
After what felt like hours, I felt cold, shockingly cold after a long period of time of consistent warmth, enough so for me to let out a startled shriek.
After calming down…I felt my mind clear a whole lot, words actually started to form within my thoughts and not just jumbled up emotions floating abound.
I could strangely see well, much more than what I child should be able to at birth.
Suddenly it dawned me, just how strange it was to know what was normal for a child at this stage.
…are my thoughts going in circles? I could've sworn I just thought about it a minute ago.
I eyes adjusted, I could see a man nuzzling a baby in his arms, while I was being held by another, I could not tell who since my neck did not have much mobility, I could see a upper half of a woman laying down, breathing hard, to which I am beginning to suspect is my current mother.
From what I understand, there was only the five of us in this room, if not the building, myself, my sibling, to the one I suspect is the babying father, mother, and to whoever is holding me.
Speaking of father, I notcied that he had placed down my brother/sister, and lifted me up from the grasp of the first.
At first he gave me the exact same expressions that he did to my wombmate laying with mother, which is to say was horrifying the way his face scrunched up and expanded.
Before freezing, and scanned me from top to bottom.
"What are these markings all over him?" He spoke in an unfamiliar tongue, worry seeming to overflow from him.
"I honestly do not have a clue master Greyrat, when he came out he had already had these markings on him, these flame like birthmark, that seem too similar to tattoos," said the voice behind me, well, above me, the one who held me.
I heard shuffling behind father, who turned around and looked at his wife as she spoke, worry present in her voice, "is there something wrong" he handed me over to the now easily visiblely blonde woman, worry gave way to confusion as she stared at me, and traced a finger along my body.
Making it pretty obvious that there was something there that I could see due to underdeveloped muscle, she responded, "I don't know what to make of these…I never seen anything like this".
They wrapped me in a sort of sheet, which I began to immediately recognize a new problem with this new body.
I was feeling too much, not as if I was being overly emotional or that I was having some sort of panic attack…
But more of the lines that it felt like I was overloaded with sensation, more specifically, tactilely overloaded.
The cloth felt like sand paper against my skin, uncomfortable, if not downright Irritating, my face scrunched up while I starting making noises, they being voluntary or not I couldn't tell, as I tried to move my underdeveloped muscles to get myself out of the bind I found myself in,
Startled at the reaction, my blonde quickly unwrapped me, as soon as she did I relaxed in relief, as my face softened.
This didn't however calm her down, in fact this only seemed to worry her more, "is there something wrong with him,".
In the corner of my eye, I coukd finally see a…purple hair?, woman shake her head, as she looked over me, "I am not sure…he had an incredibly bad reaction to the cloth,…he might be a miko,".
Whatever it was they were talking about, my father looked at the…what I assume based on the state of dress is the maid, a shocked looked, "a blessed child?!,".
I felt a smallest of touches at a corner of my back, that caused me to flinch ever so slightly, not out of pain, or sensual overload, but more of a surprised that I felt it, even with the enhancement to touch, it was ever so slightly felt.
"…it seems to be heightened touch, his skin is sensitive, I barely moved my finger to brush lightly against him and he already reacted before I could place it on him, these flame like patterns may be the indication here" the maid seemed perplexed.
"It seemed we will have to be a little bit more careful with him, at least for now, we can see how this develops…but for nooow~" suddenly before I had a feeling that whatever they were discussing faded, because the man picked up both me and my sibling up and proceeded to make strange noises come out of his mouth as he looked from me to the other ever half a second.
I was breathily wandering if there was something mentally wrong with the man in front of me, but seemed harmless otherwise.
…I was reborn, into somewhere that gave me the impression of Anciant, bits and pieces of my memories are reforming, but it taking a bit of time it seems.
I took a look at my newest roommate…who was also taking a look at me,…and I immediately knew I was not alone in this with the surprised look the baby was making at me that no one seemed to notice but myself.
A brother I would wager, an older one, even if only by a few minutes of so, I gave a slight smile, which seemed to encourage the idiotic act the father was giving.
it seems to be a nice little family I have chanced upon.
…I could definitely make this work