
The Forgotten

<p>Walking into the hair salon. A young girl had come in and sat down on a vacant chair. Head turning ever so slightly with interest shinning in her eyes. <br/><br/>Not showing the slightest of attention towards the girl's entrance. The hair dressors continued laughing while doing various tasks from cutting to washing patrons hair.<br/><br/>The girl seemed to have taken a particular interest in two hair dressors. Evident as she watched the male hair dressors every move but also glancing every so often at another female hair dressor. However, her eyes would naturally move on their own accords back to the male hair dressor.<br/><br/>So you might ask what's so interesting about this girl? Well the thing is, this isn't the first time she's come in. <br/>The first with her barely even entering. Just stopping short in the entranceway, before turning around leaving as quickly as she came in.<br/><br/>Looking closely now at her appearance. It's obvious that she can't afford much, specifically a hair cut. As her attire is second hand at best. Then another thing is how old is she anyway. Where are her parents?<br/><br/> However, this time she came all the way in and sat down. <br/><br/>A man stood up from the chair behind the checkout counter. Making his way over to the girl. It was unheard what he asked her but he then made his way back to the counter and flipped opened a spiral note book.<br/><br/>Observed to have taking a sigh the female hair dressor, sat her broom down. <br/>Making her way over to the girl. From observation it appeared that this female hair dressor was inviting the girl over to her hair cutting station.<br/>Because in the next moment the girl had gotten up, walked over to the female hair dressors station and sat down.<br/><br/>Still watching the male hair dressor the young girl's eyes never left his person. Not until she was walking out the front door. Then with a reluctant look back towards the male hair dresssor and a quick glance towards the female. Did she leave the salon.<br/><br/>--------------------<br/>This bystander that is watching this scene is me. Hi, I'm the guy who had walked up to the girl earlier. So I'm the one sitting behind the checkout counter. <br/><br/>A short introduction about me. Well, this is my part time job. Until I figure things out in my life. However, right now lets just say things are pretty dull and of no concern of mine. Except my curiosity has been peeked with the arrival of this strange young girl.<br/><br/>So, looking up from the tablet in front of me. I took the advantage of the fact that the female hair dressor, Angelica was now beside me and looking through our stocked shelved hair products. <br/>"So... Why did you do, what you just did"?<br/><br/>Looking over her shoulder with an irritated look then back to the products set out for display.<br/><br/>"I just trimmed her hair. I didn't do much and I don't have any other patrons today. So why not". She said.<br/><br/>Nodding, satisfied with the answer and not wanting to pry too much. I turned back to my tablet.<br/>When she suddenly spoke up, "I'm going on break". <br/>Jerking my head in her direction. I watched as she walked out the front door.<br/><br/>************<br/>Ouside the door face-to-face is Angelica and the young girl.<br/><br/>"What do you want. I've seen how you've been staring at him". The him referring to is the male hair dressor.<br/><br/>*Time ticked by.....<br/><br/>Frustrated with no response from the young girl. Angelica turned as to begin making her way back into the salon.<br/><br/>When the young girl exclaimed, "Mom!" Immediately, a blur seemed to occur surrounding the young girl. Then in the next instance almost changing to someone else but no, was actually just aging slowly.<br/><br/>Angelica turned back and seeing this change happen. Flashed to the younger girl and in a split second, had wrapped her in what seemed to be a back hug. But was actually a strong immobilizing gripe.<br/><br/>"I will not have you run this for me again! I didn't remove you from our life for nothing" spoke Angelica in a crisp tone.<br/><br/>Focusing in on the young girl's face. Frost began to form in her hair, around her mouth and eyes. Also her skin seemed to become less vibrant of color and more drab. <br/><br/>The girl tried to use her spiritual power to bring more heat back into her body. However, was unable to fight against the other's immense strenth. So the girl was seen to slowly close her eyes and drifted off into a seemingly frozen state.</p>

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