
Good Grinding

Before this kicks off, the main character for this fanfic will be gaining power at a pretty fast rate. Not to the point of absolutely insane like certain fics where the Gamer MC ended up becoming planetary destroyers, but still pretty quick. After all, the Gamer is supposed to be powerful, right?

Also, I probably should have mentioned this at the beginning to clear up a bit of confusion. This story begins before the canon starts.





"Sky Dragon's Claw!"

"Sky Dragon's Wave Wind!"

"Sky Dragon's Roar!"

At the current time, Yukio was making his way down the dungeon as he was beating through all of the monsters that were getting in his path. He had been using magic as well as his Chain Blade to defeat them, and was doing so swiftly.

The current floor he had managed to get to was the seventeeth, and it had taken him around three hours or so to do so. That was with him using his magic to boost himself using his wind abilities, so that spoke volumes of how damn long this dungeon really was.

From what he knew, the further you go down, the longer each floor within the dungeon gets. The main annoyance about it all was mainly how much back and forth he was going to be doing, and each of them would get longer and longer the further he got. Unless he got some kind of teleportation abilities, then he would have to keep running constantly.

Well, at least it was training.

Speaking of which, it had seemed that he was unable to actually improve his status categories through normal means such as weight lifting and running. The only way he could get stronger from what he knew as of right now was by leveling up.

And speaking of leveling up, he had managed to gain six more levels during this second run, and he was still going. The main advantage, aside from the many he had, compared to other adventurers was that he couldn't exactly get tired. He seemed to have infinite stamina.

That meant that he would be able to perform at his best no matter how long a battle was, and that was a very good thing to have. His magic wasn't the same, but at least his stamina was seemingly infinite. His attacks won't become weaker, and he won't move slower due to fatigue.

He had also wanted to get any parts from the monsters that he killed, maybe to try and experiment by making things, though he really didn't have the skills to do so. He wasn't a craftsman. Though, it wouldn't matter too much as the monsters disappeared into black smoke whenever they died, only leaving behind the magic stone inside them, and strangely... their blood.

He had run into this one room around the fifteenth or so floor that spawned ten or so monsters on him at the same time, though they were weak to him, so he easily got through them. However, the blood that painted the ground after killing them remained, so he looked absolutely terrifying when he was covered by blood and was standing at the center of the room.

Thank goodness for his automatic cleaning system, cleaning his clothes and blade after he was done.

Using the points that he had gotten from his levels, he had spent a bit more than half of them on his magic to increase the amount of magic power he had. The reason was that he could use enchantments to increase his other abilities, so he was going to prioritise magic first for a bit before the others.

The problem with that was that he couldn't stack the same enchantment on top of one another, so he was definitely going to make sure to allocate points and such into his Strength, Agility, and Vitality categories down the line. Maybe in Intellect as well, though there wasn't much reason to right now.


『Strength: 30 <+0>』 『Agility: 23 <+0>』 『Vitality: 22 <+0>』

『Magic: 32 <+0>』 『Intellect: 45 <+0>』

Health: 198/220 [▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅] 『10 Per Stat Point In Vitality』

Mana: 480/640 [▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅] 『20 Per Stat Point In Magic』


He was glad that he was keeping his mask and hood on as he had come past a number of other adventurers as he made his way down, and that allowed him to obscure his appearance. There were a number of reasons why he did this, no matter how annoying it can be at times.

The lesser important reasons weren't too notable, but the main reason was that he could avoid people recognising him for his feats. He knew for a fact that the more he got down, the more he would be noticed at some point either due to the magic stones he brought up, or other adventurers that would see him while down here.

Don't get him wrong, it isn't the adventurers themselves that he solely wants to hide from, it is the gods and goddesses behind them that he wants to hide from the most. That being because people would start to ask if anyone recognises him from any of the Familia.

At some point, they would eventually find out that he wasn't a part of a Familia, thus leading them to know that he was somehow as powerful as he was without a Falna. Just think about the problems and unwanted attention that would bring him.

No doubt many of them would scout him, and he didn't want them to know his looks so that they could find him with ease. True, he could just use a different cloak, but that would also mean that they would be on the lookout for people who may be trying to hide. Along with the fact that he needs to get to the guild for dungeon reasons.

True, maybe he could just take off his hood and mask and change into other clothes and go to the guild. However, that had its own problems. They wouldn't know who he is and would ask him to register again, though that was the least important issue.

That kind of plan would only work the first time around. If he registered again under another name and then left saying that he'd be going to the dungeon or something, he'd be returning in those normal clothes again, which would make people question who he is, garnering attention again.

If he just returned in his hood and mask, the guild would probably just suspect that the alias he would come up with had just died in the dungeon or something. Making it impossible for him to just use the same tactic again as if nothing happened.

So, he just found it easiest for him to constantly wear this hood and mask and hide his actual appearance from people. The only ever time that he ever decided to lower them was when he was by himself in a singular room, not any time else, even in the dungeon. Other adventurers could be anywhere in here.

Unless a deity was capable of visually stripping him, which would be unnerving in many damn ways, he should be safe. It was inevitable that they would walk up to him while he was on the job, but he could at least change into normal civilian clothes, not his modern clothes, and have his face revealed when he walked around.

They wouldn't know it's him. Hopefully...

To put it simply, there were many problems that could arise from having his appearance known.




Anyway, back to the dungeon. Yukio was pretty certain he was reaching the end of the seventeenth floor and should be entering into the eighteenth any second now. If memory served, he was pretty sure that this floor wasn't too dangerous. Mainly being because it is considered a safe floor, kind of like a checkpoint of sorts.

He'll probably look around the place for a bit before proceeding to the floors deeper down, he really didn't see too much of a reason to stay other than just to wait for his mana to replenish itself as he explored. Unless he found something interesting that is. He could just 'eat' some wind to replenish, but meh.


True to his feelings before, it didn't take him long at all before he had reached the eighteenth floor. When he had exited the cave that he was running through, he had come into view with a large open floor with many beautiful crystals laying about, along with forests, and also the roof being covered in crystals that seemed to form to resemble the actual sky.

He didn't stay standing still for too long as he began exploring the area, and there really wasn't much to note as important in his eyes. While the layout of the floor was vastly different compared to any of the ones before it, the only true difference was that no monsters spawned.

Though, there was one thing he discovered that really piqued his interest. It was the fact that he had managed to locate a settlement that was set up here on the floor, which didn't surprise him too much as something like this should be expected.

After all, making some kind of resting place for adventurers and such in the dungeon could help people recover from their battles and such. What better place to set up such a settlement than in the floors that don't have any monsters spawning?

In fact, Yukio was currently having his own rest here in the city as he had managed to find himself at the local inn here. He had already ordered a drink as he was seated at the bar counter, back rested against it as he leaned backwards on his arms.

"Man, you weren't kidding. These prices aren't cheap..."

"Hahaha~! Of course, a lot of people would want something to drink or eat once they get all the way down here! Might as well exploit it!" The rather large man laughed as he patted Yukio on the back. The man then chugged the beer in his hand. "I'm honestly surprised a kid like yourself managed to get down here all on your own! You must be quite the talent."

Yukio just rolled his eyes under his hood as he shrugged his shoulders in response, the man just chuckling as he saw the action. The person that was speaking with him was Bors Elder, the supposed top dog around here on the floor. He could see why thanks to his Observe skill.

The guy was a Level 3 adventurer, and he had the stats to place him above the rest of the people here. He was stronger than Yukio was right now, and by quite the amount, though it wouldn't be long before he would catch up to him.

The guy was a bit arrogant due to his status, though he seemed to have major respect for those that were strong. Seeing that Yukio managed to get down here on his own, and with minimal to no injuries, had a good impact on the guy's respect for him.

"Here's your drink."

"Thanks, Villy." Yukio nodded in thanks as he took hold of the juice that he had just been served, having been done so by the bartender going by the name of Villy. He was a close friend of Bors, probably because the dude drank a lot during his spare time.

"No problem. So, are you thinking of going down deeper soon?" Villy asked curiously as he leaned on the counter next to the both of them. Bors also gave a curious looked at Yukio, who had just brought the mug up to his lips and had taken a small sip.

"That's the plan. Can't really get much stronger if I just keep on hanging around the previous floors." While it was unheard of for people of anywhere on their Level 2 stats to go beyond this point on their own, Yukio didn't care. His abilities and such put him in a league above them.

From what he had gathered from using his Observe skill on a number of adventurers, he had figured out that the Level 2s out there all had stats around the same as him. He would say that the numbers in each category ranged from 20 - 35, that's probably the benchmark for a Level 2.

Of course, some people had particular stats that were poor, such as those who didn't really have an ability to utilise magic, their stat value in that category was absurdly poor. Some Level 2 adventurers, that he had noticed, tended to sometimes have stat values of 20.

There was one important thing he took notice of as well, it seemed that any Level 2 never had any stat values below 20. If what he remembered is correct, someone of a lower level can never be stronger than someone above their own level. An example being that a Level One, despite how maxed out their Falna stats are, will never be stronger than a Level 2.

The only exception that came to his mind would be the main character of the world he was in, that being Bell Cranel. He was pretty sure that the guy had some kind of skill or ability that allowed him to break normal limits for those with a Falna, so he could probably take on a low or mid-end Level 2 adventurer if he maxed out his stats.

Though, that was all mostly assumption. He could be entirely wrong about that.

"So, I gotta tell you guys. There was this one girl that I saw and she had a nice big pair of-."

"That's my cue to leave..."


Atop of a certain tower here in Orario, a rather beautiful silver-haired goddess was staring down from the window down at the city as she held a drink in her hands. The woman wore rather revealing clothing, though it didn't seem to bother her in the slightest.

As she gazed down at the city, her purple eyes seemed to narrow as he mouth curved up into a sharp smirk. She then closed her eyes for a bit before opening them back up, a mischievous glint appearing at the corners of her eyes as she gave a small laugh.

"Very interesting... I wonder who that was...." The goddess seemed to muse herself. She seemed to remember a certain cloaked individual in the inn she worked at, in disguise of course. "Truly, such a mysterious soul... What secrets lie within it? Fufufu~"

The reason why she was so giddy at the moment was because of a certain young man we all knew. More specifically, it was due to the kind of soul she saw in him. Well, more like, the kind of soul that she was UNABLE to see within him.

She couldn't get that mystery person out of her mind ever since she saw him that night at the inn, and she couldn't help but want to see him again. To see if she could find his secrets. For whatever reason, his soul was seemingly protected, and not just magical protection, something far grander.

If it was just normal protection from magic that would hide information about a person, then she could easily bypass it with her powers. However, this protection around that individual's soul was unlike anything she had ever seen. When she had taken a first glance back at the inn, she could only shiver when she felt something staring back at her when she tried to look into his soul.

Perhaps she was just being a bit delusional, but it felt divine in nature. Whatever was protecting that person's soul was perhaps a deity like herself, and a very powerful one at that. How powerful? She was uncertain, but she truly wanted to know more. She can't help but wonder what the soul was like underneath that protection.

Honestly, it made her feel a bit heated...

"I do hope we meet once again!"


After having left the eighteenth floor, Yukio had decided to travel down a couple more floors. He had managed to get down to the twenty-fourth level before he decided to call it quits for the day. He made sure to keep track of how long he had been going for, and it should be nearing sundown by the time he got to the twenty-fourth floor.

After having decided to kill a few monsters there, which proved to be a bit of a challenge since they had truly gone up in power compared to the previous levels. Though, that just meant faster leveling for him, so he wasn't complaining. He'd probably train a bit on the twenty-fourth before proceeding just to stay safe.

Though, that was going to be for the future as he had quickly run his way back up to the surface. Thankfully, his infinite stamina was truly doing him justice as he could just keep running back to the surface without needing to rest. Though, the running was definitely annoying.

At the present time, the sun had almost fully set as the sky was turning orange and the stars were starting to barely appear in the sky. Yukio had already gone to cash in his magic stones, earning him a grand total of 104,500 Valis.

While he didn't kill as many monsters during this run as he had done when he grinded the first time around, the quality of the magic stones he had gotten from the monsters he did kill added up nicely to that total amount of Valis. Those kills also helped him in leveling up quite a bit more as well.


『Kogasaka Yukio』

Level: 26

Race: Human

Balance: 49,000 『Can be converted into any form of currency』

Status Points: 0『4 Per Level』


『Strength: 38 <+0>』 『Agility: 33 <+0>』 『Vitality: 32 <+0>』

『Magic: 40 <+0>』 『Intellect: 45 <+0>』

Health: 320/320 [▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅] 『10 Per Stat Point In Vitality』

Mana: 800/800 [▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅] 『20 Per Stat Point In Magic』


Head: None

Chest: None

Legs: None

Boots: None

Accessories: None


He was currently seated down while leaning against a tree that was within one of the small gardens in the city, and he had both hands behind his head as he enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere around him He was actually waiting for night time to come before he headed to the Hostess of Fertility.

That way he could get the discounts that adventurers get during the nighttime service for them. And while he definitely had the Valis to easily afford the food, he was still going to take advantage of discounts. In his mind, money is something you should be smart with no matter how much you have.

He also didn't need to hide himself away from the public eye just yet, mainly due to the fact that not many people know of his feats in the dungeon. He had avoided running into a number of adventurers during his little expeditions. He doubted anyone would come up to him just yet.

That kind of thought kind of reminded him of one of those ads that played on the internet when he was still alive. More specifically, one of the iterations of the ads for that Rise Of Kingdoms game. God, ads for app games have really gone downhill from what he last saw of them...

Anyway, aside from that, he was just enjoying this peace as he waited for the sky to be covered by a dark veil. A lot of people gave him strange looks as they walked by, most definitely due to his unique clothing, though he couldn't care less. The only thing he would care about really at this moment was...

"Get out of the way!"

"Huh, you want to fight?!"

"You gotta be kidding me..." Yukio frowned heavily under his mask as groaned at the loud voices that suddenly invaded this peaceful place. He turned his head slightly to see what the commotion was about, and when he did, he saw that two groups were butting heads with one another. 'Different Familias, perhaps?'

It wasn't uncommon for some Familias to have conflicts between one another, though this particular little argument seemed to be on-the-spot conflict instead of past conflict. Yukio used his Observe on them, and they really weren't impressive, all of them lower-end Level 1 adventurers.

Whatever conflict these two groups were having, Yukio really could give two damns about it. However, they were seriously starting to annoy him with how loud they were being. He could see that the other surrounding civilians were in the same boat, though were too nervous to approach.

'Might as well test this out. Two birds with one stone I guess...' Yukio thought to himself as he looked at the bush that was growing beside the tree he was sitting at. He then nodded before plucking one of the leaves, choosing one that could easily cover the surface area of his lips.

He hadn't actually tried out that Leaf Whistling skill he had gotten from the skill book, mainly because he didn't really have a reason to do so. Though, now was probably the perfect opportunity to give it a shot. Might as well, right?

So, he stared at the leaf for a second before pulling down his mask and holding the leaf over his lips. Using his right pointer and middle finger, he held it against his lips before he began blowing into it, eyes closed the whole time as a tune began playing, a kind of tune you wouldn't expect to hear from using a leaf of all things.

〖Play - Oración (Pokemon - Composed By Shinji Miyazaki)〗

As Yukio played the song, the sound seemed to project itself through the entire area as people blinked and looked around in confusion. They were all automatically attracted to the beautiful tune as they soon found the source, which was Yukio, who was leaning against the tree as he played.

The arguing group all seemed to slowly stop their shouting as the sound too reached their ears, which they all turned to look at Yukio. People began to gather around him, though still making sure to keep some distance as to not invade his private space.

A lot of people all closed their eyes as they allowed themselves to melt into the beautiful sound of the song that he was playing. True, they were surprised by the fact he was playing a leaf, though that didn't matter as their focus was more on the sound itself.

Along one of the streets, a certain blonde goddess was walking through the city as the sound had reached her ears. She curiously turned her head towards where it was coming from, and she could only raise an eyebrow at the massive crowd that was forming around whatever the source was. She couldn't help but stand still there in a trance due to the beautiful music.

The song seemed to soon come to an end though as the music faded out, to which the crowd then gave massive applause after a short couple seconds of silence due to processing what they had just heard. The crowd then slowly dispersed as the blonde goddess could now see who the musician was... a hooded individual who seemed to reach into the hood and pull a black mask over their mouth.

"Lady Aphrodite?"

"O-Oh, it's nothing. Let us go." The blonde goddess gave a small huff as she turned and began walking, the small group of people with her shrugging as they soon followed after. Though, the goddess did give a small glance back at Yukio before continuing on her way.

'Finally, peace and quiet again.' Yukio inwardly sighed in relief as he relaxed back onto the tree. He honestly didn't think it was going to be as effective as it was, it seemed that the description of the skill was pretty damn accurate. Though, he soon blinked in surprise when a familiar ding was heard

What he saw popup in front of him surprised him greatly...

The reason being that the sudden popup was an update that the Race Modulator had finally finished deciding on what DNA sample it had within it, and the race that he got was something he was very much pleasantly surprised to see. It would help him a good damn deal if his assumptions were correct with it.





Race Modulator has been updated.

Race Modulator now has the DNA sample of the species 『Anodite』
