
Chapter 1; HER HISTORY...

My name is Ilvia R. Drayce the R stands for Roosevelt. And for the records, I'm an only child born with special abilities that are found to be rare even among my kind. As far as I know, all members of my coven were long gone that is apart from myself and my Aunt Grace because of how living in Astoria was at the time and the need to survive, I and Aunt Grace left Astoria and relocated to Scotland to start our lives anew with new identities although I decided to keep my old name for no particular reason. The university of Edinburgh was my choice since it was here in Edinburgh, Scotland. My aunt got me an admission form and two weeks after filling it, I got in. I was beyond elated after getting the good news my preparations began immediately my aunt of course did her best to keep up with the pace at which i was going. "calm down honey i really don't think its advisable for anyone to work this fast" aunt grace said as I was busy ironing the last piece of clothing that needed ironing. After taking a shower, I went down stairs and had my dinner before heading to bed in order to rest for the journey I was to be embarking on the day after tomorrow.Two days later, I arrived the campus after all the necessary steps I was assigned a room and shocking thing was, I didn't have a roommate I found out later on from my aunt that it was her doing. After putting my things in my closet I cleaned up and went to bed as lectures were to start the next day. I drifted off to sleep immediately I Iaid down while clutching my medallion.