
Akane Resort and Reward

The next day, Cram escorted Miyuki's carriage along with the soldiers towards Akane town.

On their way, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Just taking a ride on the carriage towards their destination, talking and laughing peacefully, being attacked by B class savage beasts, exercising a bit (by slaughtering a horde of B class savage beasts), seeing a new reaction on everyone's face which was quite funny(thought Cram), getting asked weird questions like "are you human?", and arriving at Akane town.

Yup, nothing out of the ordinary happened, but for some reason when they did arrive in Akane town, both Miyuki and Leiya seemed tired as they both had exasperated smiles on their faces.

Hmm, I don't get their reactions. Shouldn't they be happy upon arriving in Akane? thought Cram.


Akane Beach Resort

Arriving at the resort, our carriage was immediately escorted to the front entrance. We were met with hotel employee's lining up into two groups bowing their heads.

Miyuki greeted all of them "I'm back everyone" and they replied with "Welcome back Mistress!" Then Miyuki had a light chat with her employee's.

"It looks like she is really popular with her employee's" muttered Cram.

Leiya overheard him and said "Of course, that's because Mistress treats us more like family than employees. She even offended a Noble staying in the resort once. You see, a Noble flirted with the female employee causing her to feel uncomfortable. When she refused his advances the Noble forced her to his bed room. However, before anything could happen the guards and Mistress stopped him, and kicked him out of the Resort. The Noble wanted to get revenge so he petitioned at the City Lord. But, too bad for him. The City Lord happens to be Mistresses brother. The Noble got his third leg cut and he was beat up pretty badly before being thrown outside of town. From then on nobody messed with the hotel"

"I see, that's a rather interesting and scary story" said Cram with a wry smile.

After finishing the chat with her employee's, they all went back to work. Miyuki called out to Cram "Your room is ready and I've already explained to the employees that you are a guest of honor, but take this card just in case" said Miyuki.

"What's this card for?" asked Cram.

"Oh, that's a platinum membership card" said Leiya, then she continued explaining it's uses.

Apparently, the Platinum membership card gives you access to every facility in the resort. Free of charge of course. It's only owned by 3 people. The City Lord, the Maxwell's old guild master, and now me.

"With this card you could have everything you want in the hotel and even ask me for me directly" said Miyuki.

By the way, Maxwell guild is the largest local guild of Akane Town.

"Wow, this card is amazing, but are you sure about giving this to me?" asked Cram.

"Yes, it's our thanks for saving us from that nightmare" said Miyuki as she still felt shivers every time she thought about getting caught by the bandits. However, she didn't let it show on her face because she didn't want to worry her employee's.

Cram saw Miyuki's uneasiness. He extended his arm above Miyuki then patted her head while reassuring her "it's ok, you don't have to push yourself"

Miyuki regained her calm and said "Thank you" while slightly blushing.

"Oh to be young" interrupted Leiya as she spoke in an imitation of a old man voice.

Miyuki's face got redder and separated from Cram.

"Anyways, Leiya will show you to your room. If you need anything just contact me on the hotel's phone. My number is at the bottom right of the Platinum card" said Miyuki as she hurriedly went to work.

Leiya smiled wryly at her embarrassed boss. Then she turned towards Cram and said "You better not hurt her"

Cram had a questioning look on his face as he didn't understand. He asked "What do you mean?"

Leiya sighed at the idiots face then replied "Nevermind, just follow me"

Leiya gave me a tour of the hotel, from the lounge, casino, cafeteria, pools, Gym, hot springs, bars, and my room.

Akane Resort truly lives up to it's name. It is a gorgeous hotel. The facilities are top of the line just like a 5 star hotel in Las Vegas, but even more so because of magic.

Leiya brought me to my room at the highest floor of the hotel after our little tour.

"This is Akane one, the best room of the hotel" said Leiya smugly.

"Thank you for showing me the way" said Cram.

"Then, I'll be going. Please enjoy your stay and if you need any help just dial 1 on the phone to call customer service. Bye bye" said Leiya while Cram nodded.

He checked out his room and was really impressed. Fully stocked fridge, a built in bar, a magic powered Jacuzzi by the window overseeing a great view of the town, a private gym, beautiful furniture, a open air private pool outside, and best of all a King sized bed on the second floor.

After checking out every nook and cranny of his room. He ordered some food to eat from room service, then after eating he slept.


The next day, Cram woke up early as usual at 7am. He looked around and was reminded that he wasn't in the woods anymore so he didn't need to hunt breakfast.

Instead, he went to the private Gym for a little work out. After warming up and breaking all the records of the gym. He increased his gravity by 300 times then took out Rebellion and begun to practice his moveset.

After training the whole morning, he washed up preparing to go to the City Hall. He wanted to redeem the rewards for killing the bandits they encountered. Miyuki said that "Hugo the beast" had a huge bounty on his head so it'd be a waste not to redeem it. Her guards had already taken the body of the bandits to the City Hall. All he had to do was show himself to get the rewards.

Cram went down to the lobby and told Mayu the receptionist that he will be going to City Hall for the reward money.

"What should I tell Mistress, Sir Cram?" asked Mayu.

"Sir Cram? that's too stiff just call me Cram. Anyways, tell Miyuki I'll be back later tonight. I want to check out the town and maybe explore a little" said Cram

"Ok then, I'll tell Mistress. Have a nice day" said Mayu.

"Thanks" said Cram as he walked out of the resort.

Cram went straight to City Hall and got his reward. Everything went smoothly as he was immediately recognized by the city hall employee's. This was due to the guards of Miyuki telling stories about his heroic rescue.

After getting out of city hall, Cram recounted his earnings. In total he got 10 million Jewels. Hugo the beast had a bounty of 5 million, while the other bandits all in all were another 5 million jewels.

"This should be enough to last me for a while" said Cram as he whistled his way through the streets.

While he was walking aimlessly, Cram noticed the quality of the buildings fall and public sanitation getting worse. This should be the slum's area of Akane town, thought Cram.

He was about to go back as he didn't really have anything to do here, but before he could he was stopped by a hodded person holding a knife. Of course, Cram had already noticed this person stalking him since a while ago.

"If you don't want to get hurt, give me all your money" said the hodded person.

His voice was a little high and young coupled by the fact that he was only 4 and a half foot tall, Cram figured it was just a child.

"Hey kid, how about I give you some candy and we forget about this" said Cram

"Really! What cand- I mean, are you messing with me!?" said the hodded person. He was tempted at first, but then snapped out of it and got angry.

Cram chuckled at his reaction. Then a voice suddenly called out before Cram could say anything else. "Myuu! what are you doing!?" It was a woman in a nun uniform. She was beautiful at the level of Lucy from FT. Black hair, cute face, had a big rack like Erza, she has all the right curves at all the right places, and she exuded the aura of a kind and caring woman that was ignorant of her beauty.

"Sister Mary!?" exclaimed the hodded person which was surprisingly a little girl, although a little thomboyish. She took of the hood and revealed an adorable face.

Sister Mary stood right in front of Cram and immediately appologized. "I'm very sorry, she was just joking. Please forgive her" said Sister Mary as she bowed deeply towards Cram.

"Sister Mary!?" exclaimed Myuu.

Cram looked at the beautiful nun in front of him, then turned his head towards the cute robber and then suddenly got the gist of it.

Because Cram didn't reply immediately, Sister Mary thought asking for forgiveness wasn't enough. Looking at Cram's appearance she immediately thought he was a rich Noble.

Because of a traumatic experience the orphanage went through after offending a Noble. Sister Mary thought that compensation was the only way for forgiveness.

Although, it pained her she still took out her purse and presented a few jewels to Cram. "Please this is all I have, please forgive her with this"

Seeing Sister Mary's reaction, Myuu finally recognized how grave her actions were. She immediately bowed her head towards Cram and apologized "I'm very sorry!"

After getting startled by their actions, Cram rubbed his forehead. He said "Firstly, raise your head. Second, I don't want any compensation. I didn't take her actions seriously so there is really no reason to apologise"

After hearing Cram's words both Mary and Myuu were relieved. "Thank you for your understanding" said Sister Mary.

"Thank you" said myuu a little tearful.

"Don't worry about it" said Cram as he patted the little girls head. Then Cram stared at Sister Mary and asked in a serious tone "Can you tell me why this little girl was forced to do something like that?"

Sister Mary nodded, but then invited Cram to follow them back to the orphanage as it was not ideal to talk about private matters on the street.


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