
A Demons Curse

As it would seem he’d been living his life as nothing more than a puppet hung by strings. His controls seeming to pass from person to person however always in the eyes of the one with the master plan. Never, not once was he walking a path that he was not meant to, so when he began those first few steps he didn’t truly understand just how much his world would begin to crumble. As it goes that pain draws people together he thinks that tragedy is much like glue.

Sammie_M_7118 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

The More You Wish You Didn't Know

The rain is coming down in buckets outside, the smell floating through his window on the chilly air has Mason sighing in relaxation. For once he hadn't been called out for a mission so he was taking advantage of it and sitting on his bed with a nice book. He'd been wanting to read it for a while but simply hadn't had the time lately with how the demonic activity had spiked in the area.

The headmaster, or rather his uncle, Gregor had said it was due to a student at his school but wouldn't let on who it was for one reason or another. When Mason had visited the male over the past few days he'd noticed an increase in both agitation and excitement which made his skin crawl as he'd thought about what was causing it. Shaking his head the brunet sets his focus back on to the book, Vince had only just left after the tutoring session for the training school so Mason was still in work mode.

Just as he starts to relax back into his mattress Mason hears a series of loud knocks on his front door followed by the desperate cries of none other than Vince. Getting up Mason glances to his first aid kit on his bedside table and quickly grabs it before rushing to the door. Having such things handy as he was training to be a doctor for the churches exorcist division.

Opening it quickly he almost gets hit by Vince who hasn't stopped his knocking. The blond seems to freeze for a moment before pushing himself inside, Mason noticing now that the other was carrying someone. Both were soaked through to the bone despite the unopened umbrella hanging off the blond's wrist.

A faint smell of iron touches Mason's nose which brings his eyes to quickly inspect the two in front of him as the door flings shut with a slam. Upon closer inspection Mason notices that the person Vince was carrying was the quite well-known rebel in his grade, Xavier. The raven had recently become friends with Kyle so Mason had noticed him more and more. As such he'd also noticed the lesser, small and low-level supernatural creatures, that would follow the raven where ever he went. As well as some other small demons that the brunet would catch following Xavier for no apparent reason other than to watch him. Which was odd enough supernatural behaviour that Mason had started to think that this guy was maybe the student Gregor was talking about.

Getting Vince to bring Xavier to the spare room and lay him out Mason sends him to the bathroom to retrieve some towels for the both of them. While the other is gone Mason peels off the wet clothes so he can better examine Xavier for further injuries. While it's a challenging task when Vince comes back he soon has the other down to his underwear with Vince petting him dry with a towel. Mason feels his stomach twist however as his eyes are glued to the pale skin that had been bared. He understood now why the so-called rebel never wore his summer uniform.

Scars of all kinds covered almost every inch of his skin. Some quite clean, obviously from surgery or well executed cuts. Others were so distorted Mason is sure that they are a multitude of scars just in the one place. There's also burn scars, from both heat and rope, and just so much more that Mason has to reach under his glasses to rub his eyes.

Opening them again with a deep breath Mason focuses on the situation, examining the fresh wounds on the other. Xavier is covered in small scratches and dark blooming bruises, the obvious finger marks around his throat already staining that pale skin a dark blue. Opening his first aid kit Mason sets to work, after having been so quiet he glances to Vince to see how the other is doing. The blond is also slightly beaten but there was nothing that needed his attention.

"Care to explain what happened?" Mason asks as he applies some disinfectant to the raven's cuts. When he applies slight pressure to the others chest he frowns as the raven whines and twists even while unconscious, broken ribs then. Glancing to Vince again Mason raises a brow to prompt the other who was still just staring at Xavier with a dark look. Glancing out the window Mason notes a bunch of black specs hovering outside the church walls, and despite being in the church grounds he could still sense a demonic presence. He wonders even more what the other two had encountered, maybe they'd run in to a possessed human or something. Thoughts going off on his own theories as Vince wasn't answering him Mason continues to dress the wounds. Only looking up when Vince finally speaks.

"I was on my way home, through that shortcut where you go between Henry's and Julies shops, when I saw them." The blond begins, finally standing with a sigh and taking off his damp clothing to dry himself. "Xavier was pinned to the wall by what I thought was some random drunk, it seemed a little under control and I figured he'd be fine since he had bragged to me when I tutored him that he was good at fighting… But he just took it, that other guy was... was literally licking Xavier's skin." The disgust in Vince's voice is just as clear as the confusion and he pauses for a moment to breathe.

"When the guy noticed me, he whispered something to Xavier then just started wailing on him, before I got there he'd punched him a few times and kicked him in the guts a bunch. I pulled him off him but he was... I think he was possessed but not quite, more like cursed? I don't even know, but he was only focused on beating the hell out of Xavier so it took a while but I managed to knock him out. I called Headmaster Gregor who said he'd take care of it and to bring Xavier to you, not a hospital." Vince says, finishing and looking to Mason who just frowns further. This confirmed Mason's theory that Xavier was the student Gregor had been speaking of, but what was so important about him?

Getting the blankets once he's finished treating the raven's wounds Mason tucks him in tightly to prevent him getting sick, and honestly to hide those awful scars. He didn't really know what to say, about the attack or just this in general so he leans against the wall across from Vince and slides down to sit. Vince doesn't look at him anymore, his eyes now glued to Xavier and it clicks to Mason as he sees the expression in the other's eyes. Vince was aware of him as more than an acquaintance, that would certainly explain his desperation and just general distraction. The other would normally have been more composed even in a situation like this.

Sighing Mason tilts his head back and lets his eyes close, just listening to the rain as he gathers his thoughts. Almost accidentally he quietly murmurs to Vince.

"I wonder what his home life is like…" Because with all the creatures that seem to be drawn to the other, and all those obvious scars, Xavier had obviously suffered for a very long time. Vince grunts in response, quiet while thinking before he responds.

"Kyle talks about it sometimes, he doesn't say much but lately he's been slipping up. Something about how Xavier's guardian is really abusive, to the point where he seems to think he's possessed." The words are quiet, Vincent obviously never having thought too much on his friend's words until now. Until the evidence of the abuse was shoved down their throats. Mason would have to talk to the Headmaster about this, investigate or something because it wasn't right. Even now if he focused he could sense something inside the other, a presence that wasn't human. Yet perhaps Xavier held some supernatural genetics, they were quite common and Mason shouldn't assume but he couldn't help it.

The silence in the room is broken when a loud and shrill phone tone tears through the air. Blinking at the unfamiliar sound Mason looks around and finds its source to be a phone in the raven's back-pack. Thinking it might be Xavier's guardian Mason answers with slight hesitation. If he was to ignore all the evidence that said otherwise this person could be concerned about the raven's whereabouts.

"This is Xavier's phone, Mason speaking." He says as formally as possible. Hearing nothing in response the brunet frowns, about to pull the phone away to check he'd properly answered as a voice finally comes through.

"Mason where is Xavier?" the voice is drawling and monotone but somehow deeply unnerving to the brunet, his mind stirs feeling like he'd heard it before but he focuses on the present. What should he say? The person on the line wouldn't believe him if he said Xavier had been potentially attacked by a person cursed by a demon.

"Well, my friend found Xavier collapsed in an alleyway so he's at my place right now, would you like to know our address?" Mason responds, half hoping the man agrees so he can get a proper look at him to assess Kyle's claims. Silence greats him again but Xavier starts to toss and twist on the bed, the blankets soon getting kicked off as he whines and whimpers under his breath.

"I'm-I- sorry… please n-no!... Uncle!"

Frowning Mason opens his mouth, about to encourage the person on the other line to just come when he's cut off.

"Never mind telling me your address if I wanted I'd know where he was, however, he will come home on his own shortly I'm sure." The tone is laced with slight amusement as well as agitation. Grunting Mason shakes his head, there was no way the raven could walk in that condition the pain alone would be pure agony.

"Wait please-" his protests interrupted once more by the sound of the dial tone Mason realises he's been hung up on. Growling slightly, he feels anger boil, how could that person say that, he knew he should have expected it but still! Did they not care at all about Xavier? Turning back to the raven Mason jumps when he sees him sitting up in bed, staring in shock at Vincent. His skin is covered in a light layer of sweat and his face is pale from obvious pain. The raven is up in the next second.

Wincing in pain with sharp breaths but dressing himself in his still wet clothes. He snatches his phone up and bag without a word before finally looking to Mason and Vince who had honestly just stood back in confusion, but now the brunet stirs to action.

"You really should sit, I can get you something for the pain I'm sure your guardian won't mind-" Mason tries to persuade but Xavier's gaze is shot to him, eyes sunken with fear and shining with unshed tears.

"Yes, he will!" he shouts, wincing at his own voice as he cradles his ribs and takes a few breaths. "Thank you for helping me but it's best I leave and you never mention Denver again." He says before running from the room. The sheer impossibility of someone being able to run in that condition as well as the name freeze Mason in shock, Vince runs after the raven but returns a few minutes later, damp with rain once more but looking totally baffled and worried.

"He… he said Denver." The blond says, speaking exactly what Mason was thinking.

"I need to go see the Headmaster right now" Mason says, rushing to his room. This was impossible. Denver, the demon gifted with a strong attachment to earth. It wasn't possible for him to be here without them knowing, so perhaps it was someone with the same name. However if it wasn't, how long had he been under their radar?

How long had he been in contact with Xavier Faust?

Grinding his teeth Mason flings on his jacket and grabs out his phone and dials a taxi and rushing outside as soon as it arrives. Vince is right behind him and Mason doesn't bother to tell him to go home, the other wouldn't listen any way. Once he arrives at the academy the brunet flings the headmasters door open and marches right in to his office. The demon gifted with space manipulation doesn't seem the least bit surprised as he raises his hand to summon his assistant and request some tea.

"Shall we chat?" He says as he moves to sit in one of the lounge chairs. But Mason can't remain as calm, storming right over he shouts at the other, ignoring the way those green eyes flare in irritation.

"Why is the Demon blessed with Earth within your boundaries!?" Vince is by the doors, silent in thought but obviously just as worried as he clenches his fists tightly. Gregor's power seems to flare then, Mason feels shivers rack through his entire body, his knees going weak at the sheer strength. He hears the soft thud of Vince leaning on the door for support but holds his own ground.

"Have a seat, and we shall discuss it" the Headmaster repeats, voice having taken a sterner tone. Taking a deep breath to push down his anxieties Mason sits, waiting for Vince to join them as well as his hands twine together and squeeze. Mason physically feels the power drain back into its source, feels the air lighten to ease his breathing and past the anger is impressed Vince had managed to remain standing.

"Rather than being so rude I really must remind you to remember who I am Mason, show some respect for a relative would you" He says, the choice of words perfect for Vince who would assume he meant as a so-called Uncle due to his close relationship with Mason's mother who had taken the brunet in as a child. "In any case if you would like to ask about Denver I really must first state that what I'm about to tell you is something no one can change and many are aware of. So, there is no point in flaring up senselessly."

The male's voice is stern, the tone warning Mason of the consequences of his would-be actions, but it just makes the brunet bristle further because certainly what he was about to find out would infuriate him.

"I made a bet with my brother years ago, he was upset at my length of control over situations and would not stop interfering with this world no matter how many times I would send him back to ours. Therefore, to resolve the issue I wagered a bet with him, if he wanted power I would give it to him, under a few conditions. I honestly assumed he'd fail the task I set for him as I'd planned it so impeccably. However, your mother was late in getting home which ruined everything." Gregor's gaze wanders, focusing on memories rather than what was in front of him, his expression dark as his teeth grind together for a moment. Mason frowns, wondering what this had to do with his mother.

"I told Denver the location of a pair of twins, that one contained great power and that the other didn't. He could take only one of them and keep them until shortly before their nineteenth birthday. If by the end of those years the child he'd stolen had come to think of him fondly then he could keep them, if however, they did not I would return the twin to where they belong." That green gaze slowly moves to focus on Mason, the brunette feeling dread pool heavily in his guts.

"Lucia was meant to be there, was meant to stop Denver before he advanced too far. But my brother was intelligent, he'd already caused a distraction to lure the priest away before beginning. I'd placed a safety precaution if something should go wrong,so that I won't lose the bet. I'd cursed my brother that if he should be successful he would never be able to show the child affection or kindness, and that he would be overtaken with his demonic desires to dominate the minute he laid eyes on them." Gripping the chair hard Mason has to bite his tongue to refrain from shouting. How unreasonable, the child would suffer for years just to prevent the Headmaster from losing this bet.

"Before you go jumping to ridiculous conclusions I will re-state that my brother was never meant to succeed. And that child's power is something he has no right to possess." Gregor adds, eyes dark before he takes a deep breath. Leaning back in his chair he throws Mason a glance.

"As I'm sure you've pieced together the child Denver succeeded in taking was Xavier Faust, a power dwells inside him that he's not even aware of. It will become more and more evident the closer he gets to his nineteenth birthday. Which is actually very close, the end of the timeframe I'd given him has arrived and Denver was foolish enough to think I wouldn't collect." He scoffs and waves his hand at the window. "I've already explained all of this to Lucia who is going to get him now. In fact, I'm glad you arrived when you did Mason as I have more to discuss with you on this matter." Standing Gregor waves his hand at Vincent, causing Mason to stand quickly as the other disappears from sight.

"He does not need to hear any more, unless you wish to reveal the truth about yourself?" Gregor says before Mason can voice protest. Gritting his teeth, the brunet takes a deep breath and sits back down.

"Due to your behaviour, I won't be telling you one little piece of information, but you'll figure it out eventually I'm sure." Mephisto mutters, almost childishly. "In any case Xavier will be coming to live with you for a short while as his father and mother are out of the picture and Lucia has agreed to care for him. You will be tasked alongside your mother to teach Xavier about supernatural law, and specifically the demons blessed by fate, when Lucia decides he is ready. He has much to learn about this world and little time. His power is great and will be very beneficial to the Vatican, so you'd do well to remember that" The demon speaks down to Mason, who while taking this new information in dwells on what he's not being told.

Watching the other sit behind his desk Mason grunts when a hand is waved at him to shoo him away.

"I've done more than enough talking Mason, figure out the rest yourself." With those words the brunet is suddenly back in his room, his mind overloaded with the new information and anger he can't direct at anyone. Gritting his teeth Mason sits on his bed, the book from so long-ago clatters to the floor but Mason hasn't the mind to care.

Rubbing his eyes, he processes the information told to him.

Xavier was someone with great power, was tortured basically his whole life, and was very obviously a key piece on Gregor's chess board. Did that tie in to why the other was repeating a year at school? Mason was as well but that was due to having to take a year off for advanced training with the order. What was the power within the raven? Was he some genetic experiment, someone like him?

Sighing Mason finds his phone and checks on the list of unread messages, some from Vince others from his adoptive Mother. He was to get the spare room ready for Xavier's arrival, though apparently the raven wouldn't be returning for a while. Lucia had sent that the raven was being taken to the hospital due to extensive injuries.

Upon reading this Mason feels a pang of guilt in his chest. Perhaps if he'd just kept the other here he wouldn't have had to go back to that demon. Responding to his father's mail the brunette finally stands and makes his way to the spare room, not all that surprised when he sees a pile of luggage with a crimson note on the top.

'He'll be needing these
