
A Demon In the Dungeon: Promises Kept.


DAY 12.

Tyler opened his eyes to see Hestia rising as well. He smiled as they geared up for the day. Tyler buckled his sword on and they were off. The adventurer heading for floor 12 and Hestia to the shop. He was whistling as he walked,


He looked over to see Lily walking up with her massive pack and white cloak. He blinked.

"Morning Lily."

She looked at him nervously.

"I'd like to be your supporter."

He looked at her eyes and saw two things: One. She was testing him, and two? She was deaperate for him to be true. He smiled.

"Alright. Let's talk terms."

She nodded and they went to a nearby fountain to talk. Though he blinked as he saw she had a pair of fuzzy ears and a tail now. She set her pack down and he pointed them out.

"Okay, what's with the ears?"

SHe smiled as they twitched.

"I'm a Shinthrope. an animal person."

"Huh. That right?"

He looked at her ears curiously and shrugged.

"Nifty. Okay. I move fast and go wild."

She smiled at that.

"I've seen. I'll stay back."

"If you feel you can't keep up with my pace say so and I'll slow down."

"I'll be fine. Supporters get a boost to their stats to better assist their Masters."

He winced and she blinked.

"Oh I am so sorry. I forgot."

He patted her."

"It's fine. Just call me Tyler."


"And we're starting at 12."

She blinked.

"Umm. What?"

"I'm cleared for 13 Lily. Was since yesterday. let that sink in."

She looked at him and just gaped.


"I've got a special growth skill. Long as I stay intense I grow the faster."

She sighed.

"Of course you do. Anything else I should know?"

"Not really. Sooo, just what DOES a supporter to besides have extra pockets?"

She slumped.

"Oh for the love of the gods. we help out in combat, carry loot, healing items, pick up loot, and are an extra set of eyes in the dungeon."

"Okay. Never hired a supporter before so ya know."

"I understand. Soo, money?"

He smiled.

"Are you jumping to Hestia?"

She looked away.

"I'm still thinking of it on that end."

"50/50 then."

She blinked.


He looked at her confused.

"There's two of us, so it makes sense?"

"Even though you'll be doing all the work?"

"Let me check something."

He got up and lifted her pack, testing the weight.

"Huh. It's lighter then it looks. nifty. So yeah. 50/50."

She slumped again.

"You're weird."

"Keep talking and it'll be 75/25"

She laughed at that tyranny and shouldered her pack.

"12 then."

He smiled as they shook on it.

"We'll stop in at the guild and let Aina know I hired one. She worries."

The shinthrope smiled att hat as they set off. He looked back at the girl the size of his leg and chuckled. She's looking to play me to see if I'm as true as I claim. That's fair. They walked into the guild and Aina blinked as he nodded at Lily.

"I got me a supporter."

Aina smiled with relief.

"And she's a very good one Tyler. take care of him Miss arad."

She bowed as Tyler looked at her bemused.


She glared at him.

"It's Lilica Ard. Problem? TYLER?"

"It's cute."

She blushed.

"I hate you now."

"Come on."

Theyheaded out and he ran along the stairs with her right behind him.

"I knew you moved fast, but come on!"

he chuckled atthat as they reached 12 in a mere half hour.

"We'll do three runs today."

She blinked.


He chuckled as he drew his sword.

"I work hard."

She just groaned.

"And HOW long do these runs last?"

"Till we run outta room."

"Oh my aching arms."

he chuckled at her despairing sigh as the duo dropped to the floor. A dragon reared up and Lily dropped back as he lifted his hand.

"Dragon Flame."

A gout of roiling jet black flame slammed into the dragon and killed it outright. Lily blinked at this as hye caught the stone.

"Ummm. Since when can you use magic?"

He shrugged.

"I got a grimore to drop yesterday."

She blinked as he put the stone in his pouch.

"That's next to unheard of, Tyler."

"I got a werewolf on 2 to drop a sapphire once."

"Oh for gods sake."

He smiled as they kept moving. he filled his pouches and passed them to lily who passed him empty ones and he smiled as he saw her pocket four. That's fair. They went till she ran out of pouches and he nodded.

"Not bad for a first run."

She slumped.

"My pack feels lighter then other it usually does, and I think you're trying to get us killed."

They returned to the surface and Aina was smiling as they took a spot in line.

"How'd it go?"

He smiled.

"We made a killing."

Theyunloaded the haul.

"65,000 vallace. Have a nice day."

"Holy shit."

he took the sacks and gave one to Lily right off the bat and she looked at him with huge eyes.

"We made more in one run then an entire familia inn a day."

"This is just the first run, Lily. Okay. Go drop off the cash to wherever you sleep. I'll do the same."

"Got it."

Tyler was esctatic as he returned to the church and poured the coin into the coffer,

"Now I feel like I'm actually helping her."

He looked at the room and as he walked out he felt a small drop hit his shoulder.

"I'll fix that roof later."

He found Lily at the tower stairs and they dove to floor 12 again where Tyler was attacked by more dragons, orcs, those skeletal things, and the spined things. The last monster shattered they got to work collecting the stones and Lily was just blown away by the sheer amount.

"You're insane. You're one man and killed all those monsters alone? Scary."

He chuckled as they loaded up.

"I'm a monster magnet and since I'm so freaking psychotic it makes it easy."

They filled their pockets again and made their way back up to unload again.

"65,000 vallace. Have a nice day."

Tyler just shook his head smiling as he gave Lily half again.

"secure the goods."

she nodded and they were off. He dumped the offering into the coffer and found it nearly full.

"I think it's close."

They made two more runs before he called it a day. Lily was panting hard as they grabbed a snack from a vendor.

"You're trying to work yourself to death!"

He smiled as they munched on croquets.

"Not bad for your first day at my pace, Lily. Same time tomorrow."

She just started laugh-crying.

"Oh my poor feet!"

He patted her reassuringly.

"You'll get used to the pace soon enough. And then you'll be amazed at just how strong you've become because of it."

The shinthrope sighed at that.

"No matter how strong I get I'm still small and weak."

He snorted.

"Small? Toots that's a very good weapon."

She looked at him confused.

"How is being small and helpless weak?"

"Being smaller means most will overlook you and underestimate you right from the off. Now. Combine that with the right mindset and you can use your small stature to utterly ruin people."

She tilted her head.

"Just like that? Being small makes me that dangerous?"

"As long as you know how to USE it. For example, someone like you has an advantage over someone like me."

She frowned as he pondered the riddle.

"I'm smaller so am more nimble?"

"More or less. If you're fast you can hit me twice as my larger size slows me down."

She got it then.

"I need to get faster. Weird how you're a good teacher too."

"I look after my own, Lily."

She looked down as she munched on her food, deep in thought as Tyler whistled while they sat on at a small fountain. The tall warrior pulled his battleblade from his back and was looking the jet black blade over as Lily looked at him.

"That's an awesome sword, Tyler. Where'd you get it?"

The scarred boy smiled.

"My goddess hooked me up with it. Gnarly beast an all, but I'm thinking of looking into another blade for a backup."


"In the event of a rush INSIDE my effective range. if that happens, I'm fucked."

The supporter tilted her head.

"I see your problem. A greatsword isn't a dagger after all."

"I've a few ideas on just WHAT I want to fill the gap. A twin pair of longswords. I'm kinda pissed now. I just remembered something."

He grinned widely and Lily gulped.

"What is it, and why am I terrified?"

Tyler looked to babel smiling.

"Before I was a slave, Lily, I was a renowned master of a style of swordsmanship called the Aincrad style. The style is a dual wielder longsword style. I was the ONLY one to gain the mark of mastery from our mentor Kirito."

Lily blinked at this declaration.

"Out of how many students?"

"Last count? 10000."

"Oh my gods."

"Yup. We don't have the time for another hardcore run today Lily. So, I'll go have a word with a smith about a sword. What're you gonna do?"

She shrugged as her tail flicked.

"Go get off my feet. You're insane."

"Life's more fun when you're outta yer damn mind Lily. Later."

He headed for the tower whistling as Lily walked to her room with relief at the break. I'll ask Hephastus about a commisson. I'd like the blades to be able to collapse to knife size as a nasty surprise for anything.

"Ooooh MYYYY! What a handsome lad!"

Tyler looked over at the deep voice, only to see a MASSIVE woman with a broad head looking at him with frog's eyes.

ALL His danger instincts flared and he leapt backward with hid battleblade in his two handed grip as the woman? Looked at him bemused.

"What's this? Are you after my-"

"Lady? I were you, I'd keep moving."

Tyler's eyes were ice cold and his voice was steel. The woman smiled widely as she pulled an axe the size of his body from a pocket.

"Or what? Runt?"

Tyler smiled widely now himself.

"Or you meet the Demon. I know what you are. Only sadly for you? The monsters I grew up with being far worse."

The woman lunged with the axe so fast she was a merely blur for the smaller boy, but Tyler merely stepped to the side as she slammed her axe onto the ground, shattering the stone around them into splinters for a dozen feet in all directions. Tyler smiled widely.

"Dragon Flame."

He aimed the black fire at her feet and she laughed as the thing merely raised a large smoke cloud.

"Oh my. You really you think can hurt-argh!"

Tyler's sword appeard from the side of her neck, leaving a large gash that bled prfusely as she dropped to her knees trying to stop the bleeding as Tyler aimed his sword point at her juglar.

"I forgot to mention."

His voice was merely a whisper of death itself.

"Killing people is MY specialty. Now. WHO ARE YOU?"

The hulking woman was about to rush him again, but looked into his eyes and froze at the now searing bloodlust and utter RAGE inside the formerly mocking brown orbs.


"Hmph. Do NOT test me. I know your name. i know your face."

He smiled and she shuddered.

"Do NOT draw the eyes of the Demon again."

He swung his blade, dashing the blood from the blade as he sheathed it over his back before walking to the tower as a group of guards came rushing over. The leader addressing the warrior.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Tyler jabbed a thumb at the now shaking woman as she fought to get off her numb legs.

"Just a pissing contest. She lost."

The man blinked at this and gasped as he saw the woman.

"Lady Freadia! How? She's a level 5! What level are you?"

"Me? I'm level 1."

The guards backed away at this addmission as Tyler lifted his shirt.

"See? 1. Don't make me mad."

He walked off whistling as Freadia glared at his turned back in anger.

"I wouldn't! I went easy on you this time!"

The woman shuddered as Tyler's OVERLY cheery voice, that had a feelable edge of utter darkness that sent a cold chill down everyone that heard it's spine. Tyler was whistling as he rode the lift up the tower, Freadia. yeah. She's a predator. He reached the floor he'd found Hestia on and walked along the hallway eyeing various weapons and armor, gauging their cost over material. The warrior still whistling jauntily as a mountain of a man in a blue tunic with a pair of massive single bladed swords on his back appeared around a corner. Tyler ignored him as he spotted a rather interesting longsword he loved the look of.

"I've been sent to speak to you."

Tyler sighed as he looked over at the imposing man.

"Fight or threat?"

That man lifted an eyebrow.


"I'm not joining your familia."

"I see. LAdy Freaya will be most disappointed."

"Hol up. Freya? Like that beauty goddess that was married to Thor?"

He smirked.

"The one and the same. Have you reconsidered?"

Tyler chuckled.

"Damn If I'm not curious. Explains a lot. Sorry big man. I picked Hestia."

"I see. she was afraid you'd say that."

Tyler looked at him smiling now.

"I'm not interested in fighting you. And you KNOW you'd lose."

That got a sigh now.

"Now, now. Let's be civil here gentlemen."

Tyler looked over his shoulder at the voice and clicking heels to see a tall woman with silver hair and purple eyes approaching him in an odd gown that was missing a leg. The warrior blinked as he looked the beautiful woman over.

"Huh. So YOU'RE what a goddess of beauty looks like. Damn. Yo big man. Respect."

That got a laugh from thye woman and a smirk from the man as the lady walked up to the warrior.

"No fear. No hesitation. And not from this world. Otoril. Leave us."


Tyler leaned on the glass of the shop as the bigger man walked away. Freya smiled seductively as she looked at the tall boy.

"I HADN'T intended to reveal myself to you just yet. But. Freadia forced my hand."

"You HAVEN'T revealed yourself to me though. Oh. You mean in person? Damn."

She laughed again before getting a knowing smile now.

"So you ARE interested! I was beginning to worry."

"You wanna ride, I got plenty. Butta. I ain't jumping ship."

She sighed in disappointment at this.

"I see my goddess charms have no effect on you. a bonus of Realis fray. You coming out and SAYING you have it was bold. Very bold."

"I see the bait worked. I have only one question Freya."

The goddess smiled.

"I am NOT your enemy."

Tyler looked into her eyes and nodded.

"Alright. Not even YOU can lie to me. And I know your gaze. That monkey was a dick move."

"So you're NOT just prey. How fascinating. I enjoyed the show immensely."

"I kinda figured. I wouldn't recommend putting Hestia in danger again, Freya."

Here she smiled a little.....darker.

"And if I were to do-Huh?"

Tyler had jabbed her in the stomach with his dagger hilt and his eyes full of ice.

"Then you'd be dead right now. Get this through your skull goddess. I do NOT play by your rules. I do NOT show mercy. You endanger the ones I love,"

He leaned in close to the shaken woman.

"You DIE."

He pulled the stone of his blde from her stomach and twirled it back into his sheath.

"And fair warning? Your boy can't protect you from a Demon. Ain't that right big man?"

Otoro came back around the corner with a distinctive paleness on his face as the fact Tyler had let her live sunk into the goddess' psyche. Tyler looked back at her.

"I believe in fair warning Freya. You ALL just got one. Balls in your court."

She shuddered at this warning before regaining some of her composure.

"Noted. I see you ARE dangerous. Now for the ture reason I came to speak to you."

"Oh. I'm all eyes."

He leered at her and she burst out laughing at this 180 from cold blooded monster to arrogant kid.

"You are strange you know that? Freadia. Her goddess is the one called Ishtar."

"Ishtar? the amazon goddess of lust and beauty?"

"You know your gods. She is trying to build a powerbase to attack me. I've known of her plans for years, but she's amusing. So I let her play."

"I am picturing so many things right now, and not ONE of them involve battle."

She smiled at this.

"I can see that. And we HAVE."

"Ohhhh DAMN. How much for a show?"

That made her bust up laughing as Otoro grumbled at this ballsy move. Freya had to take a moment t9o recover, before smiling widely.

"You are precious. we HAVE a pleasure quarter."

"I see i found my next area. But. YOU before work."

The purple eyed goddess smiled at that one.

"Good one. Ishtar has taken quite the interest in you, Tyler. Namely because of the skill. A few gods and goddesses have actually. I am here to tell you I've made it VERY clear you're under my protection for the time being. And I see those gears turning. I want nothing from you but amusement."

"I can do you."

"You wouldn't survive a night5 with ME. Human."

Tyler smirked.

"Lady. I'd DESTROY you."

The goddess' eyes glowed a moment and she full on BLUSHED! Tyler and Otoro looked at each other in shock.

"Am I seeing things, or did she just blush?"

"I'm seeing it too. What the hell are you?"

Tyler looked back at the now extremely flustered goddess confused.

"You look like a horndog that just got off for the first time. You good?"

She let out a massive breath that was shaking hard as she was full on red in the face.

"I saw what YOUR lust looks like."

"Oh. Damn. Enjoy the nightmare fuel."

"Ooooh. I must consider this most carefully. For I fear you're RIGHT! Otoro. We're leaving."


Tyler watched as the beauty goddess walked away, shadowed by her big bodyguard, with a VERY unstable step. The warrior shrugged and got walking again. wow. Weird lady.But. One night under MY touch and she'll be on MY leash. No way in HELL she wouldn't be. Not if her reaction was anything to go by. Tyler put the matter out of his mind as he reached the shop he found Hestia in and headed inside. He found his goddess dusting off some heavy armor on a stool humming as she worked. Tyler smiled as he saw her as the stool gave out under her. The short goddess squeaked as she found herslef in a princess cradle in Tyler's strong arms.

"Wow. i got a goddess falling for me."

She blushed HARD at that one as he set her on her feet.

"Thank you. But what's up?"

"The bait was taken. TWICE."

That made her blush go away and she got serious.

"How bad?"

"I dropped a thing called Freadia. and flustered the hell outta Freya."

She dropped her duster! Tyler explained everything that had happened, sparing no detail before Hestia grabbed him in a hug.

"Ishtar AND Freya. I'm sorry."

He patted her head fondly.

"No biggee. I put the fear of the Demon into Freadia. And I got Freya looking for a ride. I get HER in bed, and bam. She ain't gonna try anything."

"If her reaction to SEEING your lust did what you say, yeah. Scary."

She was blushing hard as the goddess let him go. Tyler smiled.

"I got this. Now is Hephastus in?"

That made her frown.

"Is there something wrong with the sword?"

"Nah. Looking for a backup plan in case of anything."

"Backup plan?"

Tyler smiled widely.

"MY type of backup plan. I may have to do things the strength of my goddess is unsuited for. So I need something made for Demon's work. And no. You don't want to know."

She shuddered at the insinuations.

"I trust you. She's in her office over there."

Tyler hugged her warmly.

"Thanks Hestia."

She smiled at that as he walked over to the large door, and tapped a knuckle.

"I heard. Come in."

Tyler walked in and shut the door and faced the smithing goddess. She was a tall, musclar woman with scarlet hair and an eye patch. She sighed as he walked over to her desk.

"I heard everything. And I won't say a word. Now. Your request."

Tyler slid her a piece of paper with two sketches upon it.

"Twin longswords in this style. This one jet black. That one sapphire blue. They need to be able to collapse to the size of a 6 inch knife that extend to 4 feet with a swing. when swung they leave streaks of black for the jet blade and blue for the other in the air. Strength is like this greatsword."

The goddess looked the designs over closely.

"You have no idea how muhc this will cost. Do you?"

"I take requests."

That made her smirk.

"For weapons like this? You're looking at close to 450,000,000 vallace."

Tyler didn't flinch.

"I figured it wouldn't be cheap. So. On completion or upfront?"

She smiled now.

"I have....a better idea."

"Got a bed?"

That made her blush! Tyler burst out laughing as he made Hephastus' mind just go BOOM. It took her close to five minutes to recover entirely. Then she tugged on her collar as she FOUGHT to keep her rising temperature under control.

"no. I am NOT bedding you as a payment for a sword."

"Damn. Alright whatchya got?"

"A quest."

HE smiled widely.

"I'm listening."

"Kill Goliath. ALONE. And bring back his stone."

The warrior tilted his head.


"The floor boss on seventeen."

"Ah. Simple enough. Timeframe?"

"Tomorrow morning, you go into the dungeon and do NOT comeback up without the stone."

"I can do that. No supporter?"

"Not even a supporter. You want god tier weapons. You need to do god tier tasks."

"Fair enough. I'll need a contract to0 get Aina to open the door."

They drew uyp a contract detailing the mission beofre she pulled a small knife the smith goddess used to prick her thumb and fix her blood to the deal. Tyler copied her actions and the thing glowed as the blood contract was set. Tyler smiled.

"I DO hope you'll have the blades ready for when I get back."

Hephastus smirked.

"If you make it back alive, the blades will be waiting for you."

Tyler nodded.

"You've made a deal with the Demon. Remember that."

He took his copy and headed to see Hestia. he found her standing at the door with CLEAR fear in her eyes as he walked over.

"Tyler? Why did you agree?"

He patted her head fondly.

"Because I want to protect YOU, Hestia. I WILL protect you. And to do that, I am going to become the strongest thing in this city."

She hugged him hard as the force of his will washed over her.

"Don't die down there."

Tyler smiled fondly as he stroked her hair.

"I won't. I'll have a helluva story to tell when I get back."

Hestia nodded.

"Okay. I'll trust you. Just come back."

Tyler patted her head again.

"Sure thing. I got some prep work to do. See ya at home."

He walked out and Hestia rounded on Hephestus in a fury.

"WHY did you do that? he's going to die down there!"

The smith sighed.

"Hestia. That kid is dangerous. But besides that? We, as in ALL the gods, have been looking to test this kid. We need to know what the hell he is. We looked into his past, Hestia. And there's something missing."

The shorter goddess tilted her head now.

"What is it?"

Hephestus looked at her copy of the contract that had his blood on it.

"His parents. They were NOT his family."

Tyler walked into the guild and spotted Bell talking to none other then Lily by the front door. The warrior smiled.

"Well will ya look what the cat threw up?"

Bell sighed as Lily spotted the contract in his hand.

"Nice to see you too."

"We have a job?"

"I have a job. Hepheatus threw me a curveball."

Lily took the paper over and gasped.

"Goliath? Are you outta your gods damned mind? You're a level one! It takes A FULL party of level twos to even THINK of getting to him!"

Tyler shrugged as Bell went white in the face at the task laid out before his friend.

"I been through worse. Sorry to bail on you Lily. Yo Bell."

Lily passed him back the contract with her stone face on again as the white haired kid looked at him curiously.

"What's up?"

"YOU need a supporter. Mind helping her out for me while I'm gone?"


Tyler burst out laughing at thier in unison yells of disbelief. Then he patted the smaller girl.

"Lily's had it rough. and YOU need someone to watch your ass."

Bell looked to the shinthrope as she glared at Tyler for the pat.

"well, Miss ard?"

Lily jumped.

"What? Just like that? You'd take me on, just cause he said to?"

Bell shrugged a little sheepishly.

"Tyler isn't the most...kind...person out there, Miss Ard. Nor the most outgoing. If you got HIS seal of approval, then you're okay."

Tyler left them to talk out their deal and went inside the guild to give Aina her heart attack. He found the half elf at the desk as usual and she smiled as he approached.

"Floor 13?"

"I got a hit contract."

He slid it to her and she smiled as she looked it over.

"I see! You got the eye GOLIATH? Are you outta of your mind?! NO!"

The room went silent at her shocked yell as she slammed the paper down in a fury.

"No. I am NOT clearing you for that fight. You're a level 1! What is Lady Hepheastus thinking? Hse just sent you to die! What does Lady Hestia think of this?"

Tyler shrugged.

"She's trusting me."

Aina deflated at the simple statement. The woman slumped over her desk in despair.

"Come back."

"I will."

She deflated some more at his certain tone. Then switched into advisor mode.

"So be it. Golaith is 25 feet tall."

"I kinda figured he'd be a big guy. The stone."

"If you hit it, it kills him instantly."

"I can work with that. I'll get a touchup from Hestia, get WRECKED, and go to war. Typical saturday night. Thanks Aina."

He walked out whistling as Lumia looked at him sadly.

"We just lost another adventurer."

Tyler walked to the church whistling as the sun started going down, I'll get a full supply of potions and boosters from Micok before I hit the dungeon. I know I can do this. He found Hestia in the church and she smiled.

"Let's give your stats a touchup before tomorrow."

Tyler took his shirt off and laid on the bed and sighed as Hestia straddled his back for her work.

"I like this."

she blushed with a smile.

"You're still cold. But I like it too."

He relaxed as she brought his stats to their new level.

"Alright. You're at the height of what a level 1 can reach."

She got off him and he pulled his shirt on.

"I'm gonna get wrecked at the tavern."

Hestia hugged him hard.

"Why are you doing this? For swords?"

He hugged her tightly.

"I'm doing this for YOU, Hestia. To get strong enough to protect you. From anything. when I get back I'll be far stronger."

she sniffed and hlifted her face to look him in the eye.

"Don't you dare cry, Hestia. I am NOT going to die down there. I promise. I have YOU to come home to."

She shivered at this before smiling widely.

"Okay. I'll believe in you, Tyler the Demon."

He hugged her hard before grabbing a large sum from the coffer. He went to the tavern where Seer laughed as he walked in.

"I'm startin to get worried you might like this place!"

Tyler chuckled as he sat at the bar.

"I got a silver haired cutie to look at here. Course the foods' good."

Seer blinked,

"Huh?" That didn't make any sense."

Momma Mia laughed.

"wow. That was slick."

Tyler got a mug of ale.

"I got a few ways. Hey, Seer."

She looked at him curiously and he poked her nose teasingly, making her squeak.


Now embarrassed AND red faced as what his OTHER statement meant sank in, she walked back to the kitchen as Mia laughed hard.

"You just played her like a fiddle! Been quite a while since I saw Seer get that flustered!"

Tyler chuckled as he fed on the night's special.

"Seer's fun to tease."

Mia looked at him fiercely now.

"And what are YOU playing at?"

He shrugged.

"I got a job to kill Goliath for Hepheastus tomorrow. So I won't be back for a bit."

The entire tavern went silent as a mouse at this announcement. Momma Mia just looked at the cooly feasting man in disappointment.

"So you're going to kill yourself?"

"Nope. I ain't getting killed down there. It'll be a pain in the ass. But I know I can do it."

"You really think so?"

He looked over at the voice to see the blonde elf Ryu now sitting beside him. Tyler smiled as he slid a mug over to her.

"I do. As long as I can make him BLEED, I can win. No matter HOW long it takes."

Ryu looked at him with piercing blue eyes.

"If you can't?"

"I get creative. if I have to STRANGLE that thing with it's own hair, I will. I promised Hestia I'd come back. And I made a deal with Hephastus for it's stone. So I'll bring it's fucking stone back on a plate."

The elf nodded at his determination.

"I see. So THIS is your adventure."

"Does it heal?"

"No. His attributes are immense strength, and defense."



"Cakewalk. I'm used to fighting things bigger then I am."

Seer came over now with worry stamped on her face and he smiled comfortingly.

"Don't worry Seer. I'll be back in three days."

Ryu sighed.

"It takes four to get to his lair. And a word of advice? Floor 18 is a dungeon safezone."

"Good to know. I have a backup plan then."

The boy fed well with his friends before heading back to the church. He found Hestia and Bell sitting on the couch with worry on their faces andn he snorted.

"Thanks for the faith."

That made Bell smirk.

"If anyone can do it, alone, you can, Tyler."

"Thanks Bell. Look after the place while I'm gone, alright?"

He nodded as Tyler smiled at Hestia. She smiled nervously.


"YOu. Hug. Now."

She smiled as her taller friend wrapped her up in his arms.

"You're with me tonight."


The friends went to bed and Tyler sighed as his back cracked.

"Never gets old."

Hestia smiled as she placed her head on his chest.

"Be careful."

He took her hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.

"I will. YOU be strong."

She shivered at the feeling as he hugged her.

"Good night Hestia."

"Good night Tyler."

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