
A Demon's Loyalty

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What is A Demon's Loyalty

Lee la novela A Demon's Loyalty escrita por el autor luciferspinkwings publicada en WebNovel. 'Hell is empty; all the demons are here.'...


'Hell is empty; all the demons are here.'

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Obligada a casarme con el hombre más codiciado y millonario de Corea del Sur...Hwang Hyunjin. _____ es una chica de dieciséis años, vive en Corea del Sur con su padre. Siempre tuvo la esperanza de que algún día se casaría con el hombre de sus sueños. Y ese día llegó. Se casó. Pero hubo un problema. No se casó por amor, se casó con el multimillonario Hwang Hyunjin solo por un contrato. Pero...¿qué era lo que acordaba el contrato?, ¿por qué ella?, ¿cuál era su objetivo? (-) Hyunjin es hijo único, un gran CEO y modelo. Su madre murió en el nacimiento de él y su padre a muy corta edad falleció. Allí fue cuando su vida cambió por completo y tuvo que madurar a una corta edad para enfrentar el mundo solo, sin ninguna ayuda de su madrastra. Al conocer a _____ su vida da un giro de trescientos sesenta grados. Aprende y conoce que es pasar del odio al amor. También aprenderá el significado de "amar" a alguien sobre tu propia vida. Pero nada será fácil, muchas cosas se interpondrán en el camino de la pareja. Y los problemas de Hyunjin de ira no ayudan en nada. Podría llegar a hacerle mucho daño a alguien que ama, sin darse cuenta. Historia cursi y algo dramática. Esta HISTORIA es creada con el fin de entretener. Se recomienda discreción ya que se usa la violencia, el machismo y otros temas sensibles los cuales cambian con forme la historia avanza. No copias ni adaptaciones ©️

Mumu_Jeon · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Final Prophecy

Azora Sieya, the daughter of the Greek goddess, Artemis, has long since been forgotten by the humans. She has become a historical legend after the Battle of Faith. Azora has reincarnated, knowing her past. Leto, her older sister is somewhere out in the world, looking for her. Azora has been orphaned and accepted into an Institute meant for children that have nothing to lose. Despite no longer holding the title of the all powerful goddess, Azora still faces obstacles as sixteen-year-old detective going by the name of Jane. A new threat arises when Azora is at her weakest. The only way to defeat it is by melting back into her goddess form. Will she though? "Once they know, you'll be abandoned. Then, you'll be hunted down." Leto grumbles. "I know. Just give me time." I answer calmly. Leto smiles and bows. She spreads her powerful wings and flies off into the night. Alastor Wolfe has slowly started to lose his mind. The only way to keep sane is to find his mate. Being the son of a werewolf and warlock, Alastor is seen as an abomination. Alastor has been living with his older brother, Wade, a powerful warlock. Alastor gets pushed into the Institute for the children that have nothing lose. When Jane and her friends get in trouble, Alastor, his brother, and two of Wade's servants are pulled into the chaos. When Alastor finally finds his mate, he is forced to either kill her friend or get hunted. He faces the obstacle of trying to gain her trust.

EdnaHesence · Fantasía
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2 Chs


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It's a short story covering mysterious disappearances and the unraveling of a sisister plot. The writing itself is OK, focusing more on the point of view of one character, switching to the antagonist later on. The switch is a nice touch, getting the complementary information on the motives of the characters (and the main plot). Backdraw is that the writing and use of limited perspectives - with no introductory chapter or at least small narrative paragraphs - leaves the surroundings, all appearing characters, background and setting, seemingly rushed, empty of any descriptions and kinda unimaginative - even when choosing somewhat well known and common motives. The plot itself is rather common, the proceedings kinda gory (which is at least somewhat of a positive point regarding descriptive writing), and the ending is... very much open. I think this may be set in the supernatural-verse but even that is more of a guess than any founded on given information.


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