
Lockwood Enterprises

As the doors of the luxurious boardroom swing open, a hushed silence falls over the room. All eyes turn towards the entrance, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their boss.

With each step she takes, there is an air of confidence and authority that radiates from her. Dressed impeccably in a tailored navy blue suit, she exudes sophistication and professionalism. Her perfectly coiffed hair, styled in a sleek and elegant manner, adds to her commanding presence.

As she strides forward, her heels click against the polished marble floors, echoing throughout the room, leaving an indelible mark of her arrival. Her posture is poised and regal, displaying a sense of self-assurance that demands attention and respect.

Her piercing gaze, framed by sharp, meticulously groomed eyebrows, scans the room, taking in every detail. With a quick nod she acknowledges her colleagues, instantly putting them at ease while simultaneously asserting her authority.

The atmosphere in the room shifts, as if the very air has become charged with anticipation. The lady CEO takes her place at the head of the table, her presence commanding attention from every corner of the room. She sits with a perfect posture, exuding a sense of control and purpose.

With a firm tap of her manicured fingers on the table, she signals the start of the meeting. Her voice, smooth and authoritative, fills the room, effortlessly capturing everyone's attention. Her words are measured, yet powerful, as she articulates her vision and strategies with unwavering confidence.

Throughout the meeting, she demonstrates a keen understanding of her industry, effortlessly answering questions and addressing concerns with intelligence and grace. She exudes a natural charisma that captivates her audience, leaving no doubt about her capabilities as a leader.

As the meeting draws to a close, she rises from her seat, her presence still commanding the room. Her final words, filled with conviction and determination, leave an indelible impression on those present. With a subtle nod, she dismisses the meeting, leaving her colleagues inspired and motivated to carry out the tasks at hand.

The lady CEO exits the boardroom with the same confidence with which she entered, leaving behind a room filled with awe and admiration. Her powerful presence and undeniable leadership have left an indelible mark, reminding everyone of the force she embodies as a successful and influential woman in the business world.



Hearing the sound of heels the person sitting on desk outside the only room on the flower stood up

" Good morning, boss! " He sounded cheerful

Confused seeing a new face she understands that he is a newly hired assistant of hers, acknowledging him as she walks towards the door.

" Heh! Care to explain why you did that? "

Without glancing at the person she knows it's her good friend kai.

"What if I don't? "

"Sigh. Leave it, by the way I'm here to give you the invitation for the annual charity gala. Also I'm going back to celestis. "


Walking towards the floor-to-ceiling window she looks over the scenery. Reminiscing about how she came to London two years ago to take over her mother's company that was a sinking ship. Saving this company was challenging and she took it completely, turning over a new leaf. Making Lockwood Enterprises as one of top 5 companies in the world. No one knows who she is, not her appearance.

She, Amelia changed her surname to her mother's maiden family. Known as Amelia Lockwood the Ceo of powerful Imperial Industries she brings tremor to the business world. Many admire her as it is not easy to be at top in just a short span of years.

Sighing, she turns to sit at her desk and picks up the invitation to the gala.


As the guests arrive at the entrance of the charity gala, they are greeted by the grandeur of the event. A red carpet stretches out before them, flanked by elegant floral arrangements and softly lit chandeliers. The sound of live classical music fills the air, played by a talented string quartet positioned near the entrance.

Well-dressed attendees make their way inside, their outfits reflecting the sophistication of the occasion. Women wearing glamorous gowns adorned with sequins and jewels, and men dressed in tailored tuxedos, exude an air of elegance and refinement.

The entrance is adorned with large banners and screens displaying images and information about the cause being supported by the gala. Volunteers and staff members, identifiable by their matching outfits, warmly welcome guests with smiles and polite greetings.

The atmosphere is buzzing with excitement and anticipation as guests exchange greetings and engage in small talk. The clinking of glasses and the occasional burst of laughter can be heard in the background, adding to the lively ambiance.

Photographers stand ready to capture the arrival of notable guests, their cameras flashing as they capture the glamour and prestige of the event. Reporters and journalists hover nearby, eager to interview key figures in attendance.

As the sleek black limousine comes to a stop at the entrance of the charity gala, the crowd's attention is immediately drawn to the arrival of the country's one of the most influential figure . However, there is a noticeable aura of coldness and aloofness that surrounds him.

The chauffeur opens the door, and the young man steps out with a calculated and composed demeanour. His expression remains impassive, and there is a distinct distance in his gaze that keeps the crowd at bay. Dressed impeccably in a sharp tailored suit, he exudes an air of authority and success, but his demeanour gives off an unapproachable vibe.

Just when cameras continue to flash to capture his entrance, a fleet of bodyguards block them, not allowing them to see and the excitement in the air is somewhat subdued. The whispers among the attendees reflect a mix of admiration for his accomplishments and curiosity about the enigmatic personality behind the success.

As he walks towards the entrance, his team of advisors and assistants following closely behind, there is little interaction with the crowd. The man keeps his focus straight ahead, seemingly uninterested in engaging with those around him. Attendees who attempt to catch his attention are met with a polite nod or a brief acknowledgment, but there is a clear lack of warmth or genuine connection and interest.

His entrance creates an atmosphere of curiosity and intrigue, as attendees try to decipher the enigma that is the young CEO. Some view his cold and aloof demeanour as a symbol of his unwavering determination and focus, while others wonder if it reflects a lack of genuine interest in the people and causes around him.

While his arrival sets the stage for an evening of power and influence, it also serves as a reminder that success does not always come with warmth and approachability. The combination of his imposing presence, the luxurious car, and his aloof personality creates a captivating moment that leaves the crowd in awe, yet yearning to understand the man behind the façade.

He is Ethan Sinclair, a name that brings fear to the crowd but also respect and admiration. The one who took over the business empire after his father's demise just at the age of 19, he made his name. Woman wanting his attention or just wanting to climb his bed just for a night but he is unattainable. Rumours said that once a woman tried to sleep with him however she was not found till date and her family business was ruined just within a night. It was then everyone understood that he is ruthless and cruel.

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