
A Cultivator in a Magi World

Following a path is easy, but creating one? Not so much. Zion, born with a golden spoon embarks on a journey to create his path, a path of cultivation, science and magic. With his knowledge from the past, and using science as his foundation, he knocks down and conquers kingdoms and dynasties, becoming the greatest cultivator and scientist in the world of magic.

Inexorable_Death · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Royal Library

A series of mockery was thrown at Evans, which he endured, albeit with a face that was red with fury and embarrassment, and swore that after the war was over, he would go to the King to complain about this.

"I think we had enough of this meaningless conversation; don't you think so, Commander Lucas?" Evans asked while trying to muster a smile. Veins were popping out of his head and neck, and they looked like they were going to burst anytime soon. 

"I agree, Lord Evans..Although I do have a slight idea about what's going on here on the southern border, I would like to hear it from your esteemed self. So, would you care to elucidate me on those matters?" It seemed like Lucas had a very fun time messing with Evans, but understanding the gravity of the matter, he promptly got serious.

"Well, small-scale skimmers were a pretty common occurrence on the southern border because of their special nature…but we didn't expect those scum of the Rana Kingdom would actually dare to even think about capturing our lands."

"You should understand how important Helami is to our kingdom and his majesty, yet those fools still dare to invade us. We were confident that we would win this war without breaking a sweat; however, things didn't go as we planned." Evans face immediately became gloomy.

"Those were not humans…..Although they had human skin and looked very much like humans, they were lifeless. They seemed to have infinite stamina and could fight our soldiers for an endless amount of time. They also didn't care about injuries at all. You could cut all of their limbs, and they would still try to fight back. They are like war machines whose sole purpose is to fight". As he recounted all of this, his face lost all colour and was filled with horror. He could still hear the screams of his soldier and how demonic those human-like creatures were.

Despite being aware of these facts, Commander Lucas was still thrown off. "It's alright now; the Fire Celestial Army will be taking care of this matter, Lord Evans; you should get your well-deserved rest." Lucas said it with a genuine tone.


In a mansion near the King's palace, situated in the core area of the capital city of Nodricia, one small boy could be seen sitting in his courtyard in a meditating position, unaware of all the big events happening behind the scenes. That small boy was Zion.

*huff* *huff* "Even with this top-grade technique, my endurance still has yet to improve, though the gain is substantially better," Zion muttered. "The 3rd layer is not much of a big deal and was pretty easy for me to learn, but I wonder how tough the following layers would be."

He also didn't try to practice his thunder element and kept on practicing his water element. His water manipulation skill had already reached mastery level, and now he could not only make intricate shapes with it; he could also use it as a projectile. Although it may not seem like much, in the world of Gaia, this was an unprecedented achievement, and only few people ever reached this sort of mastery over their elements. And to reach such levels of mastery was just not about hard working either, it also needed a considerable amount of talent.

Generally, people only took their water manipulation skills to the level where it was enough for them to practice other spells, such as aqua bolt, hydro lance, etc. It didn't require them to have too much control over their element to perform these spells, as the spell itself did it for them, but as the spell level increases, it is of course required to raise your control over your element simultaneously.


Name - Zion K Celeste

Age - 5 year old 6 days 

Core - Peak Heaven grade (able to cultivate)

Spiritual roots : triple nature ( Thunder, water , earth )

Health - Perfectly healthy

Cultivation - Qi Condensation {mid } [3rd class (70%)]

Skills - Water manipulation(Master)

Library - (locked)


"Hmmm..now that I have perfectly learned the stormforge meditation technique, I think I should give the library a visit. After all, I am already 5 years old, and I have to attend the academy pretty soon, so since I might not get the chance to visit the library after I start my schooling, I might as well go there before the time runs out."

The Royal was not what he envisioned it to be. Yes, it looked imposing and majestic; it was very small and tiny. He had imagined it to be huge, filled with books of all kinds but to his disappointment, not only was it small, it had only maybe a couple hundred books. His school library from his past life had more books than the so-called library, which he felt was a laughable matter.

Putting his disappointment aside, he strolled around the sections to see what kinds of books were available. Although there were numerous guards outside, inside the library, except for Zion there was not a single soul present.

"Since the books here are so few in number, I'm expecting all of them to be the rarest and the most valuable book one can find." And to his surprise, he was completely right. All the books here were the rarest of the rarest books one can find in Nodricia.

The books were stored in sections just like a normal library and it had three 3 sections. One of them consisted of spell books and some secret information about the kingdom, another consisted of numerous cultivation techniques and notes by their predecessor on how one can learn or even improve it. 

Most of the spell books required one to be at least 4th class which he was not, so most of them were pretty useless to him except for a few spell books, which unfortunately they were not of his element.

Most of the cultivation books were rare and couldn't be easily found in the outside world. As a matter of fact, almost all of these cultivation books could help one reach up to 5th class which was very impressive