
Just A Normal College Kid!

Angus stands in front of his college. The Memoria college of arts, it is one of the city's well-known college. "Damn, why do colleges give you holiday on Sundays? I just feel like not coming here, ugh!" Angus says to himself.

"Hey Angus!"

A cute girly voice, Angus turns around, he sees...

A girl with blonde hair with slight shade of pink, her face is glows like a sun and she is definitely very attractive with her slim fit body and a rocking with a E cup sized breasts. She wears a grey tank top with her red shirt tucked onto her skirt. She also wears a gold pendant with a blue gem in the middle of it and long gold earrings.

Her name is, Kiara Martins and she is Angus's childhood friend. Kiara seems to be sweating a lot like she has been through some kind of training hell.

"Oh hey Kiara, were you practising your dances again?" Angus questions Kiara. "Yip, yip!" Kiara says with a huge cheerful smile. "By the way Kiara, you know you rock in that tank top, especially when your sweating." Angus says with a smirk and slowly raising his hand to show a thumbs up. Kiara sighs.

"When will you ever stop being a pervert, Angus?" Kiara asks Angus. "Never!" Angus grins. "That's never going to get you laid you know." Kiara says to Angus with a disappointed face. "Hmm? Doesn't matter, as long as I can stare at tits and asses I am all good." Angus says proudly. "Really? You really will never change will you?" Kiara asks with a sigh. "What am I saying, it's you, of course you will never change." Kiara says. Angus smiles. "You got it!" He then gives Kiara another thumbs up.

"We better get going to the class or we will be let." Kiara says. "Hey can I touch your tits?" Angus asks. "Your saying like you never have." Kiara says with a sigh. "Yeah but that was when we were in middle school, now they have grown and they are-OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!" Kiara interrupts Angus's words midway as she stretches his left cheek.

Angus and Kiara take a seat close to each other in the class. "Man, classes are boring..." Angus says with a sigh. "Then why would you even take human psychology as your subject of interest to begin with?" Kiara asks. "Of course to be with you and your biggilicious tits." Angus says with a grin. "I am glad I am of your service." Kiara seems to be annoyed but she doesn't do anything.

Angus seems to be bored during classes because everything that is taught during the classes is already in his brain. It's because of his demon and angel cells he can memorise anything made by a human very easily. You could may as well say his brain is an AI which can perform tasks really quickly.

You must be questioning that how does Angus know about his demon and angel cells. Well, it's because of Mia. Mia and Angus have been working together for about 8 months now and Mia who took about 2 months to study the book of the demons that Angus handed her over came to know that even a demon and angel can have cells like human. The only difference is, demon cell unlike human blood is like a burning comet within a body, that is the reason why demon's turn to ashes when they are killed while the angel cell is this mixture of blue and white cells and when an angel is killed they vanish like a light fading to darkness.

When Mia asked Angus for a blood test he accepted that offer. Mia looked at Angus's blood sample and it had both, the burning comet cells of a demon and the mixture of blue and white cells of an angel. Which is why, he knows about him being an half demon and an half angel.

The door to the classroom opens and an old bald professor with glasses and grey suit enters the classroom. As he reaches his desk he adjusts his glasses. "I am glad to announce we will be having another student join our class." The Professor says. "Please welcome, Orvia Thunders." The Professor unenthusiastically points his hand towards the door. "Orvia? Why does that name sound familiar?" Angus thinks to himself.

As soon as the professor points towards the door, the same short girl who attacked Angus yesterday entered the classroom. The only difference was she wasn't wearing a bunny costume and had no black wings like yesterday. Rather she was wearing a yellow T-shirt and a short black skirt. "Wait a minute..." Angus looks at Orvia as says.

Suddenly, Orvia's attention goes to Angus and her face freezes. "Ah..." Her mouth slowly begins to open. "Ah..." It begins to widen even more. She begins to point at Angus. "You..." She says pointing at Angus. "I WAS RIGHT!" Angus says enthusiastically. "YOU ARE THAT BIG BOOBIE DEMON!" Angus points at her and says. "Huh?!" Kiara looks confused. Everyone begins to laugh. "Angus not again..." The Professor says. "Big boobie...Demon..." It seems Angus angered Orvia.

"YOU IDIOT, THAT'S A SUCCUBUS NOT A DEMON!" Orvia screams at Angus and everyone laughs again. "Hey Angus...Who is this chick?" Kiara asks as she seemed concerned. "Oh it's nothing much, just a demon I met yesterday." Kiara doesn't know about Angus yet so she thinks his joking. "You just like anything with big tits don't you?" Kiara looks straight with an upset face. "Huh?" Angus looks confused.

"BOTH OF YOU, GET OUT!" The Professor points Angus and Orvia the way out of the class. "Yeah, yeah whatever, I was getting bored anyways." Angus says as he puts his hands in his pockets and begins to walk out with Orvia. Kiara sighs.

Outside the classroom,

"I definitely didn't expect you to be here." Orvia says to Angus who stands next to her. "Yeah me too, I am glad to meet you. The name is Angus." Angus says with a grin. "Umm...You do realise that I am a part of the 12 demon lord right?" Orvia asks. "Hmm? What about that?" Angus asks. "You seriously want to be friends with me." Orvia asks. "Sure, after all, beautiful ladies are my weakness so I look forward to spending time with them..." Angus starts imagining. "In various ways..." Angus says as he imagines the various ways he could spend his time in the valley of tits and asses.

"So your telling me your not going to kill me, right now?" Orvia asks. "Of course not, why would I? I thought I made it very clear yesterday night that I don't like hitting beautiful ladies." Angus says To Orvia. "Don't expect a "Ah! What a gentlemen!" From me. Your never going to get it from me." Orvia says. "My heart only belongs to the one and only Lucifer~" Orvia's eyes brighten with hearts.

"What's so great about him that hordes of demons follow him?" Angus asks. "Huh?! What do you mean?" Orvia gives Angus a cold stare. "I mean in the lore Michael and Lucifer were brothers right? And then Lucifer did something bad due to which Michael had to slay him." Angus says. "What are you getting at?" Orvia asks. "What exactly are Lucifer's motives? Why is he attacking humanity? Isn't it Michael who he should be getting revenge against?" Angus questions as he looks towards the sky. "Humanity hasn't done anything wro-" Angus gets interrupted by Orvia's cold voice. "Humanity is god's creation and Lucifer hates god, due to which, humanity must perish. After all, it was god's mistake that Lucifer is the way he is right now." Orvia says. "I see...Still, your just taking innocent lives who had nothing to do with this Angels, demons and gods and stuff. If your going on humanity, you should go and take the lives of devil hunters like me shouldn't you?" Angus asks.

"Angus..." Before Orvia could say something Jack looks at Angus and Orvia standing outside the classroom. Jack seems to be carrying some stuff, most probably his science stuff. "Hey Jack, need hel-" Jack ignores Angus and keeps on moving. "Sorry Angus...If I don't do this...They will kill you and big sis Makumi..." Jack whispers to himself as he walks past Angus in agony.

Orvia gives an evil smirk. "See, you humans don't even know to show respect to your own kind. You were just trying to help that man and what did he do? Just walk away." Orvia says with a smirk. "At least we don't leave our people behind like you humans. We make sure that every single demon lord is given and treated equally." Orvia leans into Angus and says. "You maybe right about that but you do not know what the other's may think. So don't try to be intelligent because if you think that people, demons or even angels trust each other then your dead wrong. Let me give you a piece of advice before I go and checkout what's wrong with that guy." Angus says pointing at the direction Jack went. "Never trust anyone but yourself because trust...That might get you kill in a battle. The only people you should trust are the people who truly glimmer a light inside you." Angus says and then begins to leave.

"Who in the fucking hell are you to say that to me?" Orvia asks Angus. Angus turns his neck around, "Just a normal college kid who likes to help people and stare at tits and asses all day." Angus grins and then leaves. "Tsch! Yeah right, fucking college kid, my ass if he was one." Orvia says with an angry stare at Angus who leaves.

In a dark storage room,

Jack seems to be upset about something. He puts his hands into his pocket and brings out his cellphone. He then begins to search his contact history and finds the name, Chris Griffith. "What did you want to talk about?" Jack questions.

"Good thing you called son, now that you are with us, we want you to help us." Chris says to Jack. "Alright...What kind of help do you need?" Jack asks. "It is quite simple, you know whose name did father name this property after he died right son?" Chris asks. "That would be Angus...But Angus said that he isn't going to see us after gramps died." Jack says.

"Then this shouldn't be a problem, all you need to do is, get that boy to sign the papers which state that this property will be ours." Chris says. "That's all?" Jack questions. "Well...If the boy resists and doesn't give up the property...Then kill him." Jack's eyes widen by Chris's statement. He couldn't believe that his own father would command him to do something that horrible. "After all, we didn't just kill your father for no reason." Jack already knew that who killed his grandfather so he didn't get surprised by it. "What if...I don't kill Angus if he resists to give the property to us?" Jack asks. "Well then, Angus will die but your dead big sister Makumi will also...BE KILLED!"

Chris's menacing voice sends shivers down Jack's spine. He gets goosebumps all over his body. He begins shivering. "See you later, son..." The phone then cuts off. Jack's eyes remain widen and he begins to shiver a lot more then he was previously.

Jack has never been in such a situation before, he has never killed and has always tried to be a non-violent kid. Yes, he had a few arguments but he never raised his hands on someone. It was always Angus doing the beating even as a kid and Jack was always watching him and admiring his courage to stand up for others. Even now...He couldn't do it because he admires Angus for who is and hence why he is in a situation where he has to choose between his blood sibling Makumi who has always taken care of both Angus and Jack or else Jack the person he admires the most. Jack had never thought that this day would come.

As Jack shivered, tears begin to drip from his eyes. He was speechless and only crying in agony. Trying to think something. At that time, the only thing he had in mind was "Why not kill myself?" But he then realises if something happens to him, his sister Makumi might end up dead too. This is a dire situation for Jack.

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