
A Chaotic Symbiote Bonded To Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

The main universe in this fanfic is the MCU otherwise known as Earth-199999. But MC and his host, Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, will travel to different universes because MC's way of development is by eating other Symbiotes and gaining all of their abilities and powers. - What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an alien. What did he want to be? A Kryptonian? A Saiyan? No, a Klyntar! Or famously known as a Symbiote! His host? It's Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow AKA mommy dommy!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Cómic
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56 Chs

CH 50: Technological Symbiote

(A/N: Guy's, c'mon, comment. I feel lonely 🥺.)


Reappearing in an abandoned warehouse, their little hideout, after killing and eating Carnage and Scorn, Chaos smiled excitedly :"Oh hell yeah! Now this is what I call an awesome hunt!" Returning to Natasha's body, she chuckled :"You're pretty excited. I assume the abilities are pretty awesome, huh?"

As she walked over to a small fridge and took out a water bottle, she took a sip while Chaos hummed :"(Yup. And calling them awesome would be an understatement! I have them as deactivated for now, but just from the information of them in my brain, I can guarantee they're awesome as hell!)"

"Oh? How awesome?"

"(Will give Tony wet dreams kinda awesome.)"

"*Groaning* Sigh, that's a pretty cursed thing you just said..."

"(They're just that good. Definitely sure Tony will try to bribe me into bonding with him.)"

"Well, I guess they're seriously good. Abilities related directly to technology, huh? So, what are they? They must be something else if you think Tony will lose it. Give me a rundown."

"(Sure thing. This Symbiote was pretty special. By itself, it was already pretty powerful since she was the daughter of Carnage. On average, she could lift 200 tons, run at 1,500 mph (2,414 kph), and had all the abilities of Venom and Carnage. That made her pretty strong already. Even stronger than those two. But what made her really terrifying were her unique abilities. Which as we both know, is related to technology because of her unique way of being born. Let me explain.)"

As she sat on the bed they had brought, he began to explain. The warehouse was mainly used when using powers they wanted to keep as secrets. Or just like now, when they teleported to different universes to hunt Symbiotes. First, he explained how she was born, saying he got that information after devouring her. And after telling her origins to Natasha, he began to explain the abilities he acquired from eating her.

Crashing: With Scorn's abilities to fuse with technology and being technology, in general, it is possible for her to negate any sort of powers and usage that involves technological aspects, cause power drainage of technology, EMP, system errors or computer virus infections, etc.

Cyberlingualism: Scorn can communicate either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching it physically, with all forms of technology, including machinery, computers and other electronics. The user can hack into cyber systems, restore information and break computer codes.

Data Manipulation: Scorn can create, shape and manipulate data/digital information from systems and networks to do a multitude of things.

Efficacy Manipulation: Scorn can take any type of machinery or technology and make it work better and more efficiently.

Mechanical Intuition: Scorn intuitively understands the operation of any mechanical device and subconsciously/effortlessly creates a schematic in her mind. Able to make complex devices or weapons out of mere scrap and "garbage".

Mechanical Morphing: Probably the most iconic of her abilities, Scorn can morph, change and/or shapeshift any sort of machinery into herself when she holds or touches an object that is mechanical or technology based. The change in mechanical structure can also give new enhancements or powers to the machines.

Programming: Scorn can program a certain function in others to change their pattern of behavior or take control of them. This includes almost all technology.

Scanning: Scorn can scan anything and analyze the data and information that is gathered, including not just technological and digital subjects, but also subjects that are biological, chemical, etc.

Technological Possession: Scorn can transcend the physical form and exist within technology (such as computers and robots).

Technoformation: The Scorn Symbiote lets its wearer create, shape and manipulate technology and mechanical constructs. I.E. computers, robots, hardware, electronics and other devices that can be termed as "technology." Manifested as a special form of tactile electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with engineering, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data. The user can control the flow of intricate machinery, and assemble or disengage their programming at will and operate most technology at distance.

Needles to say, Natasha was very satisfied with the information. More so when Chaos told her that his versions were hundreds of times better because of having eaten so many Symbiotes. Apparently, his own enhancements seemed to work on these abilities as well.

She was pretty excited. After all, in recent years, she had seen just how much technology can go in the right hands. Tony, for example. He had made suits that let him stand side by side with people like Captain America, Thor and Hulk. And not just that, he was making better suits and was trying to make them even more powerful by the day.

Now, not only did they have raw strength and supernatural abilities, but they also had the power of science by their side. How could she not be excited? Chuckling as she laid back on the bed, she looked up at the cleaned up ceiling :"Geez, we've really gone overboard, huh? What next? Magic? Hahaha, I feel like now that's the only thing left that we don't have."

"(Hahaha, guess we'll have to keep an eye out for magic too, huh? Who knows maybe we'll get our hands on a magical Symbiote next?)"

"Yeah, maybe. Who knows? There's a technological Symbiote. Who says there can't be a magical one?"

"(Fair enough. But hey, do you wanna check it out?)"

"*Smirking You're new abilities, or if there's a magical Symbiote?"

"(*Rolling eyes* My abilities, dumbass. We'll look for a magical Symbiote another time.)"

"Sure, let's test it then."

Sitting up, she smirked at the Symbiote that came out :"So? What are you waiting for? Bring out some things you've stored and absorb them." But Chaos shook his head with a smirk :"No, I have a better idea."

As she watched curiously, a tendril came out of him and moved to the ground before a large chunk of it separated. The moment it did, its color changed from red and black to silver and blue, along with getting a bit of a robotic texture to it. A robotic slime. Afterwards, the separated piece connected to Natasha through a silver and blue tendril of its own.

The redhead was all too familiar with the scene. After all, it was how Chaos created his clones. Or separate bodies, as he called it, since he could move his consciousness freely. It was also a great way to escape a deadly situation, since if one body died somehow, he could move his consciousness to another one and stay alive.

In fact, he already had a few bodies separated across the city, and even to a few other universes they had traveled to and had deemed safe. Of course, Natasha knew about this, and didn't have a problem with it. He wanted to play it safe, and she couldn't blame him. Who wouldn't want to use such methods if they had this ability? Looking at the second body of her Symbiote just waving like a gentle and small wave, she raised a curious eyebrow, beckoning for him to explain.

Chaos :"You know, there's a saying among gamers. Switching to your second weapon is always faster than reloading your current one. Basically, I'm doing exactly that here."

Natasha :"Mind explaining that in more detail please?"

Chaos :"Sure. Basically, I want to have two main bodies to use. One body, this, just pure Symbiote. And another, that second one, as the Technological Symbiote to use just like Tony's suits. For no reason in particular, really. Just for the fun of it. Think of it as me wanting to have two accounts on the same game with different classes. This body is the damage dealer, and that body is the tank."

Natasha :"I guess I get it, since you really do like to have multiple accounts in games. But isn't that unnecessary? This isn't a game. We don't know when a moment of mistake might get us killed."

Chaos :"I get what you mean. But although it may seem impractical since I can just fuse everything and make myself stronger, this is also pretty useful if you think about it. First of all, it's pretty fun, I just said that. Second of all, it makes me feel like I'm organizing my abilities, since you know I like things organized. Third of all, it can actually be pretty useful in battle. Think about it. Which is tougher, just me, or me fused with technology? By doing this, we can basically create two layers of armor.

The second body, the Technological Symbiote, which I like to call Techbiote, will be the first line of defense, me as the second line of defense, and you as the center. Also, it will help me keep a good idea on my abilities since, as I said, I can keep them organized in Symbiotic Abilities and Technological Abilities."

Natasha, sighing helplessly :"You're just trying to make up an excuse since you just think it's a fun thing to do."

Chaos, snickering :"You know me so well."

Natasha, rolling eyes in amusement :"Fine, fine, whatever. But I guess you do have a point though. Knowing yourself best is better than having many abilities. That's how I've survived till now. Keeping your abilities organized is a great thing, since our abilities are increasing at a very fast rate."

Chaos :"Mhm, true. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. I've always liked that saying. So, how about it? Should we do it that way?"

Natasha :"Oh well, why not? I basically get to have both a Symbiote and a suit of armor, so why would I complain? Also, were you really going to take no for an answer?"

Chaos, smirking :"You really think I would?"

Natasha, rolling yes :"Of course you wouldn't."

Chaos :"Hey, don't give me attitude. You know that I never suggest something that I don't see benefits in. If doing this wasn't useful and just for fun, I definitely would have asked first instead of just doing it."

Natasha :"Yeah, I guess you've got a point. You're not really the childish type in serious moments. Just a little bit insane."

Chaos, rolling eyes :"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So, what should we start with?"

Natasha :"Hmm... we should first check how much this ability extends to. Like, is it just technology that you can absorb and fuse to? Or can you also absorb other things? That Symbiote had a metallic appearance to it, so could you perhaps absorb and fuse with just metal or something?"

Chaos :"Hm, interesting idea. Let me check. But first, I'm going to fully transfer my consciousness to the Techbiote body, alright? I'm just controlling it remotely right now, so I should focus entirely on it to get all the information."

After receiving a nod from his host as an answer, his Symbiote body returned back into her body, growing silent and seemingly losing consciousness as his consciousness completely moved to his second body. But the moment it did and Chaos's face appeared on it, his face went completely blank.

Afterwards, he screamed :"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Screamed at the top of his nonexistent lungs, shocking his host who quickly picked him in worry, all while he was still screaming :"W-what's wrong?! What happened?!"

Sensing his host's warmth, his screams slowly died out as he panted :"F-fuck, that was so sudden!" Seeing that he had calmed down slightly, she gently looked at the Symbiote in her arms :"What happened? Why did you suddenly react like that?"

"H-huh? G-god dammit, that was so sudden it felt terrifying..." Panting slightly, he took a deep breath to calm down :"It's these new abilities. When I activated them at full blast, along with amplifying them, it's like the whole world suddenly changed! Everything suddenly turned into numbers, formulas and equations I didn't even know existed! But somehow, I knew and understood each and everyone of them completely!"