
Weren't elves supposed to slim and elegant?

Being guided by a maid, Ashur was soon brought to a small, yet large circular space. It was flat and surrounded by stands, most of which were empty, but there were a few spots in the stand that were occupied by people, with most of them casting their gaze down at him as he entered.

Ashur instantly knew where he was, it was an arena!

Not minding their gazes, Ashur reached into his pocket before pulling out his phone with Ene inside.

"Woah. this is totally an arena!" shouted Ene in amazement looking at the scene of the giant arena.

"Yeah, it's huge. Now, hold on a second" said Ashur as he angled his phone on top of a ledge so it had a good view of the arena.

"Good luck Master!" shouted Ene as she waved her sleeve.

"Thanks," said Ashur before walking out.

Looking up at the stands as he walked out, Ashur soon spotted Larfal up in the highest place that was looking over everything. But more surprisingly, Riveria was up in that stands not far from Larfal.

He was surprised Larfal let Riveria watch as well, as he thought that she would be forced to stay in her room.

Looking up at her, Ashur noticed she was also looking back at him, and smiled at her before shifting his attention away, not noticing the blush on her face that suddenly appeared on her face, which quickly changed back to her normally stoic face the next second when she saw her father suddenly look over at her.

The reason Ashur's attention was suddenly shifted away, was because he noticed people entering at the other side of the arena.

On the other side, five people appeared.

The first one had short bright blonde hair with bright blue eyes and had a gentle smile and had a longsword at his waist.

The second one was a beautiful woman that had, long waist-length aqua blue hair, with a fancy elvish robe, and large beautifully intricate staff in her hands, she seemed to be the classic example of a typical mage.

moving his gaze away from her and looking at the third person who entered Ashur couldn't help but pause a bit.

The third one was a hulking beast of a man with blazing red hair and was more than double Ashur's height, and he towered over him like a giant. with his clothes could barely contain his bulging muscles.

Weren't elves supposed to slim and elegant? Who the fuck said that!? Bring that bastard to me right now!

Ashur was in disbelief, with the only way Ashur could begrudgingly come to terms with reality, was the two long ears that he could tell were not fake.

He also had a huge sword over his shoulder he held a giant sword over his shoulder that seemed comparable to Guts's dragonslayer sword, and he seemed to carry it effortlessly with no discomfort at all.

still with a little bit of disbelief on his face, Ashur turned to the person who entered.

He had short orange hair and brown eyes and wore a pair of square glasses, a neat white tucked-in shirt that had a few fancy elvish designs on it, and a pair of brown pants.

Ashur's first impression of him was that he was the scholarly type than a fighter, but the sword at his waist said contrary to that.

And as Ashur turned towards the very last person, he couldn't help but sigh.

He had a slim build, A head full of pitch-black raven hair, and sharp eyes. and dressed in a black sleeveless shirt with black pants, and a black spear leaned against his shoulder.

The reason Ashur couldn't help but sigh was that he had been glaring at him angrily ever since entering, and he didn't know what he did to earn his ire.

As Ashur was inspecting the 5 people in front of him, he was also inspected by them in turn, before the first one with blonde hair approached him with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Castien, you can call me Cast, the beautiful girl over there is Aliceia, the big guy is Atures, glasses is Carlem, and the one giving you a death glare is Seph," he said, pointing to each of them as he introduced them.

"My name is Ashur, it's nice to meet you all" Ashur politely greeted.

This elicited a few responses from the others, with the Aliceia giving a slight bow, while Atures gave a wide smile.

Carlem gave a slight nod to Ashur greeting, while Seph only tisked.

"So this is the brat that saved her highness? He doesn't look like much, can this kid even hold a sword?" Seph suddenly spoke.

"Give it a rest Seph, let's just get this over with so I can get back to the library," Carlem said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Don't worry, I'm just giving our little friend here a greeting" said Seph with a smile as he laid his hand on Ashur's shoulder.

"We'll have a fun time, won't we?" he tilted his head while smiling. His grip gradually getting tighter and tighter.

"We defiantly will" Ashur innocently smiled, seemingly oblivious to the crushing force from Seph's grip.

Meanwhile, Ashur was inwardly screaming at him.

'That fucking hurts, you bastard!!!'

"That's enough, Seph," Castien said, seeing Seph having no intention of stopping.

"Tch, I just giving him a little greeting," said Seph as he walked back over by the others.

After Larfal saw that they finished introducing themselves, he started to speak up.

"Now that you have finished your introductions to each other, your test is to defeat these five," said Larfal as he looked down at Ashur.

Suddenly, the few people in the stands broke out in hush whispers after hearing Larfal, but were immediately silenced as he cast his cold gaze over the crowd

"Now that you are all acquainted I will not delay any longer"

Ashur readied his sword in anticipation of the oncoming fight.

The sword in question was the one he took from the slave trader he killed. Although it wasn't the best of quality, it was a better weapon than his 'Justice Stick' in this situation. It was just returned to him after it was confiscated by the guards when he entered the palace.

"You may now....Begin!"


As soon as Larfal announced the test began, a sudden explosion occurred where Ashur stood, sending dust and debris into the air.

Ashur looked at the giant crater where he once stood, and the giant sword that was now there, and couldn't help but break out into cold sweat. If he had been a half-second slower....

"I missed?" said Atures as he looked at his sword in confusion before mumbling "I missed..I missed..." before turning to Ashur as an even greater smile than before spread on his face.

"He dodged Atures surprise attack?" said Aliceia in surprise.

Atures was famous for this attack. With the majority of his fights ending within a few seconds of starting. Often always left him with disappointment.

This was his 'one move victory' with few people being able to dodge it, even if they prepared beforehand.

But few people knew that the reason Artures used this move, was to determine someone's worthiness of fighting him, as he didn't want to waste time on irrelevant people.

But Atures was also very famous for another thing, and that is being a battle junky.

Contrary to most elves, he was an elf who loved to fight and was in constant seek of strong people to fight against. And would start a fight if he thought they were remotely strong.

His fighting style would best be described like a wild beast's.

With his overwhelming strength, he would wave around his huge sword hacking and slashing every chance he could get, and just his pure strength alone could nearly rival a level 3.

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