
Saiyan Survivor: Jocha's Reckoning with Raditz's Betrayal

"King Vegeta, I've had a vision," Bardock said urgently. "Frieza is going to blow up our planet."

"What? Are you sure?" King Vegeta asked, alarmed.

"I'm positive," Bardock replied. "We need to warn everyone and get them off this planet before it's too late."

King Vegeta wasted no time. He immediately ordered all the Saiyans to prepare their individual space pods and evacuate the planet. The Heeters, Monaito, an old namekian, Granolah and his mother, Muezli who had been living on the planet, also joined the exodus.

As they left the planet, they saw Frieza arrive and blow it up, just as Bardock had predicted. Fortunately, the Saiyans had all escaped in time.

On their way to safety, they encountered Broly, Cheeli an alien girl, and Paragus, who had been stranded on the desolate planet Vampa. The Saiyans took them in and continued their journey to find a new home.

The ominous energy ball slowly took shape above Frieza's head, crackling with deadly power. Frieza's lips curved into a wicked grin as he looked down upon the planet Vegeta, his eyes glinting with malice.

With a sudden motion, Frieza hurled the energy ball towards the planet. It traveled through the vacuum of space at incredible speed, glowing brighter and brighter with each passing second.

As the energy ball made contact with the surface of the planet, a deafening explosion erupted, sending shockwaves rippling across the galaxy. The once mighty planet Vegeta shattered into billions of pieces, leaving nothing behind but debris and a sense of desolation.

"Zarbon, Dodoria, and especially Jocha, there goes the fireworks," he exclaimed, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure.

Jocha, who had been watching from a distance, stood there frozen in disbelief. The enormity of what had just happened began to sink in, and she fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face.

"Why?" She cried out, her voice hoarse with emotion. "Why did he do this to us?"

But there was no answer, no solace to be found in the cold void of space. Only the sound of Frieza's maniacal laughter echoed through the universe, a chilling reminder of the evil that lurked in the shadows.

Frieza knelt down, a twisted smirk on his face as he looked at Jocha. "Oh poor Jocha, look at her cry," She was curled up in a ball, tears streaming down her face. Frieza's minions looked on, some with sadistic glee, others with a hint of discomfort.

Jocha tried to speak, but her sobs muffled her words. Frieza laughed, and reached out to grab her by the hair, pulling her head up to face him. "What's that, little monkey? Can't even speak properly?" he taunted.

Jocha flinched at his touch. She could feel the fear building up inside her, and she wished she could just disappear.

Frieza stood up," She will be a constant reminder of what happens to those who defy me."

Jocha closed her eyes, tears still flowing down her cheeks, as she braced herself for what was to come. He kicked her, making her roll across the floor. Jocha lay on the floor crying, clutching her stomach where Frieza had kicked her. She looked up at him with fear in her eyes, knowing that he was the most powerful being in the universe and that she was completely at his mercy. Frieza stood over her, a cruel grin on his face, enjoying the power he held over this small, helpless child.

Zarbon and Dodoria stood nearby, watching the scene with dispassionate eyes. They were used to Frieza's cruelty, but even they felt a twinge of discomfort at the way he was treating Jocha.

"Frieza, perhaps we should go now," Zarbon said tentatively. "We have what we came for, and there's no need to torment the child any further."

Frieza shot him a withering look. "I'll decide when we leave," he said coldly. "And as for the child, she'll come with us. I think it will be amusing to have a little Saiyan monkey around to play with."

Jocha continued to cry as Frieza picked her up roughly by the arm. She felt the pain of his grip, but she knew better than to resist. She was powerless against him, and all she could do was hope that someone would come to her rescue.

As Frieza carried her away, Jocha looked back at the ruins of her home planet. She felt a deep sense of loss and sadness, knowing that she would never see her family or friends again. But she also felt a spark of hope, knowing that she was strong and resilient, and that she would find a way to survive in this harsh, unforgiving universe.

Jocha felt a sudden wave of sadness wash over her as she remembered how she ended up in the clutches of the Frieza force. Raditz, her older brother, had become jealous of her and the attention she was receiving from their parents. He wanted to prove that he was the better fighter, and he saw Jocha as a threat to his goal.

So, without warning, Raditz had taken Jocha and sold her to the Frieza Force. Jocha had been just three years old at the time, and she had been scared and confused as she was taken away from her family.

As she thought back on that day, Jocha felt a mix of emotions. She was angry at Raditz for betraying her, and she was sad that she had been separated from her family for so long.

Since then, she had been subjected to unimaginable cruelty and abuse. She wondered if her parents even knew what happened to her, or if they were still alive.

Jocha's mind drifted to the present moment as she heard Frieza's voice once again. "Well, well, well, looks like the little monkey is lost in thought," he said with a sneer. "Don't worry, we'll make sure you never forget who you belong to."

Jocha felt a cold shiver run down her spine as Frieza's minions grabbed her and dragged her away to another part of the ship. She had no idea what kind of horrors awaited her there, but she knew one thing for sure she had to find a way to escape, no matter what it takes.

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