
The Two Decisions

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the way home, Baiyi was mulling over the type of academic dissertation he should submit. This was really crucial, for he not only had to satisfy the standards of the Sorcerer's Association, but he also had to be outstanding enough to make a name for himself in the academic world. After all, Baiyi wanted to be the principal of an academy; thus, he had to procure some sort of academic outcome to prove his worth.

Logically speaking, it was super easy for the Voidwalkers to produce high-quality dissertations. The Scholar, the Apprentice, the Soul Armature Practitioner, and even the Engineer and the Alchemist were naturals at this. The Artist was also very well-versed with the standards and requirements of the academic world, due to the fabrication skills he had accumulated from years of forgery and plagiarism. With this amount of support behind Baiyi, he could easily procure as many dissertations as he wished.

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