
The Empyrean Fairy Power was first cultivated by the Elusive Ninth Heaven Maiden. Whoever tried to harness such power will be doomed to live out their lives without a partner as such power was full of yin energy and frost power. Said energy and power would then purify one's body, converting it to a body emitting yin energy.

A body like this was not meant for a normal human to own. It almost resembled the body of a fairy.

Such body was also not to be violated by commoners, especially men. Once there was skin contact between two parties, the man will die without any warning signs.

Men were full of yang energy, just like a fireball. Should the wielder of the Empyrean Fairy Power tried to initiate any physical intimacy with men, the result would be similar to a fireball being extinguished thoroughly by the pouring rain. Even the strongest and brightest flame would not be able to withstand the rain. It would be smothered, having not a chance at life anymore.

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