
That pair of eyes!

Jiang Ya saw that Fang Yuan intended to go out, and hurriedly stopped him —"Lord Fang Yuan, a wise man does not fight when the odds are against him. This Man Shi is very strong, one of the few people who managed to escape for their lives from Bai Ning Bing, he cannot be underestimated."

"Using his loss as a glorious fame, what fear is there for these kinds of people?" Fang Yuan laughed lightly, stretching his hand to put it on Jiang Ya's shoulder, "Just sit here and drink away."

"Lord…" Jiang Ya was about to urge again, but he met with Fang Yuan's icy gaze.

The chilliness in Fang Yuan's eyes caused his heart to stop.

He was tongue-tied, helplessly sitting on the chair again while Fang Yuan took a few strides and left the partitioned room, walking towards the main hall.

He saw that at the center on a square table, a Rank two Gu Master had one foot stepping on a stool while another stepping on the table.

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