
Ye Chong's life suddenly got all busy and lively. Well, it was not much of a hassle to design a glider, rather the problem laid within the parts necessary for the building process - what parts would make up the portion, how they would fit in the entire dynamic and what material Ye Chong could use that just so happened to be in the forest. To figure that out, Ye Chong paid another visit to the Black Forest, in search of the appropriate materials.

Whenever Ye Chong began crafting things, Huang Baiyi would be watching by, with interests zapping from his eyes. And every time Ye Chong demonstrated his impeccable control of strength exerted on even the smallest parts, gasps and compliments would escape Huang Baiyi, to be ignored by Ye Chong however.

The breathtaking sight was justifiable. Anyone would be gasping as much as Huang Baiyi when they saw that broad log shrinking in Ye Chong's grip gradually like magic, as Ye Chong's hands swung gracefully his dagger.

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