
Magical Beasts Attacking the City!




The Alerts were divided into different levels. The first level was Orange.

Two years ago, Bo City had set off an Orange Alert. Back then, there was precisely a Brilliant Light radiating from the back of the mountain. At that time, there were at least three hundred Magical Beast scattered in the vicinity of the safety boundaries!

Today, two staggered Brilliant Lights were seen, this meant a Blue Alert.

Once this Alert went off, it signified there were hidden threats and a crisis in the city.

The Orange Alert was quickly solved by Boss Zhankong back then. However, with the appearance of a Blue Alert today, it meant that there were at least a few thousand Magical Beasts roaming the vicinity of the safety boundaries!

Heavens, Bo City hadn’t sounded off a Blue Alert for the last ten years!


A jingling sound arose.

Just when everyone thought this was a joke, the phone in Wan Duanfeng’s pocket began ringing.

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